Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"You don't have to say that!" Jiang Yingxue made a fist and did not give Hu Luner any chance to fight back. Hu Lun'er did not expect that Jiang Yingxue was so fast that he could only dodge again and again.

When Jiang Yingxue fell into the habit of dodging, Hu Yinger lifted his legs and kicked towards his life door. Hu Lun'er diddge in surprise and exposed his back.

When she saw the opportunity, she slammed her elbow in the back of her head and it was a heavy blow.

"Ah!" Hu Luner knelt down on the ground with a soft knee. "What's wrong?" At the next day Hari Yinhan heard the sound and walked over to see Hu Luner kneeling on the ground.

Jiang Yingxue pushed her away and went out.

Hu Luner stood up from the ground with pain. "Hurry up, she stole something important, don't let her run away!"

As soon as Hari Yin Han turned around, she ran out. "Come, there are spies, there are spies!"

Hari Yinhan awakened the person who had fallen asleep with such a shout.

Jiang Yingxue secretly said that he shouldn't be too unlucky. If he was caught, he didn't know what Hu Luner would do to her. Now he can only leave here immediately.

"Catch her, grab the woman from Daxia Kingdom."

Jiang Yingxue held his breath and Shen Dantian used Teleportation Dafa to leave the Santa who was chasing her behind.

It was dark now, and Jiang Yingxue temporarily hid in a broken yard.

"There, look there."


Jiang Yingxue hid behind the broken wall and looked at the situation outside. All the people of the Santa clan were shocked. If she couldn't leave the city tonight, it would be more difficult to leave after dawn.

But outside the city, she couldn't see the marginal desert. She had nothing, and going out was still a dead end. She had to find a way to get some food and water.

The abandoned city is very large. Even though there are many people of the Santa clan, it is difficult to find Jiang Yingxue's hiding place in a short time.

Jiang Yingxue carefully touched the place where she lived before. Everyone went to the city to find her. There was no one in this place.

She found the place to put the food, took out two bags, filled the jerky and the hoe, and took two more water bags.

There are two sources of water along the way. Don't worry about water issues.

After taking things, Jiang Yingxue, who was about to leave, bumped into Harri Yinhan who came back from the outside as soon as he came to the door.

At the moment when the eyes were facing each other, there was a stun.

Jiang Yingxue first reacted to cover Hari Yinhan's mouth, but Hari Yinhan was not vegetarian. When Jiang Yingxue moved, her scream broke through her throat.

"People are here!"

"What a ghost!"

Jiang Yingxue embraced Bao Bao, reached out, pushed Hari Yin Han, and rushed out quickly.

Hu Luner chased behind Jiang Yingxue. Jiang Yingxue was slower than before with a large bag of dry food and water.

She had never seen Hu Luner working hard in front of her, and he did not expect that he was not a leisurely generation. This patience and speed were not worse than light work.

Seeing that Hu Lun'er was getting closer and closer to her, she couldn't use it for a long time because of the lack of internal force teleportation Dafa. When Hu Luner was about to pounce on her, a black figure suddenly appeared The street flashed across.

Hu Luner rushed straight away.

He followed, so that he did not fall to the ground, stood up and looked around, where was Jiang Yingxue.

This section of the road is very empty. The only way to go is the alley on the right. Hu Luner ran towards the alley after thinking about it.

After a broken wall root, Jiang Yingxue was standing there with the eagle gnawing at the chick.

Jiang Yingxue looked up at the man who saved himself. He also wore a silver-white mask on his face, shining cold in the moonlight. He was in black and covered his neck with cloth. He also wore a pair of black gloves. If it wasn't for the silver-white mask on his face, no one could find him in the dark night.

Jiang Yingxue reached out and took his hand holding his collar, and sorted out his clothes. "Hero, thank you for your help."

Because it was too dark, she could not see his eyes hidden under the mask at all, and it was scary to see the black holes in the past.

"You owe me a life." His voice was deep and hoarse, even a little hollow, like a messenger from hell.

? ? ?

You just scratched me like a chicken just now, and I owe you so much affection? !!

"This hero, I think it's a bit **** and cruel to owe something. Otherwise, although you are a helper, you can help me anyway, just let me owe you a favor." Then she said from Take out a piece of beef jerky in the bag. "Hold this jerky first, don't underestimate it, it's different and you can only appreciate it after you have it. It's like I give you half of my kindness."

Jiang Yingxue gratefully shoved the beef jerky into his hand.

"Hero, don't stop there." There will be no future!

Jiang Yingxue turned and ran.

Just kidding, that man's strange look was not a good thing. Although she helped her just now, it couldn't change her most intuitive evaluation of him!

Yinlou watched the palm of the beef jerky slowly tightening, and by the time the hand was opened again, the jerky had turned to ashes.

Jiang Yingxue flashed her left arm and right when she was about to get out of the city gate, she finally got a horse, and quickly turned out of the city.

After running a long distance, she stopped to look in the direction of the waste city, and then quickly drove away with a whip.

The desert night is very cold. Remember to take food and water but forget the thick clothes.

Jiang Yingxue found a place with a tree and planned to rest for a while. She leaned tightly next to the horse and warmed it by the temperature of the horse.

"Brother, on this long night, I didn't expect that only you were with me. Why do you say that these people's hearts are so sinister." She caressed the horse's mane, and when she was struggling, she hit After yawning, holding the horse's neck and preparing to choke for a while, otherwise her body would not be able to boil it all the way back.

"Hum hum hum"

"Ha, ha, ha"


There was a sound of heavy breathing in the ear, and when Jiang Yingxue was so cold that he hugged himself to sleep again, he suddenly opened his eyes suddenly.

When I opened my eyes, I met a pair of bright green eyes ...

one two three four five six……

Turn your head, there is one behind ...

Well, the seven wolves are less than twenty meters away.

The horse that was lying on the ground suddenly got up and stomped on the hoof with some mania.

"Jiang Yingxue, Jiang Yingxue, I swear, you must be the most unlucky crossing heroine in history, there is no one!" After finally getting out of the tiger's mouth, the fruit got into the wolf cave again, or is it a real wolf!

She wanted to roll over the horse, but the horse was obviously frightened, and it bounced with a snorting nose and agitated.

"Brother, it's up to you if you can go back alive to eat fragrant and spicy."

She reached out and quickly patted the horse somewhere quickly. The horse calmed down instantly. The wolves had been watching their prey and did not immediately launch an attack.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the wolf without fear, grasped the reins and turned on the horse, and the other hand kept waving in the air, giving the wolf an illusion that she was very powerful.

"Brother, run!" She whipped her whip sharply, the horse screamed with pain and screamed, and ran quickly on the hoof.

The cold wind at night whistled past her face, shaving her cheeks, and the wolves had chased them up. The wolves were the most perverted. Any prey they had identified would chase to the end, and they would not give up when they died. Unless you kill them all!

"Ahhh ~~"

Her seat is just an ordinary war horse. Although it is stronger than ordinary horses, it still has a certain distance compared to the wolf. The main reason is that Maxima's stamina is not so strong. After running for a while, the horse My brother can't stop yelling!



The head wolf rushing at the most wall moved his limbs, rushed forward and bit the hind leg of the horse.

The horse screamed, and the body fell flat with a stun.

Jiang Yingxue caught off guard and rolled down immediately and fell to the ground.


She turned up and sat up, pulling a dagger from her waist and watching the approaching wolf waryly.

The rough panting of "Humming Humming", like the heart to jump out of the chest, stimulated every cell of her.

Seven wolves ...

She felt she couldn't do it ...

But now it ’s too late to run, she does n’t even have a little cover in this desert, she ca n’t escape!

"After you come, see who is who's supper tonight!"

"Roar! Ahh!"

The head wolf let go of the horse that had been locked in his throat, and stepped towards the river Yingxue with blood in his mouth.

"Hou!" The head wolf jumped, sharp teeth locked Jiang Yingxue's throat, Jiang Yingxue quickly retreated, raised his dagger and pierced his eyes, but the wolf was very smart, after Jiang Yingxue avoided It also dodged.

"Roar roar ..."

Jiang Yingxue's counterattack was extremely angry with the head wolf. He rushed towards Jiang Xuexue over and over again. The other wolves stood by the indifferent crowd, wondering if they had the order of the head wolf.

"Roar!" Suddenly, the head wolf swept Jiang Yingxue's feet with a severe claw, Jiang Yingxue frowned, and a **** on his foot fell to the ground.

It's over! It's over as soon as it falls!

Jiang Yingxue clenched the dagger in her hand. She would rather let the spirit fly away than die.

"Hoohoo ~!"

However, Heaven was not bad enough for her. Just when her heart was full of unwillingness and despair, a cold arrow flew and penetrated the head of the wolf's head straight from the left brain to the right brain. The sharp black arrow was inserted into the head of the wolf, so fast that it didn't even make a blink of an eye.

The other wolves seemed to know that the head wolf was rushing towards Jiang Yingxue.

But then, waiting for them was a cold arrow that sent them to the west.

Each of "噗噗 噗" pierced their bodies accurately ...

Jiang Yingxue turned his head and saw the shadowed figure again ...

"Hi hero, fate!"

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