Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue was riding on the horse, and she was a little uncomfortable because of her five internal organs, but the little fart in front of her was too happy to ride a horse with Hu Luner. In the end, she was sitting with his son A horse right away.

Time passed day by day, in such a desert, Jiang Yingxue had no chance to escape.

She didn't have any tools. She couldn't guarantee whether she could return to Huizhou City alive after she ran away.

The only way now is to wait and see what Su Yuzhen wants her to do.

"Here it is, here it is."

Divinely, Hu Luner's voice sounded in front of the team.

Jiang Yingxue heard the words, looked up and looked forward, and he could already dimly see the ruined city wall.

They came here on horseback. Even if they only rested for three hours a day, it took them almost ten days.

As he got closer, Jiang Yingxue could see the abandoned city in front of him.

Under the golden light of the setting sun, the whole abandoned city seems to be shrouded in a mist of fog, which makes people invisible, but inexplicably feels sacred and solemn.

The walls of the abandoned city are high, at least 30 meters or more. Even if many of them have collapsed, the original solemnity can still be imagined.

They slowed down and walked in. The houses inside were made of very fast bluestone, which is much harder than stone bricks.

"Brother, do you know how big this city is?"

They only saw the city walls and gates when they came in, but they couldn't see the end when they came in.

Hu Luner listened to her and shook her head. "I've only been here once, and I don't know how old it is."

"There are tall buildings there, let's find a place tonight."

Jiang Yingxue pointed to a high-rise corridor not far away.

It's almost dark now, indeed it is looking for a place to settle.

"Well, just rest there tonight."

When they got downstairs, Jiang Yingxue turned over and dismounted, and took the little guy down.

Who knew that the child was not afraid of giving birth at all, and after a while, he ran upstairs.

"Well, where are you going? Don't run wild if you are not familiar with this place." Seeing people running away, she couldn't help but catch up.

This building is like a tower. It is difficult to walk up the stairs to make people doubt life. When Jiang Yingxue chased the child to the top, he was exhausted and tired.

"I said you were so ... dangerous ..." She looked up at the scenery not far away, and her words were knotted in surprise.

"Oh my god, this place is really big."

Standing on the high building, she can see the whole abandoned city at a glance. Not to mention the people who live in the entire Santa clan, that is, the entire Rong tribe can come and live!

I don't know where this past was. A city cannot be abandoned for no reason. Looking at the ruins of broken walls everywhere, this place should have experienced a huge war, otherwise no one would have left it.

Looking at the moss on the broken wall, it should have been abandoned for many years.

If the Santa tribe can rebuild it here, decades later, this will be another country.

Hari Yinhan was looking for them when Jiang Yingxue took the children down the stairs.

"I said you went somewhere, which kept me looking."

"Just go up and see the scenery."

Jiang Yingxue they are ready to rest, but Hu Luner's people from Su Yuzhang are still walking in the waste city.

Jiang Yingxue later learned that Hu Luner asked Su Yuzheng for technical talents from all walks of life. Many of them are from the house!


Outside the city of Huizhou, Su Yuzhang returned with triumphant soldiers and horses.

The Muma tribe has been completely destroyed. As long as the Tarot tribe is gone, the Narong tribe will not be afraid.

"Congratulations on your victory."

Su Yuxuan's dark black armor flashed a shadow under the golden light.

The gate of the city gate of Huizhou opened, and Su Yu drove the horse back to the palace of Zhan.

"Master, when will we send troops to take down the Tarot people?"

The Vice Admirals who followed the battlefield were one by one with high emotions, and they wished to destroy all the Rong people now.

"Now that the Tribe tribe has just been destroyed, the Tarot tribe is like a bird of shock, so don't worry."

"What the Lord said."

"You are all tired during this time. Take a good rest and take a rest these days. Go back to your own."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

After leaving, Su Yuzhang took off his armor.

"Ding Zheng."

Ding Zhengwen entered the study. "Subordinates are here."

"How is it over there?"


Ding Zheng paused for a moment before he understood where Su Yuchen asked.

"Return to Lord Wang, the people over there have passed the news that people have arrived."

Su Yuxi twisted and wiped the face. "My king knows, come back."


"and many more."

Ding Zheng was preparing to go out and was stopped again.

"What else does the lord say?"

Su Yu frowned slightly invisibly. "It's okay, stay away."


Ding Zheng stepped out of the study and closed the door. He always felt that Wang Ye looked a little weird.


I have to say that these people sent by Su Yuzhen are all talents. In just two days, they had thoroughly understood the abandoned city, and then began to draft plans on how to rebuild it.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Jiang Yingxue became more and more anxious. Just when she was so anxious that she couldn't sleep at night, the eagle appeared again and brought her a letter worn by Su Yuyi.

"Kill Hu Luner within three days and you can return." In the darkness, Jiang Yingxue hiding in the shadow of the moon and watching the note in his hand could not return for a long time.

Su Yuchen asked her to kill Hu Luner! !!

Jiang Yingxue clenched the paper in his hands and wished to hang Su Yuzhang!

It is clear that the Santa clan has made peace with Daxia. Now that he has arrived at this place and is far away from Daxia, why can't he let Huluner pass.

Now the Santa clan is at such an important moment, if Hu Luner suddenly dies ...

Jiang Yingxue felt that his mind was a bit messy, and sure enough men were unreliable!

If it weren't for her limited time, she would never want to rely on Su Yu's line!

Back to the place to lie down, Jiang Yingxue turned over and over and couldn't sleep.

If she killed Hu Luner, she couldn't do it.

But things have already reached this stage, they can't just turn their heads directly with Su Yuzheng ...

Jiang Yingxue rolled over and sighed heavily.

This is bound to be a sleepless night.

The young people of the Santa clan have arrived one after another, and everyone has started the reconstruction mode. Jiang Yingxue will also help them, but most of the time they are sloshing.

"Brother, I have something to tell you." On the night when the deadline was about to come, Jiang Yingxue was finally determined to find Hu Luner.

Hu Luner followed everyone to do it, and at night he was sweaty, but his eyes were glowing.

"Xie Xiaomei, say whatever you want."

"Big brother, I want to go home."

After that, the smile on Hu Lun'er's face gradually dropped.

"You said you want to be big summer?"

"Well, I was born there after all, that's my hometown, so I plan to go back."

Hu Luner looked at her and said nothing.

"Before this time, thank you for taking care of me."


Jiang Yingxue was intercepted before the words in her mouth were finished, and she looked at Huluner in amazement.

"Why not?"

Hu Luner looked into her eyes. "I said, I won't allow you to go back, Su Yuyi will kill you."

Jiang Yingxue was guilty. Look, people are still worried about her safety, but she wants to kill him.

"It's okay. I sneaked into the city. As long as I leave Huizhou City, I'm not in danger."

"I won't agree."

"I know you're worried about me, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Little Snow, when I decide to bring you back, I won't let you leave again."


It turns out you have this plan! ?

"So ... if I must go back?"

"Sister Xue, I will marry you, and in the future you will be the queen of the Santa tribe."

Jiang Yingxue became more and more shocked as he listened, and it turns out that men in the world are generally black! Your wife and child are still in the room next door!

"Big brother, I think the relationship between us is a bit chaotic. I don't intend to marry you." Jiang Yingxue said that he was about to leave, but Hu Luner took her arms together.

"Eh!" Don't be too hard!

Jiang Yingxue struggled to get rid of his hands, but Hu Lun'er's hands were like iron tongs, she couldn't help it at all.

"Hu Luner, what do you want to do ?!"

Hu Lun'er looked at her with a little change of joy. "Xiao Xiaomei, being my Hu Lun'er is no worse than following Su Yu."

what! ?

This is not a long story, but the meaning is intriguing!

"You know I'm Su Yuzheng?"

"Don't you send him to provoke alienation?"

This question is really ... people can't answer!

"So you know everything early in the morning, and then count directly !?"

"No, or what agreement you have reached with Su Yuzhang long ago, and I, Jiang Yingxue, is just a clown jumping joke here, right ?!" Jiang Yingxue looked at Hu Lun'er with a look of calmness, begging her I used to think that Su Yudi had let her kill him. Su Yudi was too much. Now it seems that this stupid big man actually has a good brain!

And the really stupid person is her Jiang Yingxue!

Jiang Yingxue calmed down in the end, Hu Luner wanted to stay with him, Su Yuzheng also let her stay, and even killed Hu Luner, but she would not do it now!

"Go to death, you!" Jiang Yingxue's other hand, who was not restrained, quickly punched Hu Luner, and her punch was fierce and fast. Hu Luner had to subconsciously back away to avoid, so also Jiang Yingxue's hand was released.

If he didn't hit it, Jiang Yingxue didn't think he was relieved enough, and directly punched forward again. This punch was directed at Hu Luner's waist.

Hu Luner did not expect her to work hard, or that her fist would be so painful to hit him!

"Little Snow, you can't escape!"

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