World-shaking First Daughter: Powerful Medical Princess

Chapter 341: Don't forget you owe me

Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue tore the wounded trouser legs and took out anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicine from the body and sprinkled it on the wound. Hissing caused her to take a cold breath.

"Hero, why are you here?" Jiang Yingxue bandaged his wound and looked at the silver building sitting beside him.

The silver building turned to look at him. "I'm going to Huizhou City."

Jiang Yinxue heard his expression for a moment, and this man was martial arts and saved her twice. If she had thought that this man was quite righteous, but after eating so much, Jiang Yingxue always felt that this man must have something unspeakable Secret, otherwise how to catch her and rescue her? Until now, she has only heard his voice. As for anything else, she has never even seen a fingernail!

She estimated in her heart that if this person wanted to be against her, she would have escaped, or that she would be able to kill his odds. "Is there anything important for the hero to go to Huizhou City?"

Ginlou glanced at her and said nothing.

His response made Jiang Yingxue more sure of his suspicions, but what if he didn't follow him and encountered a wolf like today?

The situation that I ca n’t resist but can only ask for help is really like a bowl!

After careful consideration, Jiang Mingxue decided to follow him. Anyway, this is a person who can understand human words. When it is against her, she can still talk to him with this mouth. But if it is a livestock, it is a company There is no room for negotiation. "Oh, that's a coincidence. I happen to be going to Huizhou City too. Let's drop by."

"You owe me two lives." Yinlou's hoarse voice sounded a little scary in the dark.

Two lives, when she was a cat.

"What do you call a hero?"

"Silver building."

"Good name! You saved me twice, and I have always had clear grudges. In this way, I owe you two things. As long as it is within my ability, it does not violate common sense and does not violate the rules of the Great Summer Calendar. I did it for you. "

There was a hint of irony in the eyes under the mask of the silver building, and he could not violate the rule of the Great Summer Calendar without contrary to common sense. What did he want these two conditions to do?

Seeing that he wasn't talking, Jiang Yingxue rubbed his nose and shouldn't say anything. It was the default. She found a place to sit down without a horse and her foot was injured. This time I really don't know how long it will take to return to Huizhou City. .

What happened next made Jiang Yingxue a little unexpected, because this silver building didn't talk much, but it was pretty good to her!

"That, in fact, I can really walk, you are very tired to carry me all the way." Jiang Yingxue lay on the wide back of the silver building, this person's flesh is really hard, even the back is hard, but lying on She had a sense of uneasy relief in his tragedy.

After dawn, they were ready to leave, but her leg was hurt by a wolf. Although she had stopped bleeding, she was so painful that she was standing still. She could bear it, but it was too inefficient.

Maybe Yinlou didn't like her, and carried him directly on her shoulder. She was on his back after a long period of resistance.

Yinlou stopped and heard the news. "Really go?"

"Yeah, yeah, you're too tired to carry me, let me down." Well, women are telling lies!

The next moment, the silver building loosened her hands. If it weren't for Jiang Yingxue clenching her shoulders tightly, she would fall!

"Oh, why did my leg suddenly hurt? ... Although I really wanted to come down and walk, but in order not to delay the journey of the silver building, I will stay there honestly." Just kidding, she was willing to come down to be a ghost!

All the way down, there wasn't even a post station. Although Yinlou used light work while walking, it was still too slow. When she arrived in Huizhou City, she was afraid that her three-month term was only two months left!

"If only there was a horse, when will we be able to enter the city when we go on."

"You are in a hurry to go to Huizhou City."

Jiang Yingxue blinked. "It's better to be fragrant and hot in the city than to be exposed to the wind and the sun outside. Besides, our food and water are limited, so going on will only be bad for us."

The footsteps of the silver building suddenly stopped, Jiang Yingxue thought he was about to throw himself off again, and reached out and tightened his neck.

"Someone came over."


The silver building turned around and took Jiang Yingxue quickly to hide behind the stone urn.

Jiang Yingxue looked up and looked around. Where is anyone? Why didn't she see it?

When she was about to speak, she suddenly saw a group of people coming here.

Jiang Yingxue had to admire this person's ability, and he realized that those people were so far away.

"It seems to be Rong people." As the team slowly approached, Jiang Yingxue also saw their costumes. A group of men on horses were guarding the team. From their physical characteristics, it was that Rong people did not. wrong.

When she escaped, almost all the members of the Santa tribe went to the abandoned city. This team was definitely not a member of the Santa tribe in terms of numbers.

"There is a horse, there is water, and there is food." Jiang Yingxue stood behind the silver building, looking at him like a leopard waiting for its prey to stare closely at the prey that was about to come to his eyes.

With so many people in this team, they rushed out like this instead of hunting, but being treated as prey?

As the team passed by them, the silver building did not immediately attack, but continued to observe.

When the whole team was about to pass, the silver building suddenly came out, and saw a Rong tribe fell off the horse when it was crooked, so fast that no one else could react.

"Come out, get on the horse!" Yinlou growled, Jiang Yingxue stood up from behind the rocks, endured the pain in his feet, and moved over to grab the reins and sit on the horse.


A spin on the silver floor fell on the horse, pulling the reins and sprinting.

When they went away, the talents of the team came back.

"Are you all right?" Someone stepped forward and helped the man who fell down.

"It's all right."

"Is that the army that is coming?" Someone said with fear on his face.

The Cima tribe was defeated by Su Yuzhang, and now only these people are left to flee. If Su Yuzhang's army chased here, they would have no choice but to die.

The leader's face also became difficult to look at when they heard it. In order to retain the blood of the tribe, they could not die! "Fast, speed up."

Jiang Yingxue didn't expect that he would be mistaken for a person in the Daxia army. They ran a horse for a long period of time, and then slowly slowed down after no one followed.

Jiang Yingxue was so broken that his skeleton was broken, but fortunately they had horses and food.

It's just ... This saddle is a little small, she just leaned back and leaned on the arms of the silver building.

It's not the same thing lying on your back and leaning on your arms. For example, there won't be anything lying on her back against her **** ...

"Hero, can you stay a little behind, your things are against me ..." Man, after all, a beautiful and excellent woman like her is really rare, physiological response understand.

The next moment, a fan was added to the silver floor, and the power on Jiang Yingxue's **** disappeared ...


They were lucky and grabbed a sweaty BMW at random, so even if they carried two people, the horse was not too strenuous.

If Yinlou knows that Jiang Yingxue must be so vomiting and vomiting blood when he thinks so, he must have spotted the horse and grabbed it!

Hurrying every day and night, the two finally saw the gate of Huizhou City.

The silver building rolled over outside the city gate, Jiang Yingxue stared at him.

"Silver, there will be a period later."

The silver building looked at her. "Don't forget what you owe me."

"Be assured, Jiang Yingxue always talks and talks. It's hard to chase after a word!"

"Okay, I remember." Yinlou reached out and patted his back and ass, and the horse stepped on the hoof and walked towards the gate.

As soon as she arrived outside the gate, officers and soldiers outside stopped her.

Su Yuzheng had given her a golden token before and now it just comes in handy.

Jiang Yingxue took the token from his body, and the officers and soldiers released it at a glance.

Entering the city, Jiang Yingxue squinted at the direction of Zhan Wangfu. "Su Yuzhang, my mother came back to settle accounts with you!"

She drove her horse to the direction of Zhan's Mansion, and suddenly several people came across the street.

"Did you catch my sister?"

"What are you doing, you, let go, let go!"

A tall, ponytailed woman yelled coldly at a man's placket.

"Don't say it, I'll hit you until today!" Then the woman hit a man's face with a fist.


"Good fight, good fight!"

Not long after, pedestrians blocked the road, Jiang Yingxue had no choice but to turn over and dismount.

"Good fight, kill him!"

Jiang Yingxue reached out and pulled the excited youth curious beside him: "What is this doing? Hey, a big man can't even beat a woman, oh, you see the teeth are broken, how big it is What a grudge it is. "

"The girl didn't know that the man was a trafficker in the city. She just wanted to grab a child. Fortunately, she was discovered by Master Shunlian in time, otherwise the child would be taken away by him.

"Trafficker? Damn it! Fight me to death!"

"Say, is it my sister that your conscience was eaten away by the dog!" Shun Lian punched the trafficker's face in a punch, and the trafficker's face swelled quickly with the naked eye.

"I, I don't know, I don't know you, who is your sister ..."

"I still don't know. I saw you clearly that day. You said, where did you hide my sister!"

"What happened to Shunlian's sister?" Jiang Yingxue said again.

"It ’s gone, not too long ago, Shunlian's sister went shopping on the street, but she never went back afterwards. Their house was a martial arts house. I knew a lot of people and asked them to help, but This Huizhou city has been searched and no one has been seen. A good girl said it would be gone. "

No wonder the hatred of this Shunlian girl can't kill the trafficker's life ...

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