Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Hu Yiqin was never able to go to Jiang Yingxue since the story of the expulsion of Ms. Piao from Zhenguo ’s government. It was n’t because she did n’t want to go, but she was watched and she could n’t go at all.

Hu Yiqin held Jiang Yingxue's hand, his voice choked. "Cousin Yingxue, we are sorry for you ..."

Jiang Yingxue patted her hands calmly. "What's crying, I'm not good now, rest assured, your cousin, I just can't beat Xiaoqiang. It's not easy to beat me."

Hu Yiqin pulled out a purse from his body to Jiang Yingxue. "Cousin, I don't have anything for you either. You hold this, and maybe you can use it in the future."

Hu Yiqin really likes Jiang Yingxue. Some fate in this world is so strange. Some people think he is annoying no matter how you get along, but some people, if you just glance at Xiao, you will like it. I am still very happy in getting along, then this love will only deepen.

Hu Yiqin did this to Jiang Yingxue.

The purse is pinched in the hand, it is very light and thin, and it should contain things like silver tickets.

"Cousin's friendship, I will always remember."

Hu Yiqin's maid did not let her spend more time with Jiang Yingxue, and after a few words, Hu Yiqin left with the maids.

As night fell, Jiang Yingxue was ready to take a bath, and a face with a face came over him.

Jiang Yingxue took the outer robe and put it on, even letting her take a shower.

"Miss Table, the old lady said that the moonlight is good tonight. I want to invite Miss Table to watch the moon together, and also invite Miss Table to come with the old slave."

Jiang Yingxue brought the old lady what they had given to her, and the two men, Luan and Hongcui, wanted to follow, but were stopped by the luan. "Miss Table is waiting for you, just wait in the yard."

The two looked at each other and seemed to understand something. They looked at Jiang Yingxue with a sad look.


Jiang Yingxue followed the nagging for a long time before reaching the place where it should be the relatively hidden side door of the town government.

"Miss Table, the old lady is helpless, please invite Miss Table to the limousine." The old lady bowed respectfully.


Jiang Yingxue sat in the sedan chair and quickly left the town government.

Inside Fushou Hall, the old lady sat in the house and sighed, unable to sleep for a long time.

Gui Yan opened the curtain and walked into the room. He came to the old lady and whispered, "Old lady, Miss Table has left."

The old lady closed her eyes after hearing the words and forced the tears in her eyes back.

Jiang Yingxue took a sedan and walked outside for a while, and then got into the carriage. After about an hour, she entered Jiangfu.

The master of Jiangfu seemed to be unaware of it, and only asked a girl to lead Jiang Yingxue back to her original yard.

Caiyue and Caihe saw Jiang Yingxue returning, with a complex and distressed mood, who didn't know what to say.

"Miss, it's too late, slaves wait for you to take a bath." Caiyue stepped forward with tears, and the story that Miss was taken away was already posted in the government. She and Caihe really felt that the young lady had been taken away.

But today the lady suddenly sent someone to say that no matter what they saw or heard these two days, they could not tell anything, or they would be sold to the kiln.

At that time, she thought that she had done something wrong with Caihe, but she did not expect that ... it was Jiang Yingxue who came back. Was the young lady saved? But why is there no noise at all.

Caiyue didn't dare to think too much, and didn't dare to ask more. She just waited for the young lady to concentrate on it.

Jiang Yingxue was a bit tired, and she lay down directly after bathing.

With the return of Jiang Yingxue, people in Jiangfu naturally could not know anything about it.

Inside the Xingui courtyard.

Zhou served Jiang Yuncheng to change clothes, and handed him the hot tea in the hands of the girl-in-law.

"Master, man ... is back."

Jiang Yuncheng took a sip of tea with his head bowed, and his face didn't have any expression.

"Are you ready over there?"

"Master, don't worry, you told him to get ready to get ready."

"Well, now that you're ready, what you should do, just do it."

Zhou's eyes looked at Jiang Yuncheng's look, and he could not see any sadness and resentment in his eyes. Zhou could not help sneering in his heart. The trace of Hu's heart in Jiangyun City was wiped clean.

"Master, rest assured, you must get things done."

Jiang Yingxue was awake after falling asleep.

"It's not too early, let's get up soon."

Jiang Yingxue opened his eyes and saw a red-clad cormorant standing by the bed.

Jiang Yingxue sat up and pulled her up.

She dragged her to the dresser and sat down, regardless of her, took out her stuff and started to replace Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue didn't struggle, she knew what these people wanted to do!

Now everyone outside knows that Miss Piao on the town government was arrested. In order to ensure the authenticity of the news, and just in case, it is naturally impossible for her Jiang Yingxue to stay in Jingjing again.

Sending her to Nunyu Township Government House will not agree, so the only way to send her away is to let her marry!

I didn't expect these people to be so impatient, she came back the next day, and they started!

Jiang Yingxue didn't struggle, and even allowed them to scribble on his face.

"You, what are you doing?" Cai He and Cai Yue both looked angry and helpless as they looked at Jiang Yingxue.

"Miss, good time is here, go with the slave."

The two puppets stepped forward, leaving Jiang Yingxue out of the house, one left and one right.

Caiyue and Caihe wanted to follow, but were stopped. "It's enough for the two of you to stay here in the future. What happens in the future depends on how smart you are."

"You, where are you taking the young lady?"

"This is not something you can manage."

After that, the people pushed two of them and closed the courtyard door directly after going out.

Caiyue, Caihe could only watch Jiang Yingxue be taken away by them.

The back door of Jiangfu had already prepared a carriage. After Jiang Yingxue was sent to the carriage, the carriage quickly moved out of the city gate.

When Jiang Yingxue got into the carriage, he roughly looked at the people who "escorted" her, except for the driver. There were only four guards and two maids. These people thought that sending so many people would be enough.

"All the cars and horses going out of the city have to go behind the line. Everyone has to check before they can leave the city."

Just as the carriage was about to reach the South Gate, there were many guards and soldiers at the gate.

I don't know if this incident made the person escorting Jiang Yingxue feel guilty. Several people were scared to see the officers and men at the city gate.

"Go and see, how can there be so many officers and soldiers at the gate of the city?" Said a guard.

When another guard heard the news, he drove forward to inquire about the news, and the carriage stopped by the road.

The two maids in the car seemed very nervous, and Jiang Yingxue was taken aback by the action of holding a drinking glass.

"What are you afraid of, are you afraid to die?" Jiang Yingxue laughed sarcastically.

Soon, the guard who went to check the news returned.

"It is King Zhan who said that he found the traffickers. The traffickers are likely to escape from Jingjing while he is now, so King Zhan will investigate the people who are leaving Jingjing now."

Several people exhaled secretly when they heard it.

The team moved forward slowly, and soon came to Jiang Yingxue.

"See Grandpa."

Just when a soldier was going to check Jiang Yingxue's carriage, there was a sound of horseshoes behind him. Soon they were the voice of worship.

Jiang Yingxue picked up, how did Su Yuzhang come this time!

"How's it going?" Su Yuzheng glanced around.

"Return to Lord Wang, the subordinates have not found any abnormal conditions for the time being."

"People in the carriage come down and conduct routine inspections." In order to show that they were very strict in front of Su Yuzheng, the officers and men asked Jiang Yingxue to get off the carriage.

"Several officials, me, we are going to marry the girl." Jiangfu's guard stepped forward and charmingly.

"Regardless of what you do, all down." Didn't see Wang Ye still staring at it!

No way, Jiang Yingxue and the two girls have to get off.

After the officers and men saw the people coming down, they began to inspect the carriage, and after confirming that there were no problems on the carriage, they swept across their faces one by one.

"Take off the hijab on her head." The officer and soldier pointed at Jiang Yingxue.

"Guanye, here, this is the newlywed, how can you lift your hijab!"

Several people's palms were sweating. If Zhan Wang was not there, the hijab would be lifted. However, Jiang Yingxue had a marriage contract with Zhan Wang at the beginning. I do n’t know if Zhan Wang remembered Jiang Yingxue. If he remembered, They are just bullies, are they still alive?

Su Yuxuan slowly set his sight on this side, and Jiang Yingxue also subconsciously tightened his palms. Su Yuxuan, come early or come late, but just come here at this time!

The officers and soldiers watched Su Yuzheng come over here, and they worked hard. "I still don't know what to say, don't hurry to lift the hijab! Do you want me to do it myself?"

Jiang Yingxue took a deep breath and could only reach out and pull his hijab open.


The officer saw the face under the hijab and spit it out.

Su Yuzhang looked towards Jiang Yingxue, and when she saw her crooked mouth squinting, the corner of her eye twitched sharply.

Is there something wrong with this woman's head? She thought he couldn't tell she was her like this?

Su Yuzhang's gaze swept away at Jiang Yingxue's gown. The true loss of Miss Three by the town government was clearer than anyone. Now these people made Jiang Yingxue like this, for fear of being discovered.

"Okay, let's get in the car and leave." The soldier returned to Shinto.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at Su Yuyu with a light, she just felt that he glanced to her side, maybe her acting skills were so good that he didn't find himself.

Of course, she felt that he was more likely to forget what he looked like at all.

But no matter what, this level is finally over!

Jiang Yingxue secretly exhaled and got on the carriage.

"and many more."

Just before the carriage was about to start, Su Yuzhen suddenly spoke.

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