Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"Wang, Lord Wang, this small car has been checked everywhere." Officers and soldiers looked at Su Yuzhang and thought he didn't check it.

Su Yuyi glanced at an old man with a heavy load behind the carriage. "Catch him."

The crowd then looked back and looked at the old man behind Jiang Yingxue's carriage. It was an old man in a patchwork raglan with wrinkled hair.

The old man saw the soldiers approaching him, he threw the courage on his shoulders, and turned his head and ran. "Catch him, grab him!"

Jiang Yingxue watched the people walking farther and farther out of the car curtain, exhaling in his heart.

"What are you still thinking about, don't run away."

Hearing Jiang Yingxue's words, the driver drove his whip and walked out of the city gate.

Along the way, Jiang Yingxue didn't say anything, didn't ask, but she slept in the carriage to rest her soul. She guessed that Jiang Yuncheng should marry her to a place far away from Jingjing. After marrying, they will die, and none of the people in Jingjing will ask again.

In this way, she can find a suitable time to escape on the road, and also save herself from having to get away in Kyoto.

The carriage is on the official road. After leaving the city, it is in the wilderness. If she gets lost in such a place, she may be in danger. It is better to choose a small town with a lot of people and convenient transportation to leave.

Jiang Yingxue leaned on the carriage with Erlang's legs, and where did she go to find Su Muge after running away? When she was in the town government, she learned that in Daxia Kingdom, the youngest were the two kings Kao and Zhan Almost everyone else went up in their thirties or forties.

Isn't Su Muge married to an old man?

Jiang Yingxue felt that his head was a bit big. Among these people, the only more likely candidate was the Jinling King in his early thirties.

Bailiyu was the youngest son of the emperor. After he was an adult, he was granted a land by the King of Feng, and left the Jingjing City of Fengdi the following year.

After Barry arrived in the fiefdom, he returned the same year that King Jingyang ascended the throne and never appeared in the capital again.

Will he be Su Muge's man?

There's nowhere to go anyway, just go look there.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yingxue began to plan the itinerary and route in her heart. When in the town government, she asked Hu Ruixuan to get her a map of the Great Xia Kingdom in case of accident. Now it just works.

"Miss, it's getting late, just rest in the inn tonight."

The carriage stopped before dark. In order not to attract attention, Jiang Yingxue put on an ordinary dress and a gauze.

Jiang Yingxue was tired after riding in the carriage for a day. At night, the two girls waited in the bath to lie down on the bed.

The two maids seemed to be uneasy about her, staying in her house even at night.

From the next day, they started to speed up the journey, and after walking for nearly five days, Jiang Yingxue finally knew where Jiang Yuncheng was going to send her.

Huizhou City, a border city, is really far enough!

This Huizhou city is actually a bit like a city divided by Lianshan from Daxia Kingdom, that is, they may take only five days from Jingjing to Huizhou Chengshan to reach Huizhou from the mountain side. It takes at least ten days! During this period, it was a mountain road, and there was probably not even a decent town!

And there is only one city in Huizhou City.

The people sent by Jiang Yuncheng prepared enough dry food just before entering the mountain.

Because most of them are mountain roads, the speed is really slow. Jiang Yingxue packed some dry food into her bag when she was resting halfway, and was ready to leave at any time. The reason why she arrived here to prepare to run is also because this place is actually It is very close to Jinling City, which means that Huizhou City is on the other side of the mountain, and Jinling City is on the other side of the mountain. There is only a large area between the two cities ... It takes a dozen days to get out of the mountain ... That's it!

As soon as Jiang Yingxue packed his bags, he felt a slight vibration under his feet.

The sound of "嘭 嘭 嘭" is a bit like the sound of a horse riding.

She quickly wrapped her bag around herself and raised the curtain to look around.

The guards sitting outside also felt that the situation was not right, and stood up with their knives.



The tremor at his feet became more and more intense, and Jiang Yingxue raised his heart.

The sound of "Dangdang Dangdang" sounded louder and louder. Jiang Yingxue looked up the mountain, and a large group of horses rushed towards them, hurling towards them, and surrounded them at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Yingxue blinked, quickly retracted into the carriage, took out a bag from her body, opened it, and paste it on her face. Soon, she felt some hot fever on her face, uncomfortable, she wanted to reach out and scratch. , But she held back unceasingly.

"I don't want to surrender all valuable things." A shirtless man shouted forward.

Jiangfu's guard looked at least dozens of people, his legs began to tremble. "You heroes, heroes, forgive me, let me give everything, give everything!"

The guard trembled forward, handing the silver and knife to his opponent.

With the beginning of the person, the next few guards and coachmen came forward and handed in their things. The two girls were so afraid that when they went to hand over things, the big man pulled one of them on her chest. Touched it. "Ha ha ha, this **** is good, it is expected that our brothers can play tricks again tonight."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since he was so screaming in horror, Dahan slaps her in the face, hitting her all.

"People in the car come down, otherwise you will tear down your car!"

Jiang Yingxue was glad that she had found an opportunity to put most of the silver tickets into the silver number on her way. She is now two hundred silver tickets and some broken silver.

Jiang Yingxue lifted the car curtain and walked down. She still had a veil on her head. As soon as she got out of the car, it caught everyone's attention.

A man riding on a big horse clamped his stomach and walked towards Jiang Yingxue, watching him condescendingly.

"Pick the broken thing on your head for Lao Tzu!"

"I want to pick it, I'm afraid to scare you."

The people immediately laughed dismissively. "What else in the world can scare my horse thirteen, ha ha ha ..." Before the horse thirteen had finished, he reached out and lifted the silk hat on Jiang Yingxue's head.


The veil of Jiang Yingxue's head was raised in the wind. When the people near Qian saw her face, they couldn't help but stared in shock, and even Ma Shisan was so frightened that he tightened the reins.

"Ah!" People in Jiangfu were even more frightened when they saw Jiang Yingxue's face.

I saw Jiang Yingxue's face, where the naked eye was not full of red rashes as big as the fingernails, and one by one in the sun, a strange light flashed, because of these rashes, her face was a bit deformed It seems that apart from nausea, I can't think of the second adjective!

"Women bring up the mountain, men kill their mouths." Ma Thirteen roared, and all ringing horses returned to cheering.

"The heroes are killing, the heroes are killing!"

When Jiang Fu's guards were about to be killed, they all kneeled down to beg for mercy.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the people. For her who did not belong to the geographical environment at all, it was more appropriate to press the soldiers first, not to mention that there were so many people on the other side, she could not run away.

Two ringing horses came over and tied Jiang Yingxue's hands and took her and the two girls to the mountain.

And those guards ... Jiang Yingxue only faintly heard the blunt sound of the knife touching the meat.

These bandits even pulled their carriages up the hill.

Before the sun went west, they walked to a cottage.

The gate of the cottage was built by wooden stakes, and people were guarding it outside. It seemed that the group of horses had good discipline and the scale was not small.

"Lock them up and keep the brothers happy tonight."


Two ringing horses brought Jiang Yingxue to a room behind the village. "Be honest, if you are not obedient, she will be your end."

Xiang Ma pointed towards the corner of the room. Jiang Yingxue glanced, his pupils shrunk sharply, and saw a woman tied to a cross on a shelf, her limbs were open, her hair was messy, and her body was naked!

The lower body is still full of dirt and blood!

The woman bowed her head, not knowing whether she was dead or alive, these people were just beasts!

With a "bang", the door was closed. In addition to the woman, there were three or five women in the room curled up in other corners. They were all disheveled and full of fear. The moment the door opened, their bodies endured. Can't stop shaking!

Jiang Yingxue just felt that there was a nameless anger in her chest, but what could she do? She can't protect herself now!

The ringing horses don't know if they are more at ease to the women. They don't think they have the ability to counterattack. What about them? They haven't searched their bodies at all, so everything she hid is still there.

Jiang Yingxue found a relatively dry place to sit down, and after she sat there, she realized that there was still a thin figure in the darkest corner!

If it hadn't been for a subconscious glance before she sat down, she would sit on that person now.

Jiang Yingxue shifted his steps and sat down beside the man.

She looked at her, her sadness was slightly ups and downs, and she should be alive.

Jiang Yingxue sat for a while and got up again, walked to the shelf, and put the woman on the shelf down.

She was stinking, but she could still feel that she was still alive when she approached, and she picked up a broken quilt and covered her.

"What about the cover? At night it's not as smooth as being taken out. It's not as good as one of their watchdogs. It's better to die."

Jiang Yingxue's movements in his hands, turned his head and looked at a pair of dead eyes ...

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