Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Three days later, Jing Zhaoyin's people found the youngest daughter of the soldier of the Ministry of Defense in the outskirts of Jingjing.

It's just ... When the girl was found, she had red fruits all over her, and all her blood was lying in the woods.

This matter was like a plague. It spread in the Jingjing city instantly, and many officials of the government family were in panic. They did n’t know who said it first, and said that the traffickers specifically chose the government officials to start the fight. Miss is delicate and can sell for a good price.

Some people also said that because this incident shocked the emperor, the emperor sent Jing Zhao Yin Jia to find someone, so it annoyed the traffickers behind him, so he made the daughter of the soldier of the Ministry of Defense look like this. what!

"Crazies, so brave!"

Up early, Emperor Jingyang was so angry that he smashed the ring in the dragon case when he heard the news.

What these people did to the servant minister's daughter was a provocation to his emperor!

"Zhou Chusheng, get out of here!"

Zhou Chusheng was Jing Zhaoyin who took over the case. He was named by his first name and last name. Zhou Chusheng was so frightened that he almost rolled into the hall.

"Being there."

"I asked you to find someone and asked you to investigate the case. You told him that this is the result you want to give you? Ah? You talk about what you have done these days!" Emperor Jingyang was so angry that he went straight and pointed Zhou Zhousheng scolded.

Zhou Chusheng was bitter in heart. The city is so big and the suburbs are so wide. How can he find someone? This is just a little clue. The daughter of the soldier of the Ministry of War is directly involved. How can she check it!

"The emperor forgive sins, Wei Chen is incompetent ..."

"You are incompetent, you are very incompetent." Emperor Jingyang struck Zhou Chusheng with one kick, and Zhou Chusheng fell to the ground with a puppet, but even then he still crawled back to kneel and shouted. "The emperor is angry, take care of the dragon!"

Everyone has come to your house to set off artillery battles. The emperor can only be angry when he is angry!

"Who, who can arrest the gang of madmen, and have great rewards!" Emperor Jingyang vented a fire on Zhou Chusheng and walked back to the court to scan the courtiers present.

When Emperor Jingyang said this, the people lowered his head one by one like a quail. At this moment, I could not let Emperor Jingyang treat them as transparent and ignored them!

Seeing those people not talking, Emperor Jingyang was even more angry.

"Su Yuzhang, you go, you go and get those people back!" Jingyang Emperor glanced across everyone's eyes to see that it was useless!

In the end, he could only fall his eyes on Su Yuzhang, who stood side by side.

Su Yuzhang heard a step forward. "The emperor, Wei Chen has not been in Jingjing for a long time. I am afraid that it is not convenient to do something."

"Inconvenient? Any inconvenience?"

"I'm afraid that some adults will think that it is Chen Yue's behalf." Su Yu's words are vague, but the meaning is obvious. He has been away from Beijing for a long time, and he is afraid that some people will not cooperate when he handles the case.

Emperor Jingyang frowned. "He gives you a gold medal. Seeing the gold medal is like seeing me. If anyone dares to stumble you, He will let him have good fruit!"

"The official obeys."

After a while, the father-in-law Fang held up a gold medal and gave it to Su Yuzheng.

Su Yuzheng's military power is still on his hands, and the emperor has not spoken yet to say that he can take it back, now he has also given him a gold medal that can be overbearing in Jingjing!

If the emperor's mind is not caught by the door, no one will believe it ...


Town Government House, Qinghe Garden.

"Woohoo ... My poor picture ... Where are you ...?" Zhang cried, crying, afraid he would be heard by others.

The news that the soldier's daughter of the Ministry of War was found naturally reached the town government. Zhang's also knew exactly what the person looked like when she was found. She couldn't help thinking of Su Yiqin, and how she was now.

After a while I thought, what if someone found it, like the little daughter of the soldier of the Ministry of War?

Hu Mingli was so annoyed by Zhang's crying. Since he was young, he didn't like reading books, doing business and learning arithmetic, so when he grew up, he didn't enter the DPRK as an official like his elder brother, and he didn't come to be like the second brother. Jingli became a famous academy to be a teacher, but to help the grand family run their business.

He and Zhang were married to each other with affection. Later, the two also had children. Although he would also be popular in the Fengyue place, he still thought of Zhang and a pair of children. Now Su Yihua is missing, this one He was upset when the matter was still going viral.

"Well, don't cry, now the emperor has ordered King Zhan to find out this matter, you can relax."

Zhang wiped his tears. "Then King Zhan can find our paintings?"

"This ... how can I know, when the painting will return, I do not know, but some people can no longer stay in the town government."

Zhang Ming understood Hu Mingli's words.

"I have told my brother to tell Jiangfu about this ..."

Since the word came out that Jiang Yingxue was gone, it would be natural to say hello to Jiang Yuncheng, otherwise it would be necessary to reveal the stuffing.

To say that Jiang Yuncheng is indeed irritating, the big brother just promised him some benefits, so that he shouldn't speak out about it, he even responded in this way, regardless of his daughter's life and death!

Hu Mingli sighed inwardly, in the end is the only bloodline left by his sister in this world, he is still a bit guilty.

Hu Mingli took an envelope from his body and handed it to Zhang. "Here, give it to your mother, and let the mother give that child."

Zhang looked at the envelope and knew that it should be a silver ticket.

"I know."


Jiang Yingxue went to the Fushou Garden early in the morning to please the old lady, and found that it was very quiet inside.

According to usual practice, her cousins ​​and cousins ​​should have come here to greet her.

"Miss Table is here. The old lady was still thinking about you, and said that I prepared the blood swallow you like, and it is still warming on the stove." It was beside the old lady that curtained Jiang Yingxue. Fu'an, who is serving, is used to such things, but she ca n’t do it. But today she came in. There was no other waiter outside the house except Fu'an.

Jiang Yingxue smiled and walked into the room. "That's how my grandmother hurt me."

"Is Yingxue here?"

"Grandma, it's me."

"It's time for your child to come and get the blood swallow porridge, so go and bring this girl up."

"Yes." Fu'an responded and retreated.

Jiang Yingxue walked to the old lady and sat down, and found that she looked a little bit stiffer than yesterday. Even if she rubbed some powder on her face and wanted to lift her head up, it looked better than when she had just arrived at the town hall The jet lag is a lot.

"Grandma is best to me."

Tears flashed in the old lady's eyes, shaking Jiang Yingxue's hand and shaking. "Grandma is not good to you, I'm sorry to you!" After that, the old lady's voice was choked.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the old man with guilt, and guilt made the lines on her face deeper.

She believes in the old lady, and believes that it is not her job to make her substitute for Hu Yihua.

She reached out to embrace her, leaning her head lightly on the old lady's shoulder. "Don't be sad, grandma. I can stand it."

Upon hearing this, the old lady knew that she understood everything and even cried out.

"It's the grandmother's inability to protect you!"

Seeing the old man crying sadly, Jiang Yingxue didn't say anything, just stroking her back and comforting her.

Gui Yan, standing aside, knelt directly at the foot of Jiang Yingxue. "Miss Table, don't blame the old lady for being ruthless. The old lady is also a last resort ... now it is difficult to ride a tiger ..."

Jiang Yingxue felt that the two old men were crying so much in front of himself.

"Guilin, I know the grandmother's difficulties. I'm not angry, and I won't blame the grandmother. Don't bother you. I can't stand it.

When they heard her say this, they gradually stopped their tears.

"You are a good boy." The old lady held her hand tightly and was unwilling to let go.

"Go and get what I have prepared."


Gui Yan wiped her tears and took out a dark wooden box from a drawer.

"This is the only thing my grandmother can give you. After your mother had an accident, the grandmother went to Jiangfu to take a count of your mother's dowry and carried it back to the town government. I told your father that if you marry someone in the future, those are you. Dowry. "

The old lady said, paused slightly.

Jiang Yingxue listened, but she felt that the old lady was really brave.

"Now you ca n’t get those big things, but there are some deeds in these silver tickets, you hold them, and here you are the third person who gave them to you. This is because they are sorry for you. Do n’t feel uncomfortable, it ’s all yours. ”

The old lady handed the box to Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the dark wooden box and laughed at the flowers.

With so much money, what could Jiang Yingxue be afraid of!

"Grandma ..."

"You hold it. Later they will send you back to Jiangfu. You can't let anyone know about these things, understand?" The old lady stuffed the box directly into her hand.

She certainly wouldn't let anyone know!

At that time, as long as you take the silver ticket to the silver number, keep it, and change it to a letter. When you want to get it in the future, you can take the letter to the silver number. How convenient!

"Good boy, no matter what, in the future, you remember, your maternal grandmother in the town government will definitely support you."

"Thank you grandma."

When Jiang Yingxue came out of Fushouyuan, she saw Hu Yiqin standing not far away. She stood so far away and wanted to get closer, but the girl next to her pulled her away.

Jiang Yingxue raised his lips and walked towards her.

Hu Yiqin's sister-in-law frowned slightly when she saw Jiang Yingxue coming.

"Yuexue cousin." As soon as Hu Yiqin spoke, her eyes became red ...

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