“Brother Feng, would you like to try it?”

“Yes, Brother Feng, it tastes really good!”

“Maybe you’ll like it when you take a bite.”

“Yes, yes, brothers, taste it~”

Huang An and the strange security guards greeted warmly, wanting to invite Jiang Feng to taste the taste of human flesh, but unfortunately, this was like a demon temptation to Jiang Feng and them.

Everyone covered their mouths and waved their hands in resistance:

“No, no, no, no need, take it and take it!”

“Thank you, but forget it~”

“We really can’t take it!”

“I’m scared, I’m afraid…”

“Don’t you dare to look at it~”

Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Gao Muqing, Jia Haoran they all almost vomited, yue, this taste and shape, really terrifying.

Human fingers, with fingernails.

Human kunba, and a few kunmao.

Human toes, the skin of the foot is clearly visible.

Human citrus seeds, roasted on the outside and tender on the inside….

Gao Muqing held himself tightly, silent, if he hadn’t turned to Brother Feng early, he would have been eaten too, right?

Perhaps, this dish grilled its own!

Horror World….

It’s actually scary to this extent….


Here the fittest survive, the strong are respected, there are tricks are the big guys, and ordinary people are equivalent to livestock here.

Be teased, hunted, served to the table!

If there is no one to help, he will definitely die, and if he wants to survive in the horror world, he must follow Brother Feng….

She looked at Jiang Feng, and completely resigned herself in her heart.

Isn’t it just by that~

Anyway, when I grow up, I have to do it….

Five rounds of the game, it won’t be long, if she can live until the first five rounds of forced game to end, she will not continue to participate.

I can only say sorry to my future husband….

You just let me be married for the second time!

Don’t ask for so much for the son-in-law~

Gao Muqing blushed slightly and lowered her head, she didn’t want to bully honest people, but this can’t be helped, isn’t it?

Anyway, he must be recruiting a son-in-law.


Bear with me~

She lowered her head and sighed, her mood was complicated, and Xu Yang and Jia Haoran also had shocked expressions on their faces.

Watching the human feast, he swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Not to eat!

It’s a nausea!

They all avoid looking at those things.

Jiang Feng also frowned slightly, feeling his stomach churning, but this is the normal state of thriller games, and he had to accept it.

He ate the beef without changing his face and reminded:

“This is a thriller game, if you can’t stand it, can you still live? Think for yourselves. ”

“The next four rounds, maybe more cruel, can not face pain, cruelty, bestiality, will inevitably be eliminated!”

“In the real world, animals are served to the table.”

“Horror world, we are served to the table.”

“This is also a fair theory of thriller games, if you can’t feel the pain, there is no way to continue living.”

“This is probably the meaning of a thriller game as well…”

All:?????? (Shocked).

Tricks: ?????? (Confused).

Uh, so complicated, so profound, and suddenly carried rice? How many floors does a bag of rice have to resist? (Feel the pain).

Gao Muqing nodded slightly in understanding:

“Makes sense…”

“If you dare not face humanity and cruelty.”

“How can you survive in the horror world.”

“The horror world doesn’t believe in tears, and you can only complete the task if you find the rules to live, right?”

“Makes sense…”

Xu Yang also endured discomfort, so calm, although they won’t really eat human flesh, but they can’t help but look at it~

Perhaps, this is the way people coexist!

To understand each other, huh?


It’s really the feeling of “Xiao” in “Xiao”.

Jiang Feng looked at their serious looks, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, I stepped on the horse blindly, do you really dare to believe it?

Just kidding, you guys take it seriously….

Thriller games are not fight-and-kill.

I want to talk about people~

You have to have money and background here!

Everyone ate and drank, staggered their chips, pushed cups and changed lamps, and gave Zhang Jie the rest of the meal after eating.

There are a lot of beef, roast chicken, marinated goose, etc….

Zhang Jie is definitely enough for a girl.

Zhou Kai and Li Hao looked at Zhang Jie’s meal, with a disdainful expression on their faces, and sneered: “Do you want to face, actually eat other people’s leftovers, disgusting!”

“She has mental problems~”

“Oh, yes, I almost forgot.”

“What’s the difference between this and a beggar?”


The little fairies shook their heads with pride and disgust, sighing that they were not allowed to eat, they also wanted to eat, even if they exchanged their bodies, but they definitely did not eat leftovers.

Someone has a price tag in mind:

1 roast chicken/time (double price for the first time).

Someone has a price tag in mind:

1 pound of beef/time (10 times the price for the first time).

Someone has a price tag in mind:

1 chicken leg/time (no more for the first time).

It must be clean meals, not leftovers, they are willing to sell their bodies, this is their freedom, but they will never accept the insult of leftovers.

Leftovers? What are you kidding?

Cut ~

My self-esteem is precious!

Don’t people want face?

“Purr~” The empty hunger in the stomach made them suddenly hesitate, can they not eat?

Give up the number of resurrections -or- starve for seven days

Wouldn’t it be a bit of a loss?

Everyone smacked their mouths and swallowed.

Inner tangles


I really don’t know how to choose~

There are also a small number of people who have recognized the reality and understand that only by asking Jiang Feng for help, they may be able to pass the first round.

Moreover, Jiang Feng was willing to help Zhang Jie for free.

It shows that as long as there is no contradiction between the two sides, they are willing to lower their posture and plead, and they are willing to pay the price to get some meals, and what about leftovers? Better than eliminated!

Insult? Esteem? Is it really that important?


In addition to them, more people have already left work, returned to the small and crowded dormitory, did not go to eat, hid in the dormitory shivering, watching the injured classmates wail.

Someone was chopped off their hands.

Someone was cut off on the foot.

Someone was cut the bird.

Sun Hui is the worst, the three most important places for girls, all gnawed out, bleeding nonstop, but they can’t die.

She also struggled unwilling to give up—


“It hurts~”

“Save me, aaaaaa


After struggling for a long time, the trick to stop the bleeding was exhausted, and she finally died, dissipated in an instant, and returned to the third and sixth classes of high school.



Neuropathic phantom pain, always feel like milk pain!

As a large number of players from the third and sixth classes of high school eliminated and resurrected back to the real world, Jiang Feng’s news also spread.

Not only are there tons of tricky coins!

And a whole bunch of food!

Weird call him Brother Feng!

Moreover, the tricky coin sold on the Internet was sold by Brother Feng, but unfortunately it was scolded to the point of being taken off the shelves, and it is no longer possible to buy it….

The news spread to the Internet and caused a strong sensation!

Instantly topped the hot search list——

[Mysterious thriller player, suspected to be open and hanging, selling tricky coins before the game starts, carrying excess items in the game].

[The strongest and weakest players are in the same quest].

[Orphan! The identity of the mystery player is exposed].


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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