What the hell is an iPhone 2000?

Not long after the iPhone 14 was released, right?


And so on

Could it be that Horror World also has an iPhone!

Xu Yang, Nie Ye, Gao Muqing, Jia Haoran they were all stunned, the technology of the horror world is so developed?



Huang An and the strange security guards were even more shocked, even, far more shocked than Xu Yang, their faces were full of incredulity, this is the most high-end Apple mobile phone!

It is expensive and sought after by the upper class.

As for the weirdness at the bottom, I can’t afford it at all!

The iPhone 1998 sold for 58,000 coins

The iPhone 1999 costs 59,999 tricks

The latest 2000 model, the initial price is as low as 100,000 coins, and it will not be lower than 60,000 in the future.

They don’t dare to think about these weird thoughts at the bottom!

Ordinary security guard monthly salary: 800 coins

Captain Huang An’s monthly salary: 2500 coins

Without eating or drinking for a few years, they can barely buy one, but they still have to live and feed their families.

To buy a 1,000 tricky micro mobile phone, you have to save money for three or five months, what apple to buy? Stop thinking about it….

They don’t plan to make female college students weird!

The iPhone 1998 can fish for weird school flowers.

Only those shopkeepers, nouveau riche, rich second-generation, and white-collar elites in big cities are weird and can afford apples!

Strong as Huang An, an old ghost, although he is also a small strongman, but in a small place, the income is not high, still can’t afford to buy a thriller iPhone.

Not to mention the iPhone 2000 model~

Not on sale yet!

Closed beta version!

What kind of big guy does it take to have this relationship?

Huang An was almost scared, his expression was terrified, and he looked at Jiang Feng stunned, not knowing what to say.

“Old… No… Brother Feng… Your phone…”

“Surely it’s not cheap, right?”

“Hey yo hey, don’t hide from you, there are not many friends I know who use iPhones!”

“Can you introduce us to the introduction-”

“Long insight~”

Huang An pleaded with a smile on his face.

Other syster security guards also touted:

“Yes, that’s not it, I know friends who use scary apples, and I will have face when I go out to brag in the future.”

“Yes, Brother Feng, you introduce you.”

“Yes, yes, this new iPhone 2000, what new features have been added, and how much is it going to sell?”

“How many pixels?”

“How much memory?”

Everyone was strangely envious and curious, and there was a little awe, apprehensive expression, and the attitude was very polite and flattering.

Jiang Feng was a little uncomfortable and frowned slightly:

“You don’t have to do this!”

“Don’t be so restrained!”

“We’re all friends now~”

“No bullshit high and low.”

“Why are you polite with me?”

Xu Yang was stunned, his eyelids jumped, he couldn’t believe his ears, what did Brother Feng just say?


In the world of horror, let the weird not be restrained? Not high or low yet? You are anti-customer~

This, this, you say, is there still heavenly reason?


Other players are killed by weirdness, struggling, peeing their pants when they see weirdness, but you let weirdness relax!

Gao Muqing’s five bodies were thrown to the ground….

Brother Maple YYDS

Maple V587

The point is, the weirds are quite impressed!

Huang An clapped his hands happily: “Oh, yes, yes, it’s all brothers, friends, why are you so nervous?”

“Brother Feng, you introduce me~”

Jiang Feng nodded and took the mobile phone to show:

“The latest thriller iPhone 2000 uses the top-of-the-line crystal screen, and the clarity has improved a lot.”

“Moreover, the screen is hard to damage and scratch!”

“In terms of power, it has dropped to 50 watts, which means 50 tricky points per hour, and the burden of use is less.”

“One billion pixels, super large crystalline eye camera.”

“200TB high-speed memory spar memory.”

“A 100-gram Acura Communication Yin Magnet.”

“The communication distance without transit is 10,000km, and communication can be maintained in the most remote barren sea, and satellite networking can be maintained.”

“Playing games will definitely not freeze, no heat, smooth graphics, centimeter-level positioning accuracy, and fast network thieves.”

“The debut price is 99999 coin / unit.”

“When the stock is enough, it will be on sale.”

Xu Yang they were stunned when they heard it, lying in the groove, this performance is much stronger than the technology of the real world!

200TB of memory

10,000km without transfer communication distance

1 billion pixels

Centimeter-level positioning

Really fake? When did Brother Feng buy it? You’re all new to the game, and you’re all getting acquainted here….

To say that it is not open, we don’t believe it!


Huang An praised with envy: “Well, it’s really a scary apple, this performance is too strong, more than ten times stronger than my tricky rice, and it is expensive and expensive.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t afford it in my life…”

“A mobile phone has been on top of my salary for three years!”

Other weird security guards are even more envious: “My ten-year salary, without food or drink, is barely enough to buy an iPhone 2000.”

“We can’t count on it in this life~”

“That’s right!”

Although it is possible that weirdness can live for hundreds or even thousands of years, there are too many places to spend money.

If you can’t make ends meet in the month, you can’t save money at all!

The bottom layer is weird and very bitter~

Jiang Feng looked at them meaningfully and said, “That’s not necessarily, maybe it’s possible?” Look at yourselves, sometimes seizing the opportunity can change your destiny. ”

(crazy hints).

Huang An instantly understood and promised without hesitation:

“Brother Feng, don’t worry.”

“Our brothers will listen to you!”

“We will do what you say.”

“Absolutely unambiguous!”


With the support of the Department of Safety and Security, the success can be secured.

Jiang Feng bowed his head slightly, smiled and did not speak, seeing that he was about to leave work, it was almost time to go to dinner, he beckoned everyone to go to the cafeteria to eat together.

Just out and past the community service center.

I saw an old acquaintance Sun Hui——

Staggering back to the community service center, ragged and bleeding, wailing in pain as he ran:



“Kill me, uh, uh, kill me, save me, save me, woo-woo, these beasts!”


She was tearing her heart and crying wolf, and the two sides of her clothes were stained red with blood, and the blood in the middle of her pants also flowed down her trouser legs.

It’s very obvious that it was bitten by weirdness.

And the three places where the bite was simply ….



Jiang Feng frowned, Gao Muqing, Xu Yang, and Nie Ye looked at each other, their eyes revealing horror.

“Groove… This… This is really a live gnawing…”


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