Western Suburbs Middle School

Senior 6 classes

Principal Zheng Jun, class teachers Zhang Lele, Director Chen, the official team, doctors, and parents of students are all here, anxiously waiting, hoping that no one will appear.

Because if someone appears, it means that it is eliminated….

And yet

Contrary to expectations, more and more people are resurrected!

Starting from the squad leader Wu Guowei, Bai Xiaofeng, Yang Xiaoman, Sun Hui and so on… In just one day, 20 students were eliminated, and the feedback was also heart-wrenching.


“Mom… The thriller game is terrifying…”


“Strange and cruel, they kill without blinking, they treat killing us as fun and treat us as food.”

“Because the first round of players has the number of resurrections, they can’t kill us and eat again, just gnaw us alive!”


“My mandarins have been cut by them!”

“It hurts me!”

“I’m in so much pain~”

Listening to the girl tell her about her experience, Zheng Jun’s back broke out in cold sweat, this is also too cruel, right?

Gnaw alive!


Yang Xiaoman, who was already awake, also cried and said

“Woo-hoo, when I was on a mission, I met a perverted weird otaku who used the toilet to make a fuss … Woo hoo, I don’t want to live, let me die~”

“It’s killing me, I’m so scared!”

“So long toilet drawers and hinges…”

“I can’t run if I want to.”

“Tortured for half an hour!”

And the boy shivered in embarrassment:

“That woman lied to me weirdly…”

“Put my…”

“Kun bar cut… Hands and feet were also cut off…”

“It hurts me, these beasts still won’t let me die, use trickery to stop my bleeding, I can’t beg for death,


“Weird and cruel, they are demons!”

The parents of the students also cried as they listened, tears flowed down their faces, and the head teacher Zhang Lele’s heart was broken when he heard it.

Zheng Jun patted the wall and cursed angrily:

“Grass his grandmother’s!”

“Isn’t there a little way?”

“Can players only be bullied by them?”

“These dogs!”


As a principal, he was also angry to see students being destroyed like this, but there was no way but to be anxious.

Chen Weihong was even more anxious, and his heart went up and down.

But he was concerned about his own situation

In the area he is responsible for, so many students are eliminated, which will definitely affect the assessment, which is very unfavorable to the promotion and wealth.


There are more sober students with jealousy on their faces:

“We can only be bullied.”

“Jiang Feng, they don’t!”

“This bastard has his own weird money, bribes weird, and is brotherly to weird security guards and managers!”

“The relationship is good~”

“Don’t bully him at all!”

“Cheating is assigned to the safest position.”

“Leave all dangerous positions to us.”

“And seeing us in difficulty, but standing idly by, unwilling to help, and gloating.”

“What kind of person is he~”

“It’s just a weird lackey!”

He started talking, and more students echoed, angrily spraying Jiang Feng, expressing their dissatisfaction with envy and jealousy:

“That’s right, Jiang Feng doesn’t cooperate with us!”

“He obviously has tricky coins, and he doesn’t lend it to us, and he obviously has the ability to see death and can’t save them, so he only helps Xu Yang and them.”

“Because of Xu Yang, they gave him a little brother.”


“That is, there is also Gao Muqing, hehe, what shit Gao Leng Banhua, not to survive, to Jiang Feng as a dog, who doesn’t know what she paid.”

“Bitch, little bitch, it’s shameless!”

“I’m afraid my mouth is going to be swollen tonight…”

“Bai Xiaofeng, Yang Xiaoman, when they were abused by weird otaku men, Jiang Feng turned a blind eye, it was Gao Muqing’s turn, hehe, people led the team to beat up the weird otaku …”

“Well, the weird otaku was almost not killed!”

President Zheng: ????? (Confused).

Zhang Lele: ????? (Shocked).

Parents: ????? (jealousy).

Good fellow, it turns out that not everyone suffers, other people’s children, actually have this treatment? By what?

“Principal, who is this Jiang Feng?”

“Why does he have tricks?”

“Why didn’t he help our children?”

“You must have shady scenes!”

“That’s right, why, it’s not fair~”

Without contrast, there is no harm, their own children are abused and killed, but other people’s children can beat and weird.

It’s also so unfair that they can’t stand it.

They all shouted and questioned that the school had shady scenes.

Zheng Jun listened to the students’ jealous, angry, and unbearable insults to their classmates, and his heart was cold, and he couldn’t help but sigh that poor people must have something to hate, they really deserve it!

Why didn’t Jiang Feng help you?

Don’t you have a point in your heart?


He hated that iron could not become steel, and replied coldly: “Why didn’t Jiang Feng help them?” You can ask your own children. ”

“Who is right and who is wrong, you know in your heart…”

“What’s more, why should others help you? Thriller game so many players, others help over? Hmph~”

“I told you a long time ago, keep mercy under your mouth.”

“Blame others for not helping now?”

“What are you doing early!”

“We have a school, what is the shady scene? Can I still force someone else to help your child? If you are not convinced, find a thriller game theory by yourself~”

“This Director Chen is the official person in charge.”

“Ask him~”

Zheng Jun sighed in dismay, ignored the parents of these students, turned around and went home, he looked troublesome.

Parents: ????? (Confused).

Director Chen: ????? (Confused).

Hey, Nima, really picky, absolutely

The parents of the students also figured out the ins and outs through Zhang Lele, Chen Weihong, and the expert team, and they were still very unhappy.

“Cut, what kind of person, what a stingy!”

“Such a small contradiction, but also calculated, he doesn’t know that human life is at stake? What can you do with generosity? Really…”

“Waste a chance for my child to be resurrected!”

“Your school doesn’t care?”

“That’s right, you have to give us an explanation.”

Looking at their selfish, arrogant, and vexatious ugly faces, Zhang Lele also sighed and didn’t want to speak.


Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran and their parents were of course very happy, and they helped Jiang Feng back very unceremoniously.

“Jiang Feng is the father of your children?”

“Why are people used to your children?”


“You think the earth revolves around your home?”


The two sides were angry and did not give in to each other, even Gao Muqing’s parents helped Jiang Feng speak, although their daughter paid… But they feel that this choice is right!

Don’t rely on the strong and want to go through thriller games?


Five rounds of the game, how many rounds can you survive?

Even if the daughter pays chastity, at least they can live, they can still watch their daughter and live with their daughter!

For now, it’s very lucky….

It’s not just the classroom that’s noisy

There is also noise on the network

Netizens who originally scolded Jiang Feng for selling fake tricky coins suddenly heard that these tricky coins were real, and they were all confused and regretted it too late.

Because, all sales channels have been removed….

The imposing keyboard warriors, turning the head of the gun, were still scolding Jiang Feng just now, and instantly changed the banner and scolded the platform.

Even, the comments scolding Jiang Feng were not finished.

Deleted again, angry spray sales channel platform ——

“I’m a grass nima, a garbage platform, why do you want to remove people’s goods, don’t you figure it out?”

“SB unscrupulous platform, return my tricky coins!”

“Why are you removing people’s goods?”

“Garbage platform!”

“Close the door early~”

“Garbage platform, I didn’t buy tricky coins.”

“Strongly requested to be back on the shelves!”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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