The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1285: Snake out of the hole

Latest URL: Sky Team.

Now in Fengyuan area can also be regarded as not a small name.

As long as it is in the black area of ​​Fengyuan underground or in the gray area, everyone has heard of the name of the Sky Team, which is a rapidly rising organization after the disappearance of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team.

It has absorbed many people from the original Lava Team and the Ocean Team. Among them, there are some cadre-level members, and of course there are many members of the organization destroyed by the alliance.

Relying on strong capital to quickly recruit talents, I don't know what causes all the people joining the Sky Team to be extremely united. Even all cadres, there are few contradictions and intrigues between each other, it is an internal unity. And disciplined forces.

The most famous of the Sky team is their discipline.

All members are strictly regulated, and the Sky Team has very strict management uniforms. All members must strictly abide by them, otherwise they will be subject to internal special forces' crusade.

Their presence has not brought any bad influence to the cities where they are located, and even the city of Zijing has become the safest and lowest crime city in the whole rich area.

Because of this, the Sky Team is a supportable object in the eyes of most of the league.

Members who do not have particularly strong strengths can be in the control of the alliance and are very "quiet", which is one of the best choices.

So Aoki sent the Sky team directly to Adams' table.

At present, the underground forces in Fengyuan area can be regarded as the lack of big fish and the mess of small fish. With the current situation of Fengyuan Alliance, it is obviously impossible for a powerful underground force to grow up smoothly.

The Sky Team has long been exposed to the league's eyelids. It is obviously impossible to follow the old path of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team, so if there is only one way to develop, that is Become a listed power of Fengyuan Alliance!

That is, the underground forces acquiesced by Fengyuan Alliance can continue to develop, but must be under the supervision of Fengyuan Alliance.

For ordinary underground forces, let alone development, it is very good to survive.

But for the Sky Team, the impact is not significant, because they have strict requirements for members, and the main financial income of the Sky Team is some sales of elves, reselling of materials, etc., and even some of them can make the Sky Team Become a formal trading company.

There is no dark force at all. Rather than a basement, the Sky Team is a force wandering in a gray area. It abides by its duties and is similar to the former hunter's guild.

As the Hunters' Guild was driven out of the Fengyuan area, there was a vacuum period for the elf sales in the entire area, and the Sky Team became the first force to seize the market.

For the Sky team, Adams didn't know what to say after reading all their information.

It feels a bit like a ... a thing or product that is being smashed by people, the main role is to collect money in the gray area and earn resources.

But it just happened to be a big change in the underground forces in Fengyuan area, so by chance, it has developed to the current scale.

Although there are some things Adams can't see through, but for this power, Adams can't find too many threatening things, only one point makes him a little daunting, that is, the leader of the Sky team personnel structure submitted by Aoki The identity of this person is unknown.

If you can know the identity of the Sky Team leader, Adams feels that he should be able to rest assured, but even if he doesn't know it, it doesn't matter.

So he chose to give the control of the whole thing to Aoki. I believe he can handle it well. If the sky team did something extraordinary, let the person in charge of Aoki solve it. Anyway, the entire sky team staff It seems a lot of time, but the top strength is not strong, Aoki may be able to cook it all by himself.


The final venue of Fengyuan Grand League is located in the seaside city of Kena, known as the ninth largest city in the elven world!

When Aoki arrived in Kaina, the major leagues had already decided the top 16.

The promotion of the Aoki Club as the last guest of the big league is something that the league has advertised for a long time. It is learned that the champion of the big league will be given the opportunity to compete with Sandstorm King Aoki, and it has aroused the enthusiasm of all the participants.

Of course, the enthusiasm is actually the audience. They did not expect that in the big league, they can still see the battle of the King of Sandstorm.

At the same time, Aoki will also play a role similar to the examiner, the purpose is to help the league to select some young people who are worthy of training and potential, so all the participants in this competition are full of strength.

There are even some people who fantasize that if luck can be valued by the Sandstorm King and taken over by the subordinates, it would be really good.

Being able to work under a Four Heavenly King is a dream-like thing for them.

The arrival of Aoki was very high-profile, and he almost didn't announce to the world that Aoki, the sandstorm king, had participated in the Fengyuan Grand League review alone.

For ordinary people, this is only a slightly high-profile high-profile, but for those who are interested, this is just to tell them, I am Aoki here, there are no other masters here, if you want to find trouble, do not hide With.

This is a fair and bright trap, depending on whether anyone will jump in.


Small bar in Kanaz city.

The usually lively bar is now empty, because the Fengyuan League, even the owner of the Sandstorm King, are not there, leaving only a sad bartender and two people in black in the corner.

Had it not been for the bartender's gloomy eyes, they could hardly be found in the dim bar.

"Well, the popularity of Sandstorm King is big. Yesterday there were a few people in the bar, but now there are none." A young man in a black dress sighed holding a wine glass.

The man wrapped in a black robe sitting opposite him was unmoved.

"Well, your goal has appeared, and the trap is set up so brightly, do you have confidence?" The young man looked at the wine in the glass, teasing and mocking.

"I will see the bishop when it is done." An old voice came from under the black robe opposite the youth.

Hearing this ~ ~ The young man's eyes narrowed, and a momentum emerged from his body, but this momentum came quickly and disappeared quickly.

A meaningful smile appeared on his face, "The bishop is not what you want to see. I will apply for you. I hope you can live up to the bishop's expectations.

By the way, these two are my support for you, but don't let me down. "

With that said, he threw two stones with twinkling lights out of his hands, then drank all the wine in the glass and swayed and left the bar.


Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Thanks to the nickname of the seven million rewards that can only be modified once in 90 days! Thanks for your support!

Hibiscus has a cold and stomach problems. I'm also convinced. The whole person's mental state is not very good. I'll see if I can sort out the elf data tomorrow.

thanks for your support!

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