The latest website: With the opening of Mr. Hibiscus and Aoki, the rest also expressed their opinions. Guandu's separation has little to do with Fengyuan area. Even if the people in Fengyuan Alliance want to control, they can't control their heads. It is still the most important thing to do your own job first.

But for Adams, it represented a signal.

The four kings alone are no longer enough to sit in such a large area in the Guandu area, whether it is the Rockets, the recently restless hunter's guild, or just recently appeared, but it is enough to see the strength of the gods .

The emergence or out of sight of several large organizations has made the Guandu area, which is known as the strongest area, feel a little tricky.

Especially at this critical moment of the new and old transition of the Guandu alliance, it is even easier for those who have speculation to seize the opportunity and insert a foot or two into the alliance.

Rather than saying that the Guandu League applied for two points, it is better to say that the League is ready to take action on these forces and use the two-point trap to entice these people to jump in.

Of course, Guandu's two points are a trend, but it can just help the trend. Those who stretch their hands too long will cut off a few fingers or even the entire arm.

Regarding the separation of the Guandu League, everyone in the conference room expressed their views, but in fact Adams had to know what to do now than each of them.

The meeting lasted all morning without much success.

After the meeting, Adams called Aoki to his office alone.

"How about the holidays this half year? Has your strength improved?" Adams asked with a smile.

Aoki smiled. "How can I say it's a holiday, and I'm very busy.

Is there any improvement? There is no problem with the big league championship. "

But when Aoki said of the big league, Adams' expression gradually became serious, even a little dignified.

"What's wrong?" Aoki also noticed Adams' anomaly.

"This time the big league may be in trouble, which is why I want you to go to the finals. If possible, it is better to be able to knock that person out.

However, the other side is a bit jealous of me and some old guys in our alliance, and whenever we show up, we will hide and not show up. "

Adams groaned a bit and continued, "But the other party seemed to be coming at you. The only time we seduced him to appear was to accidentally use your name, but when we found you were absent, we hid again. That's why you make the decision to bait.

Rest assured, as long as we can drag the other side, we will arrive as soon as possible. A person of extraordinary strength and so hiding will hide in our rich area, making me feel very uncomfortable. "

After hearing Adams' words, Aoki frowned. "So the other party came at me? And it's not small to see hatred like this, don't you see me?"

"From the current situation, that's true. If you feel dangerous, you can refuse," Adams said.

Indeed, without knowing the strength of the other party, it is dangerous to rashly take the risk as a bait. If Aoki chooses to refuse, Adams will not be surprised.

However, Aoki shook his head. "Since the other party came at me, as I am now, I can't hide if I want to hide. It is better to fight him well under the arrangement of the alliance. It was much better than being attacked alone when you were alone.


I'm not half a year ago. If I still evaluate me based on my strength at that time, it is very dangerous. "

Looking at Aoki with a cold smile at this time, Adams thought to himself, "You disappeared for half a year, let alone others, even I don't know your strength.

Come, say it to me a little peace of mind. "

Aoki groaned for a moment and said, "Although this may seem to me a little arrogant, but in the case of Brother Huayue, for example, in a formal match, my chance of winning against him should be 40%. If we play well, there is a certain probability To win. "

On hearing that, Adams' eyes lit up.

Huayue's strength is among all the four true kings in the league. It can not be said how strong it is, but it can definitely be ranked in the middle reaches, but under the premise that so many older generations have not retreated.

Aoki also knows about the strength of Huayue. After all, when fighting with Lava Team and Ocean Team, Huayue has shot more than once.

"What if it was a life-and-death battle in full confrontation?" Adams continued to ask.

Since Aoki said that under the premise and circumstances of the game, we must know that Huayue and Bonnie are best at fighting in battle mode, and Aoki is a person who is famous in actual combat. Like Genji, it can be considered very thorough. Combat trainer.

"Nine percent!" Aoki said abnormally firmly.

When he heard the words "90%", Adams's eyes glared slightly, which can be said to be an extremely crushing probability.

In the battle of life and death, no one can ensure that he will have a 100% chance of winning, so the chance of winning 90% is already a fairly confident probability.

Adams and calm Aoki stared at each other for a full ten seconds, and did not hear any joking meaning from his eyes, so he accepted this conclusion.

Aoki really thinks he has a 90% chance of winning!

Based on Adams' understanding of Aoki, he is not a big talker, then it means that he really thinks this way.

In this way, Adams became more confident about what might happen in the major leagues, and even brought a kind of optimistic mentality. I don't know that person will do after seeing the full strength of Aoki. What feelings.

The expression must be wonderful.

"That being the case, then I can rest assured. Prepare well. The game will start three days later. In order to draw out the opponent, the field is not in the league headquarters. You may face him or them alone at that time. I hope you can protect it well. Good crowd. "Adams said again.

Aoki nodded, his eyes narrowed gradually.

Interesting ~ ~ Who is the person who is specifically targeting himself?

God? Or the Rockets? Or the Hunters Guild?

But no matter which side of the person is, since the idea has been hit on himself, there is nothing to discuss, and there is not much room for negotiation.

"By the way, a group of people appearing under the banner of Lava Team and Ocean Team recently appeared in the area. To prevent their resurgence, if you are free, take care of it.

And when you left last time, in the report you submitted, a force named Sky Team was more in line with our requirements. This matter was originally intended to be handled by Boni. Since you are back, you will continue to take over Right. "

Sky team?

Aoki nodded, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face, very hidden, and Adams found nothing.


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