The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1286: Want to be a chess player

Latest website: Fengyuan Grand League.

On the highest podium, Aoki sat down in the main seat directly.

Because all the people who come to watch the war today are his biggest coffee.

Big coffee.

And apart from a few people like Adams, few people know what the real purpose of Aoki is.

Although Aoki was sitting in the position to watch the game, in fact, his super powers were all extended to find the person in the crowd, and did not notice any abnormality.

"Here is our Sandstorm King, Aoki! Come and join us for this championship, from ..."

When the game is divided, the host plans to invite Aoki to participate in exhibition-style games in accordance with the schedule.

Aoki also stood up with a smile, but he didn't walk towards the stadium for the first time. Facing the voice of the audience in the entire venue, he came to the same seat on the podium, but was on the edge. In front of a smiley old man.

Everyone looked at Aoki and didn't know what he was going to do.

"You are hiding very well. If it wasn't when the host called my name, I might not find you.

how? Do n’t you want to deal with me? Now I stand in front of you, why hesitate? Aoki smiled to the old man with white hair.

Papa Papa--

The old man's smile suddenly disappeared, his palms were raised, and his voice was a little hoarse. "It is indeed Aoki Uranus as a superpower. It really is powerful, but I heard that there is also a cadre named Aoki in the Rockets. I wonder if Aoki is familiar? "

Hearing the words of the old man, Aoki's face changed slightly, but he didn't speak, but waved his hand toward the crowd slowly behind him, begging them not to approach.

Aoki narrowed her eyes. "When were the Rockets still engaged with the gods? Are you not afraid that Mr. Sakagi is upset? What do you say? Jinchuan patriarch?"

The first time the old man said this, Aoki guessed his identity.

After Aoki's strength was recognized by Sakagi, Sakagi began to intentionally downplay Aoki's presence within the Rockets, especially when he learned that he was going to attack the Four Heavenly Kings.

This is also one of Aoki's requests for Sakagi's help.

Now this person appears in such a grand place in Fengyuan area, and he is also dedicated to himself, and even colludes with the people of the gods. The only person who can make Aoki think of him is that he will almost destroy all powerful descendants. Kill the Jinchuan tribe, and this person is likely to be the patriarch of the Jinchuan tribe.

Hearing his identity was pointed out by Aoki, the old man was not surprised, but also confirmed the true identity of Aoki.

"It's really you, I don't know if I should call you Aoki King? Or is it Aoki cadre? Or ... the leader of the Sky team?" Jinchuan clan asked with a sneer.

Aoki showed an indifferent expression, and spread his hands to signal him casually.

Because the crowd behind them was evacuated in the first place, no one heard them, and the patriarch of Jinchuan apparently did not seem to want to disclose Aoki's identity.

Whether it can play a role, let alone say that he came here only for the enemy.

The two are standing very close to each other. This distance is already a dangerous range for humans.

Especially for them, who are used to directly attacking trainers!

嘭 ——

Aoki and Jinchuan patriarchs shot almost at the same time. Since he can be valued by the gods, he naturally has extraordinary super powers.

The collision between the two was like a signal.

The Geng Gui, who had emerged from the shadow of Aoki, and the night demon that appeared from behind the other, also collided after them.

Unlike Aoki and his close rivals, Geng Gui completely prevailed in the first place, which was unexpected for the head of the Jinchuan clan.

boom! !! !!

Explosive pictures appeared directly on the podium.

I saw Aoki riding a domineering tyrannosaurus, bursting out of the thick smoke, and when the smoke was completely dissipated, he saw that the six elves were already following him, ready to go.

The audience members who are leaving the stage have not yet known what happened, and have not yet seen the shots of Aoki Uranus they expected.

But the explosion made them understand the seriousness of the situation.

Actually, there was a strong man who was able to play against Aoki, and he was still hostile to the alliance.

For a moment, the retreat was faster.

Aoki stood on the back of Tyrannosaurus, and looked down at the Jinchuan patriarch and several elves around him. Among them, the night demon fell to the ground under the sudden violent attack of Geng Gui, and it was difficult. The ground got up.

With just one attack, the night demon almost lost his combat ability.

The patriarch of Jinchuan's face was very ugly.

He found that no matter how much he overestimated Aoki, he still underestimated him at this time.

In what he has seen, in the battle between Aoki and Ogo, although Geng Gui is very strong, but most of the time is that he has just entered the senior Heavenly King, but now? This is obviously the peak of the quasi-championship, and the difference in strength is too great!

How can it be improved so much in just six months?

Is it a rocket?

He was surprised at the speed at which Aoki's strength was increasing, but Aoki was somewhat disappointed with the strength of the Jinchuan patriarch.

Strength is good, but it's just good. It may be slightly stronger than half a year ago, but that is not a case of super evolution.

Counting the super evolution, Aoki's strength was even stronger than him half a year ago!

"Too weak, can you tell me who gave you the confidence to choose to ambush me here?" Aoki asked directly.

The patriarch of Jinchuan's face became more and more ugly. His card was the advent of the god-specific **** power. His fire-breathing dragon and wonderful frog flower could both evolve again, but he did not expect that Geng Gui's super strength was only a contact This shocked.

A few elven **** appeared in Aoki's hands. At this time, it is obviously necessary to subdue him first, and then see if he can ask some useful information.

There is also ~ ~ The Rockets and the gods are colluding together, I do n’t know if this is something Sakagi knows.

But not yet when Aoki summoned the elves, on an island not far from the city of Kaina, there was an explosion sound that rang through the sky. A huge space crack appeared above the island. It can be seen through the space crack. It's dark inside.

Aoki feels familiar with the appearance of this space crack.

Turning his head to the head of the Jinchuan patriarch, he was surprised.

"It seems that you don't even know that you have become a bait. As a pawn, you have the heart of a chess player. This is your biggest sadness." Aoki said coldly.

Throw several elven balls.

Bangila, Dazed King, Dragon King Scorpion, Flaming Chicken, and Giant Onuma appear.


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