The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 213 The second branch (third)

PS: Add updates, 5 for the leader rango

Before the familiar Lake Hogsmeade appeared, the black ripples on the lake surface rippling in front of Jon.

On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with towering spiers and windows shining brightly in the dark night.

When seeing this familiar scene, Jon couldn't help but smile.

"No more than four people per boat!" said Alastor Moody, on crutches, in his hoarse voice, deep.

Then he stepped onto a boat by himself, and motioned for a first-year student to do the same... The poor boy looked at Moody with terror in his eyes, and seemed to be shaking from head to toe.

Jon boarded a boat too, and on board were two first years, a boy and a girl.

"Are you a first-year freshman too?" The little girl asked curiously.

"No..." Jon shook his head: "I'm an exchange student."

The little girl didn't seem to understand what the word "exchange student" meant. She turned around, whispered something in the little boy's ear, and put a little distance between herself and Jon.

"Be careful around!" Mad-Eye Moody ordered loudly, "Go!"

Immediately a fleet of small boats sailed across the glass-flat surface of the lake.

Many first-year freshmen were very excited. They sometimes stared at the huge castle soaring into the sky, and sometimes looked at the bottom of the water.

"Look, there's a big one!" For example, the little girl on Jon's boat screamed happily when she saw a giant squid.

Naturally, Jon wouldn't make a fuss, after all, he swam in this lake in February this year.

Soon, the fleet reached the bottom of the cliff, and the castle of Hogwarts seemed to be towering over their heads.

Led by Mad-Eye Moody, they passed through a cave with their heads down again...Jon deliberately buried his head very low so as not to be hit.

Finally, along a dark tunnel, they seemed to come to the underground of the castle, where they docked at a place similar to an underground dock.

"Come with me, be careful around!" Mad-Eye Moody ordered sternly.

Many first-years looked around in terror... but they saw nothing.

Jon smiled, and quickly followed Moody's pace, and they passed another path of gravel and small pebbles.

Climbing up a tunnel in the rock, they finally reached a flat, wet meadow not far from the castle.

After the stone steps, there is the gate of Hogwarts.


"Few people can walk such a distance twice like me!" Jon thought secretly.

Professor Alastor Moody walked at the front of the line. He first looked around vigilantly, then waved around with his crutches... Finally, he knocked hard on the door of Hogwarts with his crutches.

The door slammed open.

"Come in one by one!" Moody said anxiously, "Hurry up!"

Hearing Moody's words, the first-year freshmen hastened their pace... Looking at them, they don't look like freshmen at all, but like a boy scout with poor discipline.

The scene here is still similar to Jon's imagination...Luxury marble walls, surrounded by burning torches, the ceiling is so high that you can hardly see the top...

Following Professor Moody, they came to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.

Jon once thought that Mad-Eye Moody was going to direct the sorting ceremony...but after he brought the first-year students here, he immediately returned to the same way, and at the same time held a looking glass in his hand and looked around.

Then, the door of the small empty house was opened.

In came Professor Minerva-McGonagall, looking years younger in the red plaid gown she wore to the Yule Ball last year.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall said: "The opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the restaurant, you must first confirm which college you have entered..."

She briefly introduced the Hogwarts sorting ceremony.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall walked up to Jon: "Mr. Patrick?"

"Yes, professor!" Jon nodded quickly.

"It is a tradition at Hogwarts that exchange students must go through the sorting ceremony with the new students, without exception!" She explained slightly.

"I understand, Professor!"

With Professor McGonagall gone, many new students look worried... It seems that sorting scares are also a fine tradition at Hogwarts.

Many students from wizarding families began to talk about the content of the sorting ceremony... Their answers were also varied, such as fighting a giant monster, taking an exam with a high elimination rate, or using a magic wand The hat becomes a bunny...

Next, the appearance of the ghosts also shocked the first-year freshmen.

Especially the bloody Barrow, and the nervous Ms. Gray, let the first-year students avoid them... But other ghosts are still very enthusiastic, such as Nearly Headless Nick and Fat monk, several first-year freshmen chatted happily with them.

The atmosphere in the hut finally eased a bit.

But Professor McGonagall came back at this time, and she led the freshmen out of the hall.

Their atmosphere became tense again... Jon was walking in the middle of the line, his tall stature still looked quite conspicuous.


Jon took a good look at the teacher's bench as he entered the hall.

Dumbledore sat in the gold high-backed chair in the middle of the long staff table, wearing dark purple robes studded with silver stars and a matching hat; At the table, he took a solitary place to Dumbledore's right hand.

Jon also easily recognized the pink toad. Dolores Umbridge's short and fat figure, short gray-brown hair and iconic pink clothes are very conspicuous.

But there wasn't much time to continue observing, because they had to stand in a row facing all the Hogwarts students with their backs against the teacher's bench.

Professor McGonagall was holding a stool with an ancient wizard's hat on it.

The Sorting Hat sang loudly:

"I was wearing a new hat a long time ago, before Hogwarts was built..."


"Hogwarts is in danger, and enemies from outside the school are stalking it.

We must be united internally, or everything will fall apart from within..."


As the singing of the Sorting Hat ended, discussions on the four long tables began.

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