The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 214 The New Academy

PS: For the book friend "the name here can take twelve characters" to add more

For the singing of the Sorting Hat, their surprise is completely normal.

After all, in the past few years, the Sorting Hat has never issued a warning to the students. It only describes the different qualities that Hogwarts' four houses value and the characteristics it assigns to the students of each house.

Under the explanations of the ghosts, the tense atmosphere in the hall became more intense.

After all, the ghosts know that the Sorting Hat only sings such songs when it feels that Hogwarts is in danger and it has a moral duty to warn the school appropriately.

Professor McGonagall took out a list of freshmen and glanced at the crowd with displeasure.

After she coughed twice, the hall returned to its usual calm.

Everyone fell silent and looked at the group of freshmen who were about to welcome the sorting... But they soon noticed that one of these short "freshmen" had a different style of painting.

"Mr. Patrick is a fourth-year exchange student!" Professor McGonagall explained: "He will perform the sorting ceremony with the first-year freshmen."

Immediately, she frowned and glanced at the four tables, then looked down at the long piece of parchment in her hand, and announced the first name aloud:

"Euan Abercrombie."

A little boy with a panicked look stumbled forward and put the hat on his head. His head is so small that the hat almost covers his eyes, making it comical.

The Sorting Hat considered for a moment, and then the slit at the brim opened again, announcing loudly, "Gryffindor!"

The students on the long table on the far left applauded enthusiastically. The little boy staggered to their table and sat down. Judging by his expression, he seemed to wish there was a hole in the ground for him to get in, and there was no more People stared at him.

Professor McGonagall reported a second name:

"Joanna Brewster!"

This time it was a little girl, and Jon noticed that it was the one in the cabin with him before, and her face was also very panicked.

Putting on the hat, it took almost a minute before the Sorting Hat barely opened its mouth and said, "Ravenclaw!"

On the long table in the second row to the right, thunderous applause erupted... Jon noticed Luna Lovegood, wearing a necklace made of bottle corks, and cheered loudly.

"Which college should I go to?" Jon couldn't help thinking.

As an old driver with one experience, he naturally wouldn't panic like those "true freshmen".

Things like the sorting hat will consider your personal wishes, and you can even use the "repeater method" to change its choice... It's not a difficult thing to deal with at all.

But which college should I go to for the second branch?

Jon was slightly troubled.

Go to Hufflepuff like before? It sounds pretty good, maybe I can be assigned to the dormitory I used to be... But the dormitory where people died, isn't it a bit unlucky?

You can also consider going to Ravenclaw! Anyway, I only stayed in Hogwarts for a year, so I can give the eagle mouth knocker a good job! In the future, Ravenclaw students who have not mastered Lagrange's theorem, Rolle's theorem and Cauchy's median theorem will not have to consider going back to the dormitory to sleep.

As for going to Gryffindor, it's not impossible... Anyway, it's only a year, so you don't have to think about avoiding the Savior and his party. It's not bad to follow them as soy sauce and get acquainted!

Forget about Slytherin, he is a bitch wizard. Unless Dumbledore swears not to eat candy, there is no reason to be assigned to Slytherin.


Just when Jon was dreaming, the sorting ceremony was still going on, and the long queue of freshmen was shortening a little bit.

The waiting was a bit boring, and the whispers on the four long tables that had disappeared because of Professor McGonagall's deterrence had returned.

Jon turned his head furtively and glanced at the teacher's table; Albus Dumbledore was watching him too, and winked at him.

Jon turned his head quickly again.

The sorting ceremony is very close to me...

Tom Newman was sorted into Hufflepuff.

Ronald Noel was assigned to Gryffindor.

Orlando Owen became the new Slytherin.

Next, here we go...

The Sorting Hat called out the next name: "Christopher Patrick!"


Jon walked over unhurriedly, and took the hat from Orlando Irving's hand.

While putting the hat on his head, Jon prepared the language.

"Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, whatever you want, I don't choose..."

But this time, the Sorting Hat didn't seem to give Jon the chance to say this.

The moment the hat just touched his scalp——

The slit by the brim of the hat opened rapidly, and the hat roared, "Slytherin!"

The huge roar spread to every corner of the hall.

On the long table on the far right, thunderous applause broke out; most of the Slytherin students stood up and applauded the new Slytherin "Christopher Patrick".

Draco Malfoy slammed the fork on the iron plate and shouted loudly:

"Nice job, Patrick!"


The smile on Jon's face froze completely in an instant.

"What the hell, did I hear wrong?"

"Slytherin? When did Slytherin recruit witches?"

"Think carefully about the Sorting Hat. This involves a thousand-year-old tradition... You should apologize to the entire wizarding world for doing this!"

It's a pity that Jon has no chance to tell the Sorting Hat what he said.

Because he didn't put the hat on his head at all...Professor McGonagall took the hat off his head.

She didn't forget to pat Jon on the shoulder, signaling him to hurry back to the long table in Slytherin.


Jon walked off the stage a little stiffly.

Habitually walked to the second long table on the left, Hufflepuff's long table, and then, amidst the laughter, had to go to the far right, Slytherin's long table.

Draco Malfoy walked over enthusiastically and took Jon's hand.

"I knew you would definitely come to Slytherin, Patrick!" He said excitedly, "As a prefect, I welcome you on behalf of Slytherin!"

Crabbe and Goyle smirked beside him.

Jon forced a smile too, thinking he was as silly as Crabbe.

"Hello!" A familiar voice came from the other side.

Astoria Greengrass stood up, and she said indifferently, "Sit with me!"

I haven't asked for a monthly pass before this month... As a result, I looked at the monthly pass list, and they all fell to the seventh category.

So, readers, please give me some monthly tickets!

Of course, you have to save it until the end of the month to double it to me, and I don't mind (squinting smile).

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