The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 212 Arriving at Hogwarts (Second Change)

Obviously, Crabbe and Goyle were not aware of Jon's intentions either.

Without hesitation, the two of them began to tell stories about old Crabbe, old Goyle, and Lucius Malfoy when they were young.

Crabbe was still in tears as he spoke... It was Jon who took out a tissue and lent him to wipe it off.

In just half an hour or so, everything they knew was almost covered by Jon's stereotypes.

It's a pity that these two fat boys don't even count as trainee Death Eaters, and they know too little... I didn't get much useful information from them.

And they've obviously been told... Although they talked almost everything with Jon, they still didn't mention Voldemort's resurrection or information about Death Eaters.

Although from their few words, many relevant details can be inferred.


Almost an hour later, Draco Malfoy opened the door to the cubicle, followed by a girl with dark hair who looked somewhat like a pug.

In the cubicle, Jon is exchanging chocolate frog cards with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Goodbye, Pansy!" Malfoy walked in after saying goodbye to the dark-haired girl.

"I'm starving!" Malfoy yelled, sitting down and picking up a piece of pumpkin pie.

"That goddamn student union president... what's his name..." Malfoy grumbled as he ate.

"Cedric Diggory!" Crabbe whispered.

"That's right, that Diggory!" Malfoy crossed his legs: "He's really smudged and sissy, so annoying..."

Malfoy tore off the wrapping paper, took a bite, then fell back in his chair and closed his eyes, as if he had been exhausted from the morning.

"Also, do you know who the prefect of Gryffindor is?" Malfoy said with some mystery, eyes still closed.

"Potter?" Goyle asked suspiciously.

"I thought it was Potter's too!" Malfoy suddenly laughed loudly: "I didn't expect it to be that idiot Weasley!"

Crabbe and Goyle froze for a moment, then laughed too.

Looks a little nervous.

"Yes, Weasley, and Mudblood Granger..." Malfoy opened his eyes again: "Slytherin is me and Pansy... Hufflepuff is Ernie-McMillan and Hannah- Abbott, Ravenclaw's Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil..."

Jon tried to look dazed, pretending he didn't know the names at all.

Malfoy seemed to have almost recovered his physical strength, he stood up again, and told Crabbe and Goyle:

"Come on, let's go to Potter and have some fun?"

Crabbe and Goyle stood up stiffly.

"It's so funny that Potter lost to Weasley, I can't wait to see the expression on his face..." Malfoy seemed to be talking to himself, and at the same time, a smirk appeared on his face .

Suddenly he seemed to remember that there was another person in the cubicle: "Patrick, would you like to have some fun with us?"

"Forget it... I don't even know who is who!" Of course Jon would not go over, he declined.

Malfoy didn't hesitate, and led Crabbe and Goyle out of the cubicle.


After dozens of minutes, they came back in good spirits.

Draco Malfoy seemed quite pleased with the trip.

"We have to change," Malfoy reminded at the same time.

Several frantically opened the box and put on school robes; among them, Malfoy carefully pinned the prefect badge on his chest.

Finally, the train slowly slowed down, and they heard the commotion all around again—everyone was busy packing their luggage and pets together and getting off.

As a prefect, Malfoy needs to manage order, Jon followed Crabbe and Goyle, and walked out of the train very easily.

They joined the crowd at Hogsmeade Station as Jon felt the evening breeze caressing his face.

Fortunately, with Crabbe and Gore leading the way, it was not difficult to squeeze out of the crowd.

Walking on the platform, Jon smelled the fragrance of the pine trees on both sides of the path leading to the lake... and...

A limping figure stepped off the train, glanced at the crowd, and shouted loudly:

"First-year freshman, come to my side!"


This figure is actually Alastor Moody.

Jon was well aware that Hagrid was in France now, so he wouldn't be able to come and row the first years to school.

But according to the original plot, he was replaced by Professor Graplan, the acting teacher of the Protection of Magical Animals class.

Now turned into Moody?

Does this mean Mad-Eye Moody is still teaching at the school?

What about Umbridge?

But Jon didn't think much about it, anyway, when he went to the hall later, all this would definitely be revealed.

Jon saw Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley approaching, as if asking where Hagrid was... but was quickly dismissed by Mad-Eye Moody.

"Freshmen please line up here! All firstyears come with me!" Moody continued to shout in his hoarse throat.

One by one, the little ones in the first grade came behind Moody and formed a small team.

Jon thought for a moment, then decided to walk over, to Mad-Eye Moody's side.

After all, although I am not a first-year student, I am a freshman, and I will need to go through the sorting ceremony later...

On Mad-Eye Moody's face, the ferocious magic eye glanced at Jon.

Jon has been watching Moody's expression, there is no movement in his face... not even the slightest.

So, he didn't actually discover his true face under the disguise?

This means that the camouflage effect brought by Dumbledore's Iron Ring can even fool powerful magic items such as Moody's Mystic Eye.

"Christopher Patrick, right?" Mad-Eye Moody asked Jon in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Professor!" Jon nodded.

"Professor Dumbledore mentioned you, and you need to be with us, with the first years!" Moody explained.

"I understand!" Jon nodded again, and then walked to the end of the group of freshmen.

Just like the one three years ago, they followed Moody down a steep, narrow, and at the same time slippery path... The path was dark on both sides, and it was so slippery that several freshmen nearly fell fall down.

At the end of the narrow path is a black lake.

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