The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 211 Travel on the Train (Part 1)

Three uninvited guests broke into the compartment at this time.

Three boys, to be precise; at the head was a pale, gaunt young man.

To briefly describe it, he looks like a little boy.

As for the other two boys, they are both big and "special" in appearance... standing on either side of the little boy, one on each side, almost like a pair of his bodyguards.

All three were about Jon's age, maybe a year or two older.

"Vincent, about your father, I think I'm sorry...but the Dark Lord won't..." the little boy said to a boy next to him while closing the door of the cubicle.

However, the conversation between them stopped abruptly.

Apparently, they noticed that there was another person in the compartment.

Two big "bodyguards" sat on the seat opposite to Jon; the little white face frowned, obviously he didn't want to be crowded with his two big companions, so he came to Jon, the one who was close Aisle seats were taken.

"Hello, which college are you from?" The little boy obviously felt that the companion next to him was a bit unfamiliar, so he asked a little coldly.

Especially the age of the other party seems to be about the same as the three of them, which is not normal. After all, there are only so few students in Hogwarts, so no strange faces should appear.

"I don't think I know..." Jon shrugged: "Because I'm an exchange student and haven't passed the sorting ceremony yet!"

"Exchange student?" The little boy frowned involuntarily.

"Yes!" Jon nodded: "Come to Hogwarts to study in the fourth grade, and I spent my first to third grades in Durmstrang."

Hearing "Durmstrang", the other party couldn't help but frowned slightly.

He looked at Jon's eyes and eased a little.

"Oh, this is Crabbe, Vincent Crabbe, this is Goyle, Gregory Goyle." The pale boy glanced at Jon, and said casually, "My name is Mal Foo, Draco Malfoy."

As he spoke, he held out a hand to Jon.

"Patrick, Christopher Patrick!" Jon responded kindly, shaking Draco Malfoy's hand at the same time.

Then he stood up again, shaking hands with Crabbe and Goyle respectively.


The train travels across the plains of central England. Fields, forests, and villages outside the window galloped past Jon one after another.

The four people in the cubicle began to chat in a friendly manner.

It is said that there are four people communicating, but in fact there are only Jon and Malfoy as the main force... Crabbe and Goyle are obviously not talkative, they just echoed there and nodded in agreement.

"Well, Patrick... I think exchange students are not common in Hogwarts!" Draco Malfoy looked at Jon curiously: "At least I haven't heard of it before!"

"My aunt is British, and she has some connection with a Hogwarts school manager..." Jon said vaguely.

"My father originally wanted to send me to Durmstrang. He thought the education there was better!" Malfoy also said, "It's just that my mother thought it was too remote, so I didn't go there in the end!"

"Yeah..." Jon nodded thoughtfully: "The weather in Durmstrang is so bad that you have to wear a thick padded jacket for 200 days a year!"

"The weather at Hogwarts is actually very bad, it rains for half of the year..." Malfoy also nodded thoughtfully, and then he asked curiously again: "I heard that Dom Strong's Defense Against the Dark Arts class was cool?"

"It's okay...we are not a defense against the dark arts class, but a black arts research class!"

Jon communicated with Malfoy vaguely. After all, he didn't know much about Durmstrang... and Malfoy was with a dozen of Durmstrang's students last year after all. After eating on the table for a year, maybe I understand it deeper than myself.

So once you talk too much, it is very likely that you will show your feet.

Fortunately, Malfoy didn't pay too much attention to this issue. He asked more about Jon's family background...

"My parents were both wizards..." Jon replied, "They died in a magical accident when I was very young!"

"I'm sorry!" Malfoy patted Jon on the shoulder.

"If you can come to Slytherin!" Draco Malfoy laughed loudly, "I can cover you then!"

While talking, he flashed the badge on his chest.

"Draco is the prefect of Slytherin!" Goyle was the first to react and introduced to Jon.

"That's right, Prefect!" Draco Malfoy was a little complacent, his Jon's silver badge showed a letter "P", shining brightly.

This is what Prefect means.

"Oh, by the way, I should go to the carriage where the prefect is! Go and receive instructions from the head of the Boys' Student Council, and then patrol the corridors!" Malfoy suddenly remembered, stood up, and waved at Jon. He waved his hand: "Then don't pass it for now!"


Malfoy left, leaving only Jon, Crabbe, and Goyle in the cubicle.

The atmosphere became a little dull, but soon, the door of the compartment was pushed open.

A smiling woman with dimples on her face pushed the trolley and asked, "Honey, do you want to buy some food on the trolley?"

The three people in the compartment surrounded them.

Jon bought some pies and a glass of pumpkin juice.

As for Crabbe and Goyle, they had both bought chocolate frogs, pumpkin pies, pot cakes .

He suddenly understood why these two people could grow up so big.

The three of them faced each other and began to feast on it.

"Dude, you two have really good appetites!" While eating, Jon made friends with them.

Gore smiled a little foolishly and touched his head: "Yes, that's what my parents said when I was young..."

"It seems that you and Draco are good brothers!" Jon continued to compliment.

"That's right!" Crabbe nodded: "We grew up together!"

"It turned out to be a childhood sweetheart... Ah bah, it turned out to be Fa Xiao!" Jon had an expression of sudden understanding: "Then you have experienced a lot of things together!"

"Of course!" Goyle patted his chest, still chewing on a chocolate frog.

Then they start telling Jon about the trio growing up.

In half an hour, they chatted from east to west...

Because of this discussion, their relationship has become intense.

"That, Vincent!" Jon took a chance and changed the subject: "So, your father and Draco's father were also good brothers since childhood?"

Thanks to the rudder master who was rewarded by the book friend Dreaming Son.

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