The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 210 King's Cross Station (3rd)

PS: Add more, 4 for the leader rango

For the next month or so of summer vacation, Jon Hart spent most of his time at the Leaky Cauldron.

In addition to occasionally strolling around Diagon Alley.

Judging from the atmosphere shown by the outside world, everything is calm; there is no such terrible thing as Voldemort's comeback.

The front page of the "Daily Prophet" is full of trivial things... For example, a certain star's wedding, or Fudge's visit to the Ministry of Magic of a certain small country, or the Ministry of Magic imported from a certain country A batch of crucibles...

It seems that the whole world can't find more important news than these.

Of course, what Jon is concerned about is not the headlines on the front page, but some small pages.

For example, he did not find any news about Harry Potter abusing magic outside of school, violating the International Statute of Secrecy, and finally being tried by the Wizengamot in the "Daily Prophet"... This proves his guess is Right, Umbridge didn't dare make a fuss about it.

And one day in early August, Jon noticed a little news in the newspaper: Percy Weasley had been promoted to be the personal assistant to Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic. Looks like the third Weasley has betrayed his family anyway.

Also in the newspapers, Harry Potter is mentioned once or twice a week. But it's not a big article, just mentioning him by the way, and canceling him as a joke. When they talk about Harry in their articles, it's like he's one of those dupes trying to get attention, thinking he's some great tragic hero or something.

The newspapers kept dropping a few harsh comments about Harry, pretending to be casual.

Come up with a baseless report, they'll say 'Only Harry Potter could have made that up' or something; Don't get a scar on your forehead, or he'll ask us to worship him next...

There are also quite a few articles written about Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore's reputation is here after all, the Ministry of Magic dared to say that he was old and confused at most; he didn't dare to be unreservedly black like he did to Harry Potter.

Fudge's strategy was successful in a sense—

Now whether it is Harry Potter or Albus Dumbledore, their reputations are almost ruined.

When Jon had breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron during this period, he would hear someone discussing Harry and Dumbledore every now and then.

However, they have all become derogatory terms. When everyone mentions them, it is like referring to two clowns... Of course, some people will argue with them, and a quarrel will arise...

Of course this has nothing to do with Jon...

Since Dumbledore doesn't care about these, of course he doesn't need to care.


On September 1st, Jon arrived at King's Cross Station half an hour early at half past ten.

As soon as he entered the station, Jon walked around the wall between platforms 9 and 10 pretending to be nonchalant, pushing his luggage. Another three-quarters platform.

The Hogwarts Express stopped there, belching white steam.

Pulling his luggage, Jon stepped onto the train and found an empty compartment.

Lifting the luggage onto the shelf in the compartment, Jon found a window seat and sat down.

At the same time began to observe the outside:

There were many Hogwarts students and their parents on the platform.

In a short while, Jon saw many acquaintances.

Like Cedric Diggory and his father, Cedric had a shiny badge on his chest with the letters HB engraved on it, and he was Head Boy at Hogwarts.

And Zacharias Smith and his mother; and Ernie McMillan and his parents; and Hannah Abbott and her grandpa...

It's a pity that Jon's identity is now Christopher Patrick, not Jon Hart, so he can't say hello to them anymore.


Near eleven o'clock.

Harry Potter came too, and he came alone...

But Jon is sure that there must be members of the Order of the Phoenix around to protect him.

Sure enough, Jon soon noticed a pink-haired witch in the corner of the stands... There was no doubt that she was Nymphadora Tonks! And she must be more than one, it's just that Jon is too lazy to keep looking.

The students and their parents along the way avoided Harry after seeing him; and Harry looked a little dazed.

It seems that he may have spent the entire summer vacation on Privet Drive and did not go to 12 Grimmauld Place, so he has no idea what happened this summer vacation...

But soon Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger will tell him everything!

Jon soon saw Hermione and the Weasleys also appear on the platform.

With them was Mad-Eye Moody, and a black dog almost the size of a bear.

The big black dog leaped at Harry enthusiastically, stood up on its hind legs, and put its front paws on Harry's shoulders... But Mrs. Weasley rushed over in time to stop it from moving further, Otherwise, one person and one dog will become enthusiastic in public.

Whenever Jon sees this big black dog, he thinks of a lot of golden coins.

It is said that Sirius Black's bounty has risen to 10,000 Galleons, which is no longer a small amount of twelve thousand.

However, Black seems to have become a member of the Order of the Phoenix. At a time when the relationship between the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix is ​​tense, if he continues to report him, he may be beaten to death by Dumbledore...

So after thinking about it, Jon still gave up that impulse.


The whistle to remind everyone to get on the train sounded, and the students standing on the platform began to board the train in a hurry.

The train moved on.

The figures in the stands gradually shrunk, only the big black dog was running after the car window, its tail wagging constantly.

People passing by on the platform laughed happily when they saw the dog chasing the train; then the train turned a bend, and the big black dog disappeared.

On the first day of school this year, the weather seems to be pretty good.

Looking at the sky outside the window, Jon thought to himself... You must know that the way to Hogwarts when school started two years ago, there was heavy rain.

Stretching lazily, Jon suddenly found that there was still no one else in his compartment.

Would it be possible to stay in the same carriage with the savior and go to school, Jon couldn't help being taken aback.

You must know that Harry and the others have just started class, so they probably haven't found a seat yet.

At this time, the door of the compartment was opened.

Three people broke in.

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