The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 209 Returning to London (Second Change)

This is a spacious and beautiful circular room.

On one side of the wall, there are portraits of old male and female principals, all snoring softly in their respective frames.

There was also a huge table with claw-shaped legs; on the table were several displays of grotesque silverware, and a battered, old-fashioned hat.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore was sitting in his office as usual; eating sweets and reading a newspaper.

Watch him giggle as he turns to the "Old Doozy Dumbledore" page of the Daily Prophet - as if he's seen something interesting.

A black and gray owl suddenly flew in from the office window.

"Oh?" Dumbledore took off the letter tied at the owl's feet, glanced at it, and shouted in surprise: "Arabella's letter?"

Mrs. Arabella Figg, is a member of the Order of the Phoenix; she is not a wizard, or a Muggle, but a Squib (a person who comes from a wizard family but cannot use magic)...but relying on her to raise A few mixed-breed cats and raccoons can help the Order of the Phoenix detect a lot of useful information.

After reading the letter carefully, Dumbledore put it back on the table with a puzzled expression.

"Two dementors attacked Harry and his cousin...and then Severus appeared at number four, Privet Drive?" he seemed to be talking to himself.

The former matter is a little bit understandable, but the latter matter is somewhat unreasonable, right?

Just when Dumbledore was a little confused, a golden light flashed over his head.

A bright red bird appeared in Dumbledore's office, and she seemed to be still swallowing something.

"Fox, where did you steal it again?" Dumbledore stroked his phoenix lovingly.

Phoenix Fox, its size is a whole circle larger than a month ago, and all the black and gray hairs on its body have disappeared... It doesn't look like the stupid bird before, and it starts to have the momentum of a 4X level powerful magical animal .

Only then did Dumbledore notice that there was a letter tied to Phoenix Fox's right leg.

Dumbledore couldn't help but smiled, besides himself, there was only one person in this world who could use Fox to send messages.

Taking off the letter tied to Fox's right leg, Dumbledore read it carefully.

When he read the letter, the expression on his face became quite strange...a kind of dumbfounding expression.

"What's the matter, Albus!" Several portraits of the principal on the wall woke up and looked at Dumbledore curiously.

"Nothing..." Dumbledore folded the two letters together and threw them into the fireplace; then watched them burn to ashes.

After pondering for a moment, he called out: "Phineas..."

"Any orders, Albus?" Phineas Black, who was still asleep just now, opened his eyes.

"You go and call Severus, I have something to talk to him..." Dumbledore said.

"Okay..." The sleepy Phineas Black was about to leave.

"Wait..." Dumbledore stopped him again.

"what happened again?"

"Forget it, no need..." Dumbledore shook his head again.

Albus Dumbledore stood up, walked to the phoenix, and gently stroked Fox's feathers...

"Fox, take me to 12 Grimmauld Place!"

A golden light flashed, and the entire office became empty.

Only the snores of the portraits of old headmasters and headmasters can be heard.


Jon Hart was back in his room in the nondescript hotel in London's East End.

On the table, those bottles and jars were still piled there... Jon put the bottle of compound soup with Snape cells back.

In fact, his previous behavior was actually very simple... just to do Snape a favor.

In the past few years at Hogwarts, Snape has been treating him well, and Jon should reciprocate.

And what Snape is most concerned about now is undoubtedly Harry Potter; the son of Lily Evans who he has been silently guarding behind...

But Snape was not good at expressing emotions at all, or because of Harry's father, he was unwilling to express emotions; and Harry, who was not high in emotional intelligence, always simply thought that Snape just hated him.

So the two fell into a situation of falling in love and killing each other.

Therefore, a little revealing of the truth from the side and Harry might ease the relationship between him and Snape...

This is the only thing Jon can do, one of the few things within his power.


Then, in the backpack with the Stretching Charm cast, Jon took out one thing after another:

Several sets of black wizard robes, a pair of dragonhide gloves, a pointed wizard hat, etc.

Jon bought these things from Diagon Alley before heading to Privet Drive.

It was also something he needed after going to Hogwarts next semester.

Of course, it's just a piece of clothing.

Jon went straight into the "weird" Muggle-looking costume.

After tidying up the rest of the things, Jon put them into the suitcase one by one.

The entire suitcase was piled full, and everything was ready.

Jon picked up the suitcase and walked out of the hotel.


An hour later, at Charing Cross Road.

The uninvited visitor, dressed in black wizard robes, passed a bookstore, a record store, a burger joint and a movie theater before finally arriving at a seedy, cramped bar.

The bar looked a little messy, and the guest frowned, but walked in anyway.

"Oh, Mr. Patrick!" The barkeeper, whose hair was almost stripped like a walnut, seemed to recognize him: "You are back again!"

"Yes, Mr. Aibo!" The guest nodded, "Can I stay here?"

"Of course!" Tom Abbot nodded: "Welcome!"


Jon wasn't going to stay in that ordinary hotel any longer.

After all, I am a foreign wizard who stays in the gathering place of Muggles all day long, saying that if someone finds out, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

So, he's now going to move to Diagon Alley and spend the rest of the summer at the Leaky Cauldron.

Now that Voldemort has been resurrected, the Death Eaters have assembled...

Although the Death Eaters are now acting very low-key, there is a high probability that there will be no danger, but it is better to be cautious.

Diagon Alley is a relatively large gathering place for British wizards, so under normal circumstances, it will be the safest place.

What's more, here, you can receive more and the latest news from the wizarding world.

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