Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 123: spy

Hongchen Qiufeng thought for a while: "I have no opinion, but the people in my guild should decide to stay by themselves. My guild was created by a few friends in partnership. Although I am the president, it is a really important thing. We need to discuss it! "

"Give you one night and answer me before 9 am tomorrow!" I turned and waved, and the plague circling in the sky flew down. I jumped on the back of the dragon. "Think about finding me with a private chat message!" Pat the plague beneath him: "Let's go!"

The plague plagued the sky with a dragon groan, and then shook its wings. The surrounding dragons heard the plague and rushed out of the city and flew towards us. The dragons quickly gathered, circled around the city again, and confirmed that they had not missed any valuable targets. After the team dragons dropped, Miyun City, which had become a sea of ​​fire, flew to the intended ambush site.

The time card was just right, and as soon as we walked a short rainstorm, it fell from the sky. Thunderstorms are coming fast and fast. Twenty minutes of torrential rain has poured Miyun City through the fire, but the ruins after the rain are even more desolate and horrible! There was a prosperous Miyun City a few hours ago, and now it has become a ruin. There are all kinds of unrecognizable items being burned everywhere in the original city. Numerous remnants are standing there bleakly. Some of them are still emitting smoke because of the high temperature, and the air is filled with the special smell of charred things. A heavy rain not only extinguished the flames in the city, but also the fighting spirit in the players' hearts.

Qi Hongchen Qiufeng put one hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, and the two leaned together on a stone pillar in a daze. A man dressed as a mage dressed in a grungy mage robe turned over from the ruins next to him. Looking at his black and gray face and his wounds, he knew that he had not been easy in these hours.

"Red Dust?" The mage sat down beside Hongchen Qiufeng. "What are you going to do?"

Wu Hongchen's autumn wind looked indifferently towards the port full of shipwrecks. "I see the boss of the other party's guild!"

"What?" The mage just sat down and jumped up again when he heard this. "Are there contacts? How about strength?"

Hongchen loosened his left hand to let him see the wound that had been pressed by the hand, because it was from the wall of my dragon, with a lot of curses and corpse poison on it. Hongchen's wound was difficult to heal, and it was useless to take medicine!

"He did it?"

Hongchen nodded. "We can't beat him, this cheap doesn't seem to be easy to pick up! I wanted to exchange a shot with him for a sword, and it turned out to be this way." Hong Chen stretched out his hand to the side. "Xiao Lin, give me my sword!" Hongchen continued: "You can see if you look at my sword!"

Master Mage took the long sword that had been cut by Qi Gen. "This ... this is the equipment of the Holy Spirit!"

Hongchen said helplessly: "It's useless! Just like tofu, I was cut off without feeling any power! The handle in that guy's hand was at least an intermediate artifact, maybe even a top artifact!" He turned hardly Let the mage look at his back. "Did you see this? It's a sword! I obviously avoided it, but I was cut so long! If I hit directly, I will be divided!"

Master Meng said angrily: "Huh! What great things will happen in Daxing, if you don't rely on money to buy more artifacts to bully us, these little guilds!"

"Qianduo is also a person's ability, don't say bad things behind others! The big husband can bend and stretch, but if he loses, he loses, there is a gap in strength, and there is nothing to lose as a loser." Join their guild, what do you think? "

"Dream!" The mage jumped from the ground. "To add you, I will not bow to them every night I sleep!"

"It's not a question of lowering or lowering your head. Didn't we help the Temple of Light from an impure motive at first?" Hongchen's girlfriend stood up. "Otherwise! The merging guild is plain to find a backing. Let's try the strength of the other party. If it is really worthy of trust, we will not lose even if we go in!"

I slept every day and thought for a while: "Well then! If it is really good after the test, I have no objection to joining!"

"Okay!" Hongchen Qiufeng struggled to get up but couldn't get up, and was finally helped by his girlfriend. "For the sake of fairness, we don't need our own people!" Hongchen took out a flying knife from behind. "Let them go assassination mission. If they fail, it proves that the other party is indeed powerful!"

Xi Tiantian laughed every night and said, "Since they came forward, it's so determined! But I guess the merger is impossible!"

At this time, the dragons leaving Miyun are heading towards Cloud City. According to the plan, the Dark Legion starting from Isinger should arrive at the ambush site before 9 am tomorrow to start building positions. The troops of the Light Temple will not be possible until at least tomorrow night. Arriving, it is more than enough to repair a position during the day, and at night it is just suitable for the Dark Legion to fight. Because the main task of the dragon was to intercept the Bright Army, it was useless to arrive early, so instead of flying directly to the ambush site, we decided to first harass the Bright Army that was scheduled to go to Miyun City. They should be halfway right now, but I think some players will join, their communication should be more developed, and now you may already know that Miyun is finished and is running back!

Sure enough, we finally caught up with the back team of the Temple of Light. The enemies have received news from the players that they are running back, but they have been out for a day, and it will take another day to go back. When they intersect, our ambush is almost over. !!

It was already over seven o'clock when I met the Bright Army. The troops of the Temple of Light are horrible, all of them are bright armor, the boss is full of glare! The dragons followed a large raid behind the Bright Army. The suddenly attacked team was obviously not fully prepared to be caught off guard. By the time they responded, we had turned around and ran away. Although the enemy's Gryphon Brigade pursued it, how could a Griffin fly faster?

As soon as the Griffins returned, we turned around and had another raid. The army of the Temple of Light never thought that we were gone and back, and as a result we were left empty! As soon as the enemy organized their defense, I hurried to run the dragons again. This time, not only did the enemy send out griffins, but even the battle angel group attacked! It seems that the two harassments have smashed the enemy!

Although the angels also participated in the war, unfortunately, their flight speed is not as good as the griffins! We escaped the chase easily, and there were no casualties. The two raids were only a few minutes, and we ran away before the enemy came to attack, but the Bright Army that was burned by Long Yan below was countless! A small meter like ours cannot be used continuously. After two raids, we did not turn back but flew directly to the ambush site.

I just flew halfway and suddenly my private chat rang. "Hello, I'm Hongchen Qiufeng. The two of us fought last night. Do you remember?"

当然 "Of course! How are you thinking?"

"The people in our guild hope you can take a test, and if you show enough strength, we don't mind the merger!"

测试 "Test?" I frowned a little bit unhappy! "I'm very busy. I don't have time to play games with you. If you want to join, let me know. I don't care if you don't want to join!" Find a guild to merge! I didn't expect to even offer me conditions!

Qi Hongchen Qiufeng also felt that he had no position. After all, Miyun City had just leveled up and proved the fighting power of our guild, but now he has to test his personal strength. Besides, this is not an equal negotiation, this requirement is actually one of the exchange conditions for our guild not to take revenge! "In fact, it is just an excuse. You know, the guild is not my own. Some things are not my own choice!"

"Okay, okay! Tell me what test, I will see if it is too late!" It is troublesome, but it must be done! I really need some spies to spy on the information. The other party has just penetrated the enemy and has just been attacked by us. It will definitely not be suspected, so they are best suited as spies. Who would have thought that a resistance hero is a spy?

As soon as I heard that I agreed, Hongchen immediately said, "The test is very simple. I have two friends, as long as you can defeat them both. You can choose the location! Just don't be too far away from the city!"

"Is it just two?"

"Yes! As long as you can defeat these two people!"

"Then don't call them here!"

"Why?" Hongchen Qiufeng did not expect that I suddenly regretted it again!


"Because two people are definitely not my opponents. Players below level 600 do not want to defeat me without a three-digit number!" This is not my arrogance, I do have this ability! Last night, the dragons slaughtered the city, because they are my allies, I can share a part of the experience value. Although the proportion is small, a city has been killed, and the total experience value is relatively large, so I still get a lot experience. In addition, my own magic pet has killed many people in the battle. As a result, I am now level 653, and all of my magic pets have been upgraded to a level with me except the grade. This combat power can be imagined. Got it! Besides, I have 10 times the Yalong Cavalry! Although those guys are only level 500, they are riding a level 600 hunting dragon! As long as the three level 600 little hunting dragons plus the cavalry on their backs, it must be a win against a level 600 player. I have more than 6,000 Yalong cavalry, and I still have the power to topple 2000 players, let alone only 2!

Hongchen Qiufeng did not know my strength. He just touched me yesterday and felt that I was a good personal combatant. In fact, he has not seen the most powerful thing I have! Because he didn't know the inside story, Hongchen Qiufeng heard me say that I thought he despised him deliberately. "Do n’t be too arrogant, and I do n’t have to join you. I admit that I ca n’t beat you, but you are not invincible. As long as there are five people of my strength, if you ca n’t cooperate, you will be able to You kill! "

"5? Are you based on the shot I stabbed you last night? Do you know what kind of profession I am?"

Hongchen Qiufeng is still angry. "Aren't you the Dragon Knight?"

"Hahahaha! Dragon Knight? A little bit involved, but not comprehensive! Let me tell you! I am a dual-professional. Although there is a profession that is a knight, I really rely on my other profession again!"

"Your other profession? What is it? Is it better than this Cavaliers profession?" Hongchen said unconvinced: "The reason why you are so good is half of your equipment. If I'm not mistaken, yours is not Artifacts are holy spirit equipment. If you use another class, the attributes of this equipment can not be played, you may not have the high fighting power now! "

我 "My equipment is good, but my other profession is invincible even without equipment."

"What profession is so powerful? You just blow it!"

"My other profession is the Soul-Stealing Mage, which belongs to the class of beast-tamers that rely on magic pets and demon servants to fight! How about it? No equipment needed? Last night, when the two of us were dueling, we stopped at the ones next to us. Dragons are all my magic pets. There are also troops that run out of a golden gate. Those are summoned creatures. How many talents do you think you can block them? And my men are more than that. Last night, except those giants, Except for the dragon who temporarily supports me as an ally, all the rest are my summoned creatures! "

不可能 "Impossible, why can anyone bring so many creatures?"

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, you can send those two people over. I don't mind killing two more. At that time you can ask them both to check the attack records. One of them is not mys. You can do whatever you want! "The attack notifications displayed by the magic pet and the demon servant attacking others are their masters, which is my name, so it is too easy to prove that these are my summoned creatures!

Qi Hongchen Qiufeng hesitated for a while and said, "I will still send people, but I hope you do not rely on those creatures, and defeat them by your own strength!"

"Can I use a avatar?"

"You still have a clone?"

"Crap! Without me asking you what!"


"What about the mount? I'm a knight 诶! Don't you want me to dismount?"

"You can bring the blackened unicorn last night!"

我 "I rely! That's a nightmare, what a burnt unicorn!"

"Anyway, that won't work!"

"All right!" I checked the map. "Let them wait for me in Sipingcheng Teleport after ten minutes!"


I was really troublesome enough, everything came together. I jumped from the plague. "Fly to the intended location first. I have something to do in a minute!"

"Got it!"

The plague brought the dragons forward, and I jumped straight from his back. The Siping City we just selected is below us, so I made an appointment here to fight. If I move fast enough, I will be teleported to Wucheng and then lift off just to keep up with the Dragon Brigade, without delaying my trip at all!

Because the sky is already bright, it is not appropriate for such a large group of dragons to swagger in the sky, so we fly above the clouds. At this moment, when I jump down, I first have to pass through the clouds. In the clouds, it feels like in the fog, and I really can't see my fingers around me! Anyway, it's still far from the ground. I didn't spread my wings, so the descent speed can be faster!

The speed of free fall is really fast. Within a few seconds, I passed through the clouds, and the surroundings suddenly became clear. But out of the clouds, I suddenly noticed that something below was flying towards me at high speed, no, it should be that I was flying towards that thing because I was falling down! It's too late to hide, I banged into that thing, I just felt that there were a lot of little stars in front of my eyes, and they flickered!

I shook my head hard to keep myself awake. At this time I noticed that I was hit by a griffin. Exactly, it should be a griffin knight. This guy is riding his mount and flying under the clouds. I did not expect a traffic accident with a visitor from my sky! The knight has been smashed to death by me. He must have not worn a helmet just now, and now his entire face is smashed down, and the depression just happens to be the shape of my helmet! Humph! This is the consequence of riding a motorcycle without a helmet, not to mention you are riding a flying motorcycle!

Suddenly thought of the griffin underneath, she lowered her head and saw that it was dead. The knight may have been playing with the sword just now, after I fell down, I pressed the sword down. As a result, the zigzag sword penetrated his own thigh and inserted into the gryphon's body, and the angle seemed to hit the heart! I didn't want to kill you, I can only blame you if you hang up!

I was about to spread my wings and escape, and suddenly found something on the edge of the knight's armor showing a little! Pulling it out smoothly, and spreading the wings to slow down the speed, the bodies of the knights and griffins immediately left me and fell down. The things in your hand look familiar and look like a scroll! I tried to find the gap. As soon as I pulled it, the whole scroll opened immediately. It's a pity that there are all magic texts on the scroll, and no one knows it!

"Phantom? Look what's written on it?"

"It's an emergency situation. It came back from the front line. The information sent by a spy lurking in the Dark Legion from a temple of light sent information about our troops to ambush the Light Corps in the valley. It also wrote about our specific strength!"

"Rely on it! Thank you for bringing it back, otherwise it will be troublesome to play the anti-surrounding around the Temple of Light! It's dangerous!" Looking at the scroll properties, it actually shows that it is a quest item. It seems that this scroll is still useful and cannot be destroyed for the time being. Off! Check the list of unfinished tasks, the top task is the latest task. The name of the mission is to catch the spy, the content is to get the secret paperwork and give it to the goddess of darkness, haha, what a simple task! The reward behind is to increase the intimacy of the Guild and the Dark Temple by 1 point. What is this intimacy? There is no such value in the guild property bar! Regardless, it's not a bad thing anyway ~ ~ Take it away!

After landing, I went straight to Siping City. I was delayed for a while because of a traffic accident. Now it ’s time to hurry up! I'm not afraid of the impatientness of those two people. I'm worried that I can't catch up with the luck. They have to fly to the ambush circle by themselves. There are also many roads to the nearest city!

After rushing into the city, he grabbed an NPC and asked the next way, and found the teleportation hall directly. Go in and go around, there seems to be no one who meets the criteria. I was planning to ask again in a private chat, and suddenly I heard Dangdang, someone knocked my armor with something!

I turned around and saw two women! Although it can't be described as stunning, they all have a very good temperament and should be considered rare beauty. The one on the left is slightly younger, about eighteen-nineteen years old, with a bunch of horsetails tied around his head and then spread out, looking very fresh and natural. The eyes are large and look lively. She has a red tights on her upper body, and a few protective gear to protect the vital parts. Her lower body is a bit like the hem of a classical Chinese robe, with split ends on the front and back, divided into four pieces! Here the same tights as the upper body, and the knees and ankles are protected by metal armor. The most special thing is that she has fist helmets on both hands and looks very lethal! The beauty on the right looks like twenty-five or sixty-year-old. Except that her clothes are all black, her looks are exactly the same as this one. However, the beautiful girl in black stayed in the middle hair, and it was only a little above the neck. She just used black hair to set off her fair skin! The beauty held a shaped short blade in each hand, which she had apparently struck with the handle just now.

I haven't talked yet and the two talk first. Red MM first said: "My name is really red." The next one immediately answered: "I'm Yingquan!"

Zhen Zhenhong continued, "You are Ziri, right?"

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