Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 124: Boxer

"You guys are here to test?"

测试 "Test?" Real red looked at the woman in black next to her.

Wu Yingquan said: "I don't know what is not tested. The task we receive is to beat you upright!"

任务 "Mission? Aren't you guys?"

"Red Dust Autumn Wind? He just helped us by accident, so we promised to help him complete a task for free. The task we got this morning is to defeat you!"

It seems that these two are not the people in their guild, it is estimated that they are free mercenaries! "Then where do you fight?"

"Whatever you want!" Yingquan answered coldly.

"Let's go to the duel!" Since they are not enemies, there is no need to beat them!

"No way there!" Zhen Hong suddenly said.

I turned and was ready to go, and I turned back. "Why isn't the duel?"

"We are assassins, not gladiators. Assassins will not enter the duel! It is a special case to promise Dangzhengzheng to fight against you!" The two have always spoken coldly, almost two icebergs!

"Well then! Let's fight outside the city! There are too many people here and there are NPCs messing around!"

"Lead the way!" The two still answered without emotion.

I left the city with two people and came to the outside of the city. As long as I left the gate of the city, the NPC would not care if you were a PK. "That's it!"

I opened the space door and released the night shadow. As soon as I shouted, the two suddenly moved. The really red figure had arrived in front of me, and I had guessed that she was fast, but I never thought that it would be so fast! when! It was too late to draw a sword and had to use his arms to resist, only feeling a numb arm, I flew out from the back of the night shadow.

As soon as I fell off, Ye Ying was left with only real red. Of course Ye Ying left, jumping up and trying to throw off the real red, but the real red bounced off from the sky and hit me with the power of his jump. !! Fortunately, I was prepared this time to make a half step aside, and my fist rubbed against my chest and hit the ground.

Boom! With her fist as the center, the ground with a radius of two meters trembled and then sunk into an inverted cone-shaped pit! What a terrible destructive power, or else this girl has a boxing helmet, it turned out to be a boxer!

The real red hitting the ground was right in front of me, and it was difficult to find such a good opportunity at this time. I don't need a sword anymore, just go out of her sheath and go around her neck. However, I did not suddenly hear the phantom's reminder: "Be careful!" The body leaned back under the control of the phantom, and a steel needle flew across the door of my face. Although I do n’t need a magic pet, the phantom has always been with me. I usually do n’t let it leave my body, so I did n’t remove it. Thanks to his discovery of the steel dart, otherwise he would be overcast. !!

Followed by the action of leaning back, he turned back three times in a row. The Shadow Spring in the distance did not know when to replace the blade in his hand with a steel dart, and it was actually three in one hand! As I looked at her, she waved her hands together, and six steel darts flew over. I'm not afraid if I'm prepared, I just pulled out the steel darts twice. It may be noticed that I am not afraid of the hidden weapon, Yingquan did not continue to throw darts, but replaced the double-edged blades again.

Seeing that she changed into a double-edged blade, I was going to turn my attention back to true red again. After all, Yingquan and I were far away. She holding a melee weapon did not pose a threat to me. Instead, the true red with her fist was on me Beside, she threatened me even more! But just as I was about to take my attention away, there was a flash of light on Shadow Spring's double blades, and the short blades spread like a chain! What kind of weapon is this?

Slightly in the corner of my eyes, Yu Guang suddenly saw that the fist was really red again. I immediately adjusted my body posture. Her right leg extended slightly, her left leg lunged, and her right fist swung forward. I had to see how hard her fist was! With a muffled sound, our two fists collided head-on! The power is more terrifying than I thought! All I knew was that my right arm seemed suddenly unconscious, and then I flew backward. Opening the wings barely stabilized the body to land safely, but the right arm was as unconscious as it did not exist! Real red over there is not much better than me. He landed after being beaten a dozen or so feet away, took a few steps back on the ground and then sat on the ground. She sat like that for a while, until Ying Quan carefully moved to her side and touched her with her feet, she climbed from the ground. However, after seeing her right arm rising unnaturally, she was probably as badly injured as me!

"How are you?" Yingquan looked at me alertly and asked about the true red next to him.

Zhen Zhenhong pulled a long ribbon from her waist with her left hand and tied her right hand with her body. "The right hand is useless, and you need to find a priest for treatment! I'm afraid I can't use it anymore! But I still have the left hand!" "Be careful, this guy can't handle it!"

"Rest assured! He is not my opponent!" Ying Quan said, shaking his hands, the two short blades turned into two iron cables and flew over. I want to block by hand, I can't remember right hand operation. Quickly put on his left hand but it was too late. Suddenly the chain tangled around me several times. Only now can I see clearly what kind of chain is this, which is basically a blade by blade, that handle seems to be a rare chain knife!

I was entangled after Hou Yingquan smiled proudly, she suddenly pulled back hard to take me down, but I would not lose to a **** strength. As soon as the legs are forced, the chain is stretched straight.

"Night Shadow!" As soon as I called, Night Shadow immediately understood what I meant. Yingquan looked puzzledly at the unicorn on the head of Yeying flashing a blue electric ball. Suddenly the electric ball turned into a current and shot on the chain, and the blue arc immediately passed along the chain to both sides. I am the owner of Night Shadow, and I enjoy attack immunity, but Shadow Spring is not. She watched the arc pass to her, but had no time to react.

Zizi! The arc passed to the knife handle, and a scream screamed that Zhongyingquan had a loose two-handed chain knife and let it go at the same time. Seeing that the situation was really bad, Hongfei flew up to grab the handle, how could I let her get it. The left foot hooked the chain on the ground, and the knife handle flew forward immediately. It fell really red on the ground, but the extended left hand was still one foot away from the knife handle. I was about to pull back, and suddenly I heard Dangdang twice, there were actually two more steel needles in the chain in front of the knife handle to nail the chain to the ground. Zhenhong rolled the handle in his hand, and Yingquan stepped forward to take it.

I saw that I was in a bad situation and wanted to get rid of myself from the chain first, but it was a bit slower. Yingquan shakes the handle with both hands, and I'm blown away, but the shackle chain is loosened! Night Shadow came alertly to catch the falling me, but fortunately did not fall to the ground.

The preliminary trials generally understood the fighting methods of these two girls. They relied on skill and speed, and they won by pure strike and high attack. To deal with such people, unless you are faster and more accurate than them, the only chance of victory is that they can't make moves with more brutal combat methods than them!

"Night Shadow! Heavy armored dragon form!" Ye Ying began to transform immediately, a tall heavy armored dragon appeared in front of us. The two girls froze for a moment, but immediately reacted.

"Sister! Give me the pills!" Zhenhong shouted.

Wu Yingquan lost a red box to really red. "Last box, save it!"

"I see!" Zhenhong lifted her head and put something in her mouth against her mouth. It wouldn't be a hit, but I wanted to take a stimulant!

Zhenhong shoved the box into her arms, and then untied the ribbon on her right hand, and her right arm, which was just unusable, was able to move! "Hum! Harmful, I'm going to use spirit pills, you have to pay!"

"I rely! You take stimulants, and I'm fine without telling you to violate the rules of athletes!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, it was resolved that he would take the next business as soon as possible. A free task was so delayed that it was a big loss of time!" When I was fooled again, I quickly stooped and ran away to attack. But really red rushed up like crazy, this time I have no hands to pick up!

兽 "Beast!" I quickly transformed into a werewolf. I feel that my right arm can move again after being transformed, which is really good.

Zhenhong had already come to the front, and hit with a right hook, and I sideways let the attack go. But she stopped immediately, and her left fist waved again. I saw the opportunity to raise my hand and pinch her wrist, and moved forward in the direction of her force, and she flew out immediately. Just trying to make up a few feet, a chain flew in front of me and blocked my pursuit. The two guys cooperated so well, one long-range attack and one short-handed short-handed hit, they couldn't make it at all!

I simply shot the dragon tendon flying rope, and the two chains were entangled in the air, and no one could pull it apart. The night shadow transformed into a heavy armored dragon rushed up, biting the twisted chain and pulling at me, the shadow spring was taken away!

good chance! "Night Shadow, dodge!" I set up the Avengers, and Night Shadow stepped back quickly to make way for the attack. As soon as I moved my finger, the Avengers' special soul-chasing arrow flew out.


Almost as soon as the crossbow flew out, I jumped behind Ye Ying, and Ye Ying was lying on the ground clinging to the ground alertly. Yingquan watched the crossbow flew under her, and was somewhat proud of not hitting it, but she soon noticed the abnormal behavior of Yeying and me. She seemed to realize what quickly turned to look at the crossbow, and saw that the crossbow landed safely, and then it was-boom!

One of the attributes of Soul Chasing Arrow is that it explodes after hitting, and the range is one tenth of my level, and the unit is meter. I have more than 600 levels, which means that the explosion range is more than 60 meters! I deliberately shot the arrow a little further, just not to hurt myself. Although I don't need to reduce blood because of the attack save, it was quite painful to be bombed!

Wu Yingquan and Zhen Hong were both defenseless, and the sudden explosion lifted both of them out. I didn't react at all because I was hiding behind the night shadow, so I took the time to prepare for the second soul-chasing arrow. As soon as the shock wave passed, I immediately stood up and shot at the shadow spring that was blown up and still rolling on the ground. This time I calculated the amount of advance, and the goal is the shadow spring itself. Hope her defense is not high!

As soon as the arrow went out, I didn't care about squatting. There was another explosion outside, and I specifically read the battle report. There was a report prompting to kill the player Shadow Spring. Yes, kill one!

I hurriedly jumped out from behind Ye Ying, and finally came across real red. Neither of them reacted and they smashed into each other! Ye Ying quickly stood up and kicked up, really red rolled along the ground to avoid Ye Ying ’s big feet. As soon as she left Ye Ying's attack range, she immediately bounced off the ground, and when she came up, she hit Ye Ying's leg joint with a punch. Ye Ying's legs fell down softly, almost hit me below!

Ye Ying was injured and I had to fight alone, jumping over Ye Ying's body and rushing towards Zhen Hong. When I rushed to her, Zhenhong suddenly squatted down, and her legs were lifted with a pair of arms, which was a rabbit bullet. I kept watching her use her fists, but she didn't expect her to use her legs, her jaw was hit, and she took three steps back to stand still. True Red stood up with the remaining power of the rabbit bomb, and came up again with a combination of punches, and I could only defeat the defensive. This girl's attack was so violent that she didn't even give me a chance to fight back!

After being punched a few times, I suddenly figured out one thing. The really red attack method is actually to block the enemy with a powerful attack to prevent the opponent from returning. All her advantages are high attack power and fast attack speed. Knowing her fighting style is easy to handle. If you attack and have a high speed, your defense and blood will not be much. If I do n’t defend, I wo n’t know who ’s finished first.

After I figured it out, I immediately gave up the defense, and in the blink of an eye, I hit dozens of punches, and my blood dropped straight. But I finally had time to draw the teeth of the holy dragon, when, with a crunch, a real red punch hit my sword. With a click, her fist helmet was immediately halved, and a dash of blood flowed down her fist. The fist helmet was shattered and the true red attack was stopped.

Hey hey, it's me if you don't attack! The magic power in his hand was poured into the teeth of the Holy Dragon, and the sword flame ignited more than a foot long. Wielding the flame sword and rushing up to her head was a sword blade cut. Real red is really not an ordinary person, and my hands folded actually caught my sword! "Rely on it! Empty hand into a white blade?" I looked really sweaty. "Aren't your hands hot?" As I said, I also increased the magic output, and the flames on the sword immediately arrogantly scurryed around, and the really red hands were cracked by burning!

She suddenly yelled and directed my sword to one side, then let go of the sword, but her hands were almost burned and she couldn't see it! I quickly returned to the sword to bend out a beautiful sword flower and handed the sword tip to her. "Do you still fight?"

"I confess!" Really confessed his failure! "You are the first to beat our sisters! Admire!"

那就 "That's good! Please tell Hongchen Qiufeng that I have passed, and let him contact me!"

"We will!" Seeing me turning and going away really red suddenly stopped me. "Wait!"

I'm riding on Yeying's back and ready to go. "Anything else?"

True Red suddenly became stunned. "I! I want to know where I can see you again?"

I rely! You don't have to be so direct! Jokingly, "You don't want to find me for revenge?"

"How can there be!" How this girl changed really fast, just now a cold and arrogant iceberg beauty, this will become a pure girl again! "I just want to know where you are, and I want to talk to you!"

"Still learning?" I was beaten into a panda's eye just once, and I don't know how to come again! However, seeing the strength of their sisters, it should be worth knowing! "Come to Isinger if you have time!" After talking about Ye Ying's neck, Ye Ying immediately turned and ran towards the city.

gosh! Zhenhong's punch was not too light just now, and Ye Ying is still a little embarrassed when walking! I knew that when I just closed the space door, I should send him in! Now I have to open the space door again to send him in. It's really troublesome. I went twice this time three times a day!

After sending away the night shadows, I hurried to ask them where the plague was with my heart contact. How can I know that the answer is that they have arrived! sweat! I had to pass by myself! It first passed to the city near the ambush site, and after leaving the city, it flew towards the ambush circle. Fortunately, there are a lot of messy things in the bracelet, and a few bottles of endurance supplements have been pulled out of it.

I saw a large group of dark legions setting up traps and digging hidden pits, while the dragons chose an ambush in the valley. I found the general directly and asked about the situation. The general said that it was almost ready, and I was waiting for the troops of the Temple of Light to drill their pockets!

After confirming that there are no problems with the troops, I flew into the canyon again. The players are basically here. They are all carefully digging holes on the mountain wall, and the crystal chocolate is commanding. I landed next to her. "What are you doing?"

"What the military general said, let me load zha medicine here, and what grades to load? What is more professional, anyway, my blasting expert in this game is not as good as his experience!"

I look at the zha medicine hole dug in the whole mountain. "These were built according to the generals?"

恩 "Well! The zha medicine is placed in three heights, and the blasting depth and charge are not the same. It is said that this can make the mountains on both sides fall down at one time, and the bottom can be completely buried!"

I point to the dragon above. "What are they doing?" Several dragons were carrying blocks of giant rocks to the top of the mountain.

"Oh! That ’s the setting of the falling rocks! Those rocks have zha medicine. Later, they will detonate the zha medicine below. When the mountain collapses, these rocks will roll on the road. We can detonate these stones remotely, and we can bury another one! "


Suddenly I heard a huge wind approaching from behind ~ ~ I looked back but saw the sky fire fall behind me. Ziyue jumped from above. "You finally arrived?"

"What? Are you looking for me?"

"I'm not looking for you, I just sighed that your chairman was too easy!"

"I'm still relaxed? It doesn't make sense!" I suddenly remembered something. "By the way, Cristina said that their research institute has come up with something suitable for dragons. You can go there to see it!"

"You said that the mage who claims to be the first turret in Europe?"

"Yes, it's her!"

"Okay, I know!" Ziyue pointed in front of the canyon. "You have Xingtong, go ahead and see where the enemy is! If you come, you can tell us in advance to prevent the enemy from engaging in a sudden attack!"

"Okay, I'll go!"

I called lucky and jumped up and flew towards the other side of the valley. There are actually a lot of players loading zha medicine here, but it is Sumei who urges the work. There are also many dragons on the top of the mountain accumulating boulders. According to the length of this valley, it will not be a problem to meet two people one by one, blocking people in it!

Let lucky fly higher, I climbed his head and held Dragon Horn to stand there and look out into the distance. With the help of Xingtong, I could see far away. Nothing in sight, everything seems quiet! First descended and rested for a while, and after waiting for a while, it was estimated that the troops of the Temple of Light were coming, and I let lucky take off again, but this time there was nothing. Did they detour? Nope!

not good! I suddenly thought of a possibility. "Lucky! Ascend above the clouds!"

明白 "Understand!" Fortunately, flapping my wings across the clouds sent me up into the air. I just got dumbfounded when I flew out of the clouds with no fingers!

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