Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 122: City is burning

Riding on the top of the plague and using the star pupil, I can see very far targets, because the coordinates in the game are not very accurate, and the dragons are always easy to miss the targets when flying in the sky, so I have to act as an observer! Suddenly I found the target on the left front. "There, I see the city, descending altitude, ready to attack!"

A large group of dragons suddenly turned in the sky and rushed towards Miyun City. The city, which was just a small bright spot, gradually became clear, and the dragons all began to descend and prepare to attack. The clouds over Miyun City seem to be raining at any time, which is not a good thing!

大家 "Everyone moves fast. It looks like it's going to rain. If it is wet by the rain, Long Yan won't work. Everyone move quickly and burn down the city before it rains!"

了解 "Understand!" The Dragon King led a team of red dragons and rushed towards the city.

At this time, many players in the city are still busy on the street. The business in the port city is very developed, and the players are generally concentrated. Even at night, it is crowded. Because this was a surprise attack and it was all about suddenness, we didn't issue a notice.

According to the information, many players who joined the Light Temple to conquer the army are concentrated in Miyun City. Because they can use the city teleportation array, they were sent over as port guards. The main target of the night attack is these players. And all available ships in the port. Because this is the city of the Temple of Light, so don't worry about the loss, our goal is to make the whole city a pot!

A little couple was walking on the streets of Miyun City, and the man suddenly said, "Did you hear anything?"

The girl raised her head from the man's arms. "No! You heard me wrong?"

The man-in-law listened carefully again, and seemed to find no new voice. I was about to say that I heard it wrong, and suddenly a huge shadow whistled past their heads. After the black shadow flashed, there was a loud noise, and the roofs of all buildings exploded upward at the same time, and numerous fragments followed the black shadow and flew over. But the speed of the fragments is not fast enough, and the fragments that cannot catch up with the black shadows all smashed onto the road, and a scared little couple hurriedly avoided it!

The matter did not end. The second and third shadows passed over their heads one after the other. The shadows grew more and more dense, and within a few seconds a few shadows had flew over their heads.

Boom! A shocking explosion finally calmed down the two! Although the sound of the explosion is loud, it can be heard very far away. The man quickly turned on his private chat system. "Sleeping every day? What the **** happened?"


"How to do it?" Hongchen Qiufeng looked at the sky in the distance. "Damn, such a big mushroom cloud is red in the sky. What's wrong?"

"It's an ammunition depot! The battleship of the Temple of Light exploded with ammunition depots, and we hung many brothers!"

"What?" Hongchen Qiufeng shouted. "I want so many of you to eat lunch? This can be destroyed by others? ..." Hong Chen, who scolded a few words, eased: "Yes, something just flew over my head just now, good speed. Quickly, lift the roof off. Do any of you see what it is? "

Sleeping and crying every day, "Boss! You also said that we did not see what the enemy flew over your head, let alone let us say! Those were dragons just now. The library detonated! "

"Isn't there a cannon in the port? You're fighting back! It's also good to hit the head. That thing is special and it's really good. You can't find it!"

"No! There are too many dragons. The first batch of dragons burned the battery!" The voice in the private chat suddenly became noisy. "Ah! ... bad! ... Boss, ... fast! We can't stand it!"

"Hold on, I'll be right there!"

Wu Hongchen pulled up the girlfriend beside him and ran towards the harbor, avoiding scattered rocks. Suddenly a giant dragon flew over them, and the gigantic dragon tail unknowingly stunned the building next to it, and the upper part of the whole building fell like tofu. Hongchen and his girlfriend watched the building smash down to himself. He could not help but stand tightly together with his girlfriend and stood there waiting to be resurrected. The building was too big, and it was impossible to avoid it!

Boom! The whole building smashed, Hongchen and his girlfriend at the same time increased their strength to hold each other tightly, and were buried!

The smoke and dust cleared, and Hongchen and his girlfriend waited for a long time without hearing the death notice. The two opened their eyes in confusion, as the two were standing in a window. When the house fell down, the two people passed through the window, and there was a fir door diagonally opposite the window. Although the fallen building was scattered, two people passed through the window and then just passed through the gate. As a result, they were not smashed at all. On the contrary, the door frame helped them to support the surrounding debris and did not fall down and squash them! Really fatal!

The two of them could not be surprised, and they quickly climbed out of the rubble and ran towards the port. In just a few minutes, the city has changed from heaven to hell, with flames burning everywhere. The powerful destructive power of the dragons is unparalleled.

Two people who had just climbed out of the ruins saw a dragon flying over them at an extremely low altitude. The dragon's wings were wide open and looked like a weird big kite. The dragon stretched its long neck underneath, with its head facing the ground. He slowly opened the mouth full of fangs, and saw a white mist spray out of the dragon's mouth, and then a flash of light flashed, and the white mist suddenly exploded into a burning flame. Hongchen immediately understood that this was Longyan. Dragons usually did not directly spit fire, they ignited outside after spraying a flammable gas mist. The huge red dragon in front of him spewed flames and burned along the street. Hong Chen, who had just climbed out of the ruins, quickly picked up his girlfriend and jumped back into the ruins. He closed the door and the door frame became a bomb shelter!

Hong Chen, who was hiding under the door, heard only a huge moan from the metal gate, and then twisted and began to deform. The two-inch-thick metal gate instantly turned into a puddle of metal residue, but anyway, it saved the lives of two people!

The whole street was burning when 爬 climbed out of the ruins again, and the original magnificent street turned out of sight! As the buildings next to it collapsed, the red dust standing on top of the ruins could see most of the city. Countless dragons circled over the city, and flames swept along the streets, lighting all the buildings that had not yet started to burn. The whole city is burning!

Hongchen pulled up his girlfriend and quickly jumped out of the ruins and ran to the port. There were rushing players and NPCs along the way. Some people who were full of fire screamed and roared on the street, and finally fell to the ground with sorrow and anxiety. corpse.

On an urban square, an anti-aircraft crossbow gun was erected. A dragon flew right above them, without hesitation, the huge metal crossbow whistled and flew up. The dragon, who did not notice the situation below, was hit by the crossbow with the crossbow and hit the root of the wing. The wound hurt, and the dragon could not maintain its flying attitude and rolled over and crashed a church bell tower and fell to the ground. Many brave people are suffering from being unable to deal with the dragons in the sky, and there is a dragon that has fallen to the ground. They screamed and rushed up! But is the dragon so bully?

The answer is, of course: no! A green dragon was shot down, belonging to a relatively weak dragon, but even so he was still a dragon. With a roar, the dragon stood up from the church that had been smashed by itself. Folding his wings and laying on his side, the dragon moved his head and waved his tail. As a result, the remaining half of the church became a ruin!

The soldiers who rushed to the side of the dragon rushed to the feet of the dragon desperately. From the perspective of volume, they were like a group of ants attacking the chameleon, but their bravery was worthy of praise!

The green dragon was thoroughly irritated by the small ants rushing into its side, and the huge dragon tail swung angrily, taking dozens of people with each successive swipe. A silver dragon passing over found the injured companion, and he also descended to assist in the attack. As a result, the battle was even more one-sided. At the current level, no player can pose a real threat to the dragon at all! Even in the face of the Angel Legion of the Light Temple, the dragon is a super strong existence, not to mention only facing players less than 600!


The dense cloud city is a one-sided massacre. Human players can't even stick to the dragon's side. The troops of the Bright Temple have not yet arrived. The 800-level NPC guards in the city suppress the players to make troubles. It is not much better than the players when they encounter the siege of the dragon!

A large golden dragon flew over the church, grabbed the injured green dragon and flew out of the city. The silver dragon on the ground saw his companion rescued and immediately lift off. Before leaving, he also used a magma under his feet. Almost all the players who ran over to slaughter the dragon fell into the magma.

I rode on the head of the plague to continuously guide him to attack important targets. Although it is fun to kill, my evil value is even more fun. This time I slaughtered the city completely under my command, that is to say, I assume responsibility. According to the system settings, these dragons all add to my evil value after killing the player! Anyway, I do n’t worry if I have more debt, it does n’t itch if I have more lice, and I ’m the highest evil in the whole game, do n’t care more.

"There! Go to the port!" I pointed to the sea. "Sink those ships!"

"I'm going!" Fortunately, he rushed over to hear me.

The Plague Plague and Xiaosan followed the fortune and flew to the beach, and the crystal also chased from behind. The port is where the fighting is fierce. Only the city has a large number of war equipment here, so it is only here that there is decent resistance. Many players push mobile crossbow vehicles to attack the dragons in the sky, and the dragons use dragon flames and claws in return!

Immediately after the plague reached the port, it landed on the ground and started attacking the crossbow guns. I also jumped down to summon the space gate. There are so many experience points here, not earning nothing, but just the level of Xiaochun and Ling dropped sharply. This time Just make it up!

The newly upgraded Yalong cavalry can come in handy. The 500 Yalong cavalry level is not much different from the players. Most players are still concentrated in the 560-70 level, which is only 60-70 higher than these cavalry. level. The Yalong cavalry was in an array, and once the team skills were used, the advantage was immediately recovered. Besides, the little dragon hunting under the Yalong Knight is a level 600 creature, and the Biyalong Knight is still high! Dealing with these players is not trivial!

All the troops in the Puppet Space Gate rushed out to kill the enemy, and I started to find suitable targets myself. Suddenly someone photographed me behind me, and then I saw a long and resolute knight. Look at his silver armor, the level should not be low, it is likely to be one of the leaders here. Before I could come and respond, he first said, "Don't stand stupid. You are so well equipped, and help resist there!"

gosh! This guy thinks of me as a guild.

I was about to speak, and he suddenly stepped back two steps. "Are you from our guild?"

A beautiful red-haired MM ran over from behind him. "Hongchen, he is the leader of the dragon!"

The knight who was called to be a red duster took a backsword with a length of more than one hundred and eighty centimeters from the back. Watching the golden light of the sword body is definitely not ordinary, at least the level of the Holy Spirit!

"Are you the commander here?" I said to the knight.

The knight reached out and lowered his helmet mask. "All dragons can explode artifacts. I don't know what good things can be done by killing your dragon king!"

This guy obviously sees me as a dragon leader in human form, but this is not surprising. With so many dragons under my command, it is really hard to make people guess that I am a player! "It depends on whether you have that ability!" I took the dragon gun out of my backhand. "Night shadow!" Called Yan Yeying to turn over.

Wu Hongchen's autumn wind was not resigned, and he turned around and shouted, "Silverhoof!" A snow-white unicorn ran over from the building next to it. Hongchen was also a beautiful turn-over horse, with his legs clipped, and the unicorn hissed and rushed up!

Ye Yeying rushed up without me sipping, two people collided together, and my spear hit Hongchen's right chest first. Although his sword is long, it cannot be longer than the magic dragon gun! The spear opened a hole in the red dust autumn armor like piercing through a layer of kraft paper, then passed through his right chest without hindrance, and then opened a hole in the armor behind him and emerged.

But Hongchen Qiufeng didn't stop because the armor blocked his face. I don't know his expression, but judging by his movements, he seemed to be deliberately struck by me! Even if the spear penetrated his body, he still rushed to my front. Hongchen Qiufeng wielded the super long sword and cut it at my head. This guy was very greedy. He wanted to attack me directly and solve it! My spear is still stuck on him. I can't stop it with a spear at all, and the red dust autumn wind will only deliberately make me stingy when I count on it!

I'm sorry, but I'm not an ordinary knight. In addition to the standard weapons such as spears and swords, I also have many strange gate weapons! Forced to release the dragon gun, my arm lifted and the wrist blade slipped out. With a jingling sound, I held the sword with the back of my wrist blade. Hongchen Qiufeng obviously did not calculate that I would have a backup weapon, but with good PK experience, he quickly changed the weapon from his right hand to his left hand, and the sword attacked again.

The moment he changed hands, I pulled out the holy dragon's tooth from the waist with a quicker movement. When he raised his sword again to attack, it was already the holy dragon's blade! There is no suspense, a crisp sound, and the red dust autumn sword is easily cut off by the teeth of the holy dragon! Hongchen Qiufeng lost his balance because of too much force. I already knew that the Dragon's Tooth Slashing weapon would cut off the opponent ’s weapon, so I did n’t do my best at the beginning, but now it just changed. The holy dragon's tooth changed to a thorn, and easily opened a big mouth on the back of the red dust autumn wind. By the way, I also pulled the dragon gun out of his back. All these movements were done within a few seconds of the two of our mounts staggered, and the person next to me was throbbing!

When the two horses separated again, Hongchen Qiufeng was already dying on the back of the unicorn, and there was a big hole in his chest spraying blood out! If it hadn't been too late to light the demon flame on the tooth of the holy dragon, I think he has already hung up!

女 The female player over there kept a great distance from me and ran around carefully to the red dust autumn wind to help him down from the mount. "How are you doing?"

"No! The power is too bad! Hey!" Hongchen Qiufeng coughed up a blood. Suddenly he shouted, "Are you a player?"

I guess he saw the PK prompt! "I didn't say I was BOSS!"

"These ...!"

"My allies!" By this time, the city had been completely destroyed, and the entire dense cloud was burning. The plague several of them returned to my side and landed. "We are only here to destroy the fleet. The Temple of Light wants to transport soldiers by ship. I will not let them succeed!"

Wu Hongchen said in a discouraged way: "It turns out that you are the Frost Rose Alliance! You won't be the president depending on your equipment?"

"I am the president!"

He shook his head and said, "We lost this gamble! Please let go of our guild! Don't retaliate against us, I am willing to take the team out of the army of the Temple of Light and not participate in their actions!"

Although the player's level is low and there is no fighting power, human wisdom is a very troublesome thing. If you can let the players who assist the temple of light leave, it is indeed a good thing. This is more than the transaction value, anyway, I did not intend to retaliate! "Closing!"

Qi Hongchen Qiufeng reluctantly stood up with the help of his girlfriend and said, "Be careful, players around the Temple of Light are not just me in a guild!"

"How do you think of helping the Temple of Light? I want to know why you joined!"

Hongchen Qiufeng said in a discouraged way: "It is the Temple of Light that has issued announcements in various bright cities. The Temple of Light said that as long as it assists in attacking the alliance formed by the Dark Temple, the player guild, the Frost Rose Alliance, and the Dragon Race, it can get certain rewards, and it can Partition the city of Isinger, the home of the Frost Rose Alliance! We have never heard the name of your guild ~ ~ Isinger does n’t know what it looks like, but it is a city after all, a city where the temple sends troops must be It ’s very good, so it attracted a lot of players. Later, when we saw the regiment of the Light Temple, we all felt that such an army is invincible. Just follow them to pick up the bargain, so everyone joined! "Sigh With a tone of breath he continued: "I saw what you mean by fighting you tonight! This battle cannot be won at all!"

Hongchen Qiufeng is an outside player after all, and he doesn't know the actual content of the battle. He only saw the strong attack power of the Dragons, but did not know that our troops did not have many bright temples! He did see the troops of the Temple of Light, but for a player, 30 million troops and 40 million troops cannot be separated. It seems that if there is no map, you only know that China is large, but if you live in Russia for a while, you will also feel that there is a large area. But you ca n’t compare who is bigger, because you do n’t have a map, you ca n’t see the entire area of ​​it! It's the same here. Hongchen Qiufeng saw the troops of the Temple of Light, but he felt that there were many people, and he was very powerful, but he did not know how many people there were, and he could not estimate the combat effectiveness correctly!

"How many people are there in your trade?" I asked Hongchen Qiufeng.

"Mine is a small guild, there are only more than 700 people!"

叨 I thought in my heart that it was not big, but I couldn't say it in my mouth. "I want to ask, do you want to join our guild?" Hongchen Qiufeng was about to speak and was interrupted by my hand. "I know you may be unacceptable during haste. After all, you don't know my guild. I can only tell you that we will have two cities, and one of them is the number one in the world. May I be willing to join you and consider "I didn't suddenly want him to join our guild. I had a purpose. This person is very useful to us!

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