Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Bodhi Samadhi, coming to the church, everyone's astonishment

"People have to look forward."

   "Yes, that heresy has gotten the inheritance of King Lan, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

   "Yes, but the Hongmeng Spirit World that appeared this time is a rare and great opportunity, maybe that heresy will appear."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   And Shengzi Lang's eyes lit up, "Yes, he will definitely appear, then I will kill the enemy!"

   "But I heard that this person is strong, and he can compete with the Dao Dao. I am afraid that your strength is not enough."

   "No matter what, the **** hatred, we must not let it go lightly!"

   "I heard that the Son of Light is about to come to the church. He will lead us to develop the spiritual world, maybe ask him to uphold justice for you!"

   A holy child's eyes lit up.

Hearing this, Shengzilang was also a little moved. "The Son of Light represents the will of the goddess, and his strength is definitely far above us. If he deals with that heresy, even if the opponent has three heads and six arms, the sky-reaching means will undoubtedly die! "

   Thinking of the various rumors about the Son of Light, the son Lang thought about it, the more he found it feasible.

   "It's so decided."


   In the Temple of Light.

   The madman Chu sat cross-legged, opening the fantasy roulette lottery.

   "Congratulations to the host for getting the super **** level reward Bodhi Samadhi!"

   Bodhi Samadhi?

   The madman of Chu was quite surprised.

   He took out the reward, and his eyes suddenly showed an extremely unexpected look.

   Bodhi Samadhi.

   This is a Dao-level exercise, which is no less inferior to the blood and spirit.

   And the effect of this technique is also very peculiar.

   can actually wash away the greed, anger and ignorance in people's hearts, and make people calm.

   "This effect is too peculiar."

   "Bodhi? Samadhi? It seems to be a Buddhist technique."

   Chu Madman whispered.

   But this is a avenue-level technique anyway, and Madman Chu still learned it.

Shortly after.

   Concubine Ming found Madman Chu and said lightly: "You should set off now."


   The madman of Chu nodded slightly.

   After leaving Yalan Palace, the Madman Chu came to a teleportation formation in the temple and directly teleported to the Bright Church.

   Looking at the Madman Chu gradually disappearing into the teleportation formation, Concubine Ming said to the goddess Guangming: "Goddess, will the people of the Guangming Church accept him?"

   "I have ordered Guangming Zuo Tianwang."

   "Even so, the Bright Church is afraid that there will be some individual objections."

   "Hey, it depends on his own ability. As the existence that will contend with the darkness of the doomsday in the future, this little thing is not an obstacle."

   The Goddess of Light said lightly.


   In the church, many church monks gathered in a square. Under the leadership of the leader of Guangming, everyone has a pious look on their faces.

   They are all waiting for the coming of the Son of Light.

   Guangming Zuo Tianwang watched this scene beside him, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

at this time.

   A strong energy wave suddenly spread from the sky.

   Immediately afterwards, a white beam of light soared into the sky and landed in the center of the square, exposing an immensely bright atmosphere.

   Everyone couldn't help but marvel when they felt this breath.

   is too pure.

   This bright breath is too pure.

   actually makes them feel like they are facing the goddess of light.

   "Is this the goddess who descended in person?"

   "No, the aura of the goddess is far stronger than this, but the purity of the aura is almost the same as that of the goddess."

   "Worthy of being the son of light."

   All the church members bowed their heads religiously and bowed to the ground.

   The same goes for all the saints and daughters, pastors and bishops, and even the leaders of the Bright Church.

   For them, the meaning of the Son of Light is not inferior to that of the goddess.

   "I'm waiting to welcome the son of light!"

   "I'm waiting to welcome the son of light!"

  The white beam of light that reaches the sky connects the sky and the earth.

   And when the beam of light gradually dissipated, a figure slowly walked out, and the person in front of him was dressed in a white robe with a jade crown and silver-white hair flying, pure and flawless.

   The breath radiating from his body is vast and bright, and magnificent.

   As if in front of this person, all evil will be invisible!

   "Get up."

   The madman of Chu looked at the Guangming cultists who were kneeling in front of him, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.

   I am a heresy, and now so many Guangming cultivators kneel down and worship, this kind of thing, I believe that no one believes it.

   Guangming leader and others slowly raised their heads.

   Everyone wants to admire the face of the **** of light.

   After seeing it for the first time, it was amazing.

   The appearance and temperament of the person in front of him almost interprets the word bright vividly.

   But bishop Liu Hu, Guangming leader and other high-level figures looked at Madman Chu, but the more they looked at it, the more familiar they became, as if this face had been seen somewhere.

   "Son of Light, please be the master for me!"

at this time.

Shengzi Lang rushed out, knelt in front of Madman Chu, and said loudly: "My brother was killed by a heresy. He is the saint son of the Church of Brightness, the mainstay of the church in the future. Please be sure to eliminate this heresy that harms the light. what!"

   The madman Chu looked at the man kneeling in front of him, and said lightly: "Who is the heresy in your mouth?"

   "His name is Chu Madman."

   The Madman Chu was taken aback.


   The other party is telling oneself to destroy oneself?

   "Have you seen this person?"

   "No, but the appearance of this person is etched in my heart, and I have his portrait in my hand."

   Shengzilang shook his head, took out a picture scroll and slowly unfolded it.

   In the picture scroll.

   A man in white appeared.

   Everyone was stunned looking at the scroll.

   "This person looks... so familiar."

   "Wait, this man looks a bit like the Son of Light."

   Someone said uncertainly.

   Everyone also discovered this, their eyes moved on the Madman Chu and the portrait, and the entire square suddenly became silent.

   Shengzi Lang was even more stunned, looking at the Madman Chu in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

  I kneel down and worship, is the enemy who killed my brother?

  The leader of Guangming, Liu Hu and others were also stunned. The Son of Guangming was actually a heresy who had been enemies with the Church of Guangming before? ! is this possible? !

   "You, who are you?!"

   Sheng Zilang looked at Chu Madman in disbelief and asked.

   And the other party just stared at him indifferently, "Who do you think I am?"

   Guangming Guru and others also looked at Madman Chu with solemn expressions, and then looked at Guangming Zuo Tianwang, hoping that the other party could give them an explanation.

   "The madman of Chu is the son of light appointed by the goddess! There is no doubt about this!"

   Although Guangming Zuo Tianwang was unwilling to speak for the Madman Chu, this was the meaning of the Goddess of Guangming, and he could only do so.

   "The previous son of light was bewitched by the dark clan, and only when he met the goddess did he know his return..."

   Guangming Zuo Tianwang said a lot.

  According to the meaning of the goddess of light, weave a story of the prodigal son returning to gold.

   The madman Chu curled his lips.

   But he didn't refute anything. After all, it was more convenient for him to act.

   Although Bishop Guangming and others still have doubts about Chu Madman, this is what the goddess meant, and they can only temporarily press and feel puzzled.

   Shengzi Lang is still full of shock.

   "I don't believe it, I don't believe..."

"how so……"

   The madman Chu glanced at each other, ignored him, turned around and left.

   But Shengzi Lang suddenly roared, shouting loudly at the madman in Chu: "No, I don't admit that you are the son of light!"

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