Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : I only represent myself, this time, I can make an exception

"It's you, heresy!!"

   Guangming Zuo Tianwang suddenly shrank his pupils after seeing the Madman Chu.

  Although the other party's hair color and temperament have changed, he still remembers the other party's face clearly.

   The opponent was outside the Arashi Palace, and a single sword cut out a projection clone of him.

   This matter is even more in his heart.

   has always wanted to find a chance to be ashamed.

   When King Guangming Youtian was sent to attack Black Fire City, he wanted the Goddess of Guangming to arrange for him to go.

   Because he knew that Madman Chu was probably in Black Fire City.

   In the end, the Goddess of Light sent the more trusted King You Tian.

   originally thought that the other party should have died in the hands of King You Tian.

   But what is going on now? !

   The other party, how do you stay in this temple of light? !

   "Who is it? It turns out that it is the King of Light Zuo Tian."

   The madman Chu looked at Zuo Tianwang in front of him, with a smile on his face.

   But Guangming Zuo Tianwang was instantly angry, and the Guangming Dao on his body began to boil like boiling water, "Here, is the temple a place where you can set foot?!"

   "Stop it!"

   At this time, the Goddess of Guangming gave a soft drink and looked at the King Guangming Zuo with a cold color in her eyes.

   Guangming Zuo Tianwang's heart is cold.

   He rarely saw the goddess angry. In the past, the goddess' anger was directed at the Dark Lord a few times.

   For the first time, he was angry with his subordinates.

   Because of this time, Guangming Zuo Tianwang realized the power of a king-level transcendence, and just for a moment, it made his heart palpitations and fear, and his body knelt down involuntarily.

   "The goddess calms down, I just want to eradicate heresy."

   "Presumptuous, he is not a heresy, but the son of light in my temple!"

   "Son of Light?!"

   Guangming Zuo Tian Wang suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Madman with a face full of disbelief, "This, how is this possible?! He is obviously heresy."

   "Open your eyes and see if he is heresy!"

   Concubine Ming drank indifferently.

   Guangming Zuo Tianwang immediately looked at Madman Chu carefully.

   The other party exudes an incomparably pure lightness, and this lightness feels no weaker than the Goddess of Light.

   is like the incarnation of light.

People like   , no matter who they look at, they will not think of darkness or heresy.

   "Isn't he a madman from Chu?"

   Guangming Zuo Tian Wang suspected that he had admitted wrong.

   "He is a madman of Chu. He was indeed an enemy of the church before, but now, he is even the son of light I appointed." The goddess of light said lightly.

   "Goddess, let me explain to him."

   Concubine Ming bowed and said.

   "Well, Madman Chu, you come with me."

   The madman of Chu left with the goddess of light.

   The two walked in the Temple of Light, and the Madman Chu said lightly: "In the church, I am afraid there are many people who are as hostile to me as the King Zuo."

   "It's okay, with me, no one can hurt you."

   "Oh, the Lord Goddess is so sheltered, it really makes me terrified."

   The madman Chu touched his nose.

   He felt that after he came to Hongmeng Great World, he seemed to have been eating soft rice.

   I eat my apprentice King Lan, and now I eat the goddess of light.

   "The church and the rest of the forces have discovered a spiritual world. This is a good opportunity for experience. There will be a lot of evil spirits and even anomalies. You can go and see it."

   The Goddess of Light said lightly.

   "Really? That's quite expectant."

   Even though the madman of Chu said so, his face had a look of disapproval.

   He has never underestimated the world.

   But I never despised myself.


  In front of him, who else would dare to claim to be an evildoer?

   Unless it is an abnormal number like King Lan, he hardly pays attention to it.

   "Your talent is indeed extraordinary, but the enchanting heavens are not just wine bags and rice bags. It doesn't hurt to see it, it's a broadening of your horizons."


   "In addition, I want you to be the son of the Church of Light, on behalf of the Church of Light, and on my behalf to participate in this spiritual development!"

   The Goddess of Guangming looked at Madman Chu with piercing eyes.

   The madman Chu's eyes flashed, knowing that the other party wanted him to express his opinion, whether he agreed to join the Bright Church.

   "I have always only represented myself... but this time, I can make an exception."

   Hearing the first half of the words of Madman Chu, the Goddess of Light was a little disappointed at first, but she couldn't help but shine upon hearing it.

   Although the other party still didn't fully express their opinions.

   But it was an improvement to make an exception. She was not in a hurry, and she wanted to completely win over the Madman Chu. This did not happen overnight.

   The dignified king and detached person, actually so exhausted to win over a young junior.

   The Goddess Guangming couldn't help feeling a little bit inside.

   Only because the person in front of him is the son of light, the existence in the legend that can contend with the darkness of the doomsday.

   "I look forward to your performance in the spirit world."

   "Then I will go back first."

   The madman Chu finished speaking, then turned and left.

  He came to this temple of light and enjoyed some resources given by the goddess of light.

   Then, he doesn't mind doing something for the other party.

   refuse to be a prostitute, start with me.


  The Church of Light and the Temple of Light are not together.

The temple of    is located in the starry sky.

   And the Bright Church is located on the land of Hongmeng.

   Except for a very small number of people allowed by the Goddess of Light, even the leader of the Church of Light cannot easily go to the Temple of Light.

   Inside the church.

   Guangming Zuo Tian Wang returned from the temple.

   His head is a little dazed at this time.

   Chu Madman is actually the son of light? This simply collapsed his worldview.

  A heresy who is associated with the dark evil dragon, has turned into a child of light, this kind of thing, he can't accept it!

   But the other party was appointed by the goddess of light, which is not something he can resist.

  The leader of Guangming came up, "King Zuo Tian, ​​don’t you know what God Goddess has for this world of Hongmeng Spirit Realm?"

   "The goddess said that the Son of Light will come to the church soon, and then he will lead the elites of the church to the spiritual world."

   "Son of Light?!"

   The leader of Guangming was taken aback. He naturally knew this legend.

   Unexpectedly, this time the Great World of Hongmeng was opened, and even the Son of Light had appeared, which shocked him extremely.

   "I'll see it later."

   The expression of the leader of Guangming is extremely solemn.

   You must know that in ancient legends, the Son of Light is the existence that contends with the darkness of the Its status is not weaker than that of the goddess of light.

   This kind of existence came to the church, and he couldn't help but be careless.

   Soon, the church prepared with great fanfare to welcome the coming of the Son of Light.

   "I don't know what the Child of Light looks like, it's very exciting."

   "For so many years, I have never heard of the existence of this son of light, how could it suddenly appear?"

   "Maybe I have stayed in the temple and practiced."

"Also a possibility."

   In the church, several sons and daughters are gathering together to discuss the sons of light.

   But one of them is not very interested.

  His name is called Shengzilang. Among the holy children, his cultivation level is extremely talented. Now he is in the Chaos Five Profound Realm, not much worse than some great priests and even bishops.

   "Shengzilang, are you still thinking about Shengzitao?"

   A saint noticed that Sheng Zilang's emotions were not high, and couldn't help but say.

   "Oh, Shengzilang, let the mourning change smoothly."

   "Sorrow? How can I mourn this? My brother died at the hands of a heresy. If this hatred is not reported, I will never give up!"

   Shengzi Lang said coldly.

   The Sheng Zitao in his mouth was the one who went to the Lan Palace to fight for the legend of King Lan, but died in the hands of Madman Chu.

   He has always been brooding about this matter.

   The invincible chapter of "10 consecutive draws at the beginning and invincible" will continue to be updated,

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