Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : I am the light when I first exhibit the bodhi meditation

On the square of the Bright Church.

   Sheng Zilang questioned Madman Chu loudly, with strong resentment in his eyes.

   "I don't admit that you are the son of light!"

   Not only Shengzi Lang, the other monks of Guangming Church looked at Madman Chu with suspicion.

   Is this person really the son of light? !

   "You killed my brother Sheng Zitao, and you also killed many monks of the Church of Light. Why should you be the son of light?"

   "I'm not convinced!!"

   The other monks in the church were also emotionally mobilized, and they started talking one after another.

   "Yes, he was a heresy before and killed so many of us. Now that he is the son of light, can we forgive him?"

   "Yes, the Bright Church does not allow any heresy."

   In the crowd, a few people have the loudest voices.

   Affected by these people, the comments of the others are getting louder and louder.

   "Madman Chu, Madman Chu, I have done everything as the goddess said, but the congregation is dissatisfied with you, and I can't help it."

   Guangming Zuo Tian Wang was watching, with a sly smile on his face.

   followed the discussion one after another.

   One by one, questioning eyes fell on the back of Madman Chu, some even with a sense of hatred.

   "Chu madman, please give us an explanation, why should you be a child of light!"

   Sheng Zilang looked at Madman Chu and said loudly.


   At this time, a long sigh sounded.

   Chu Madman turned his back to the church people, and everyone couldn't see his face.

   can be the next moment.

   I saw a burst of white light emerging from the opponent's body, covering the entire square in an instant.

at the same time.

   White lotus flowers bloom slowly in the void, beautifully.

   Not only that, the lotus flower turned into thousands of petals and floated out, falling on every religious congregation.

   Some hideous congregants, the moment they came into contact with Lotus, their original aggrieved mood was immediately calmed down.

   The surging state of mind has become unwavering.

   Misery, anger, killing intent, etc., disappeared in an instant without a trace.

   Thousands of petals are like rain.

   The originally restless square suddenly became peaceful and peaceful.

"this is……"

   Guangming leader, Liu Hu and other bishops looked at the petals floating in front of them, and their pupils shrank.

   Other people can't perceive it, but they are in the Dao realm, but they are aware of the power of the petals.

   "This petal can purify people's inner thoughts?"

   "No, not only distracting thoughts, but also thoughts such as anger, greed, madness, etc. can be dispelled, what exactly is this?"

   Everyone was shocked.

   Chu Madman's hand was full of flowers and rain, which deeply shocked everyone.

   The madman of Chu slowly turned around and looked at the people in the Bright Church. The light aura from his body overwhelmed the audience.

   "My heart is as clear as a mirror, and what I do is justice! I am the light!"

   "Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

   The indifferent voice of the Chu madman echoed across the square, and everyone could hear it clearly.

   In the rain of flowers just now, the hostility in everyone's heart has been eliminated, and now looking at the madman Chu who is full of light, they only think that the other party is so sacred and inviolable.

   Even the Son Lang who hates the Madman Chu the most, his heart is now calm. He slowly knelt in front of Madman Chu, and said respectfully and reverently: "Worship the Son of Light."

   The others also knelt down one by one, all piety and respectful.

   This scene made the Guangming Zuo Tianwang in the crowd show a touch of horror. What is the difference between this method and brainwashing? !

   Bodhi Samadhi, wash away greed, hatred and delusion.

  Rao is the madman of Chu who had expected the effects of this practice method, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, he was still a little surprised.

   "If this method were used for preaching, how terrible would it be?"

   The madman of Chu is amazed.

   You have to know that this exercise originated from Buddhism, and if it is performed with the power of Buddhism, its effect will be even more powerful.

   However, although the madman of Chu also understands some Buddhist practices, his power is far inferior to the power of light bestowed by the Seed of Light.

   Fortunately, the power of light is similar to the power of Buddhism.

   uses the power of light instead, the effect is also outstanding.


   In the Temple of Light.

   The Goddess of Guangming and Concubine Ming were standing next to a white pool, and in the pool, what was reflected was exactly what happened after the Madman Chu came to the Guangming Church.

   "That kind of practice is a bit similar to some Buddhism methods of meditation and tranquility. Does he have a relationship with Buddhism?"

   Concubine Ming was a little surprised.

   "Heh, this practice method is more mysterious and interesting than the Qichen method seal of the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land." The Goddess of Light smiled faintly.

  The Pure Land of Heavenly Buddha, the place where Buddhism originated in the Hongmeng Great World.

   Its background is unfathomable.

  Even the Illuminati Church is three-pointed jealous.

   But the Dust Dharma Mantra is one of the supreme practice methods of the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land. It can destroy all thoughts and allow the monks to concentrate on the Dharma.

   The Goddess of Light had seen her in her early years.

   But she feels that the Bodhi Samadhi performed by the madman of Chu is much more mysterious than the Quchen Mantra, which shows how mysterious the Bodhi Samadhi is.

   "Mad Chu, I am really more and more curious about you."

   The Goddess of Light murmured.

   Is the other party really just a child of light?


   Inside the church.

   After the madman of Chu settled the riot caused by Shengzilang, he took the church people to the Hongmeng spiritual world.

   On the way, Sheng Zilang and others looked at Madman Chu with a look of worship in their eyes.

   It seems that he is completely regarded as the son of light.

  The bishop Liu Hu who was with him couldn't help but feel his heart palpitations secretly.

   Turning a character who should hate him incomparably into the appearance of worshiping him now, this method is chilling.

   Liu Hu is extremely afraid of Chu Madman.

   But my heart has become more and more convinced that the other party is the son of The pure power of light, the means to change people's hearts, if it is not the legendary son of light, who has this method?

   Hongmeng Great World.

   There is a mountain range, where there is no grass and no living beings or beasts, but here, there are a lot of people gathered.

   These people have different breaths.

   Some people are surrounded by rune forbidden, and the circulation of the forbidden seems to be evolving in the world, forming an array during the turbulent aura.

   There are people with a cold expression, and their bodies are full of murderous aura.

   There are also half-human and half-beast monks, these monks exude a rough and vague aura, as if they had come out of a wild wilderness.

   But no matter who it is, all those gathered here are extraordinary monks.

   Putting in the heavens, it can be a name for the universe.

   "Just a bright church."

   A man carrying a black long knife said lightly, his body was filled with jet black sword energy, as if even the void was torn apart, making it difficult to approach.

   "The Church of Light... I heard that they had a good fight with the Church of Darkness this time. It is unclear whether they can deploy personnel to explore this spiritual world."

   "Heh, that's not necessarily true. I heard that they recently had a son of light or something. It seems to be quite amazing."

   "No matter how powerful it is, it is limited."

   When everyone is discussing.

   There is a white warship approaching in the distance, which is the Church of Light.

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