In the clearing, the unicorn stood in front of the beast-eared ladies.

The beast-eared ladies were looking behind the unicorn with excitement on their faces.

Forestry also watched in shock.

In the clearing behind the unicorn.

A herd of mighty wild horses stand impressively!

The unicorn stood in front of the beast-eared ladies, proudly holding its head high.

But as the voice of the beast-eared ladies discussed came into its ears.

The unicorn’s eyes slowly became frightened.

“Wow, what a lot of wild horses!”

“Yes, and these horses are so big!”

“Are these horses brought back by unicorns? That’s awesome. ”

Until here, the beast-eared ladies said normally, but as Sakura spoke, the painting style directly changed.

“Wow, a lot of wild horses, how long will it take to eat this.”

After Sakura’s words, the other beast-eared ladies also swallowed their spit, and then said Kaishan.

“Horse meat is also very tasty meat, similar to donkey meat.”

“With so many wild horses, just peeling them will be peeled until dark.”

“Unicorn, can you keep these wild horses here for a few days? Now that the firewood is wet, we now have no way to make a fire, no way to smoke meat. ”

Hearing the words of the beast-eared ladies, the unicorn’s eyes began to change from tsundere to thick horror.

Fortunately, at this time, Forestry came over and spoke.

“Don’t eat these wild horses first, maybe they can all be tamed into mounts!”

The unicorn heard the sound of forestry, turned his head and looked over, saw the figure of forestry, and walked over like a savior, and the unicorn almost cried.

The unicorn walked up to Forestry and meekly lowered his head.

It turned out that the unicorn still wanted to show off with forestry, but was immediately educated by the beast-eared ladies.

The first reaction of the beast-eared ladies to see the beast now is.

“This is delicious! Set up a fire! ”

“This is okay! Set up a fire! ”

“It’s not delicious, but it can be eaten! Set up a fire!”

Especially Sakura, in her eyes, there are only two differences between being able to eat and not being able to eat.

Forestry patted the unicorn.

The oily fur still has some water droplets on it.

“You run out at dawn these days, just to find this group of wild horses?”

Forestry thought about the unicorn’s abnormal behavior in the past few days and asked.

The unicorn pulled his eyelids and lightly tapped his head.

Forestry raised his head and looked back, counted it, and found that the unicorn had brought back a total of thirty-nine wild horses.

Then Forestry sensed that someone was pulling his clothes.

Turning his head to look, he saw that Sakura was looking up at him.

Sakura saw Forestry turn around and asked Forestry.

“Karma, why can’t this wild horse eat it, what is a mount?”

The other beast-eared ladies also looked at the forestry suspiciously.

In their hearts, aren’t wild horses meant to eat?

When they heard Forestry say that they would be tamed into mounts, they were a little confused.

Forestry saw that the beast-eared ladies were looking at him suspiciously, thought about it for a while, and then opened his mouth to explain to them.

“Didn’t someone from the pig-headed tribe ride a wild boar out to fight before? You can ride these wild horses to fight. ”

“What you ride, what is your mount.”

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies all looked at the group of wild horses with a look of surprise.

Sakura glanced at the wild horses twice, and saw that each of them was much taller than her.

Then Sakura turned her head to look at Forestry and asked tentatively.

“Karma, can any animal be ridden? Those wild horses are so big, the cherry blossoms can’t go up. ”

Forestry looked down at Sakura, who was a little scared, touched her head with a smile, and opened his mouth to ask her.

“Whatever Sakura wants to ride, Karma can be caught for you.”

Forestry thought for a moment, these wild horses were really not suitable for those petite beast-eared ladies to ride, so he asked Sakura if there were any beasts she wanted to ride.

But I didn’t expect Sakura’s answer to directly give Lei’s outer scorching and tender.

“Hmm~, Sakura wants to ride on Karma the most!”

Sakura looked down and pondered for a moment, then looked at Lin’s eyes and opened her mouth to pop out such a sentence.

After hearing Sakura’s answer, Makoto was directly numb, and the hand touching Sakura’s head froze.

After a long pause, Forestry looked down at himself with innocent eyes.

Forestry didn’t know how to explain to Sakura for a while, and finally said to Sakura.

“Ride… Ride me? Not now, there will be a chance later, there will be a chance later! ”

Sakura had a disappointed look on her face when she heard Hayashi’s answer.

She didn’t understand why she wanted to ride forestry and wait until later.

Looking at Sakura, I couldn’t think of what animal I wanted to ride, so Forestry decided what animal it would be appropriate to catch in the future.

At this time, Forestry did not dare to let Sakura speak anymore, and Sakura’s wisdom-reducing blow was a little unstoppable even to Forestry.

Then Forestry looked at the unicorn and said to it.

“These mustangs are listening to you now?”

Hearing Forestry ask this, the unicorn directly raised its head proudly, and then transmitted a message to Forestry in his heart.

The unicorn explained how he defeated the leader of the herd, then took over all the mares in the herd, and finally how he fooled the herd back to the tribe through animal taming and forestry.

But the art of taming animals could not accept so much information at once, and forestry only guessed approximately.

Among them, when Forestry received the unicorn dominating the mare, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

True…… It’s really my own mount.

At this time, forestry also determined one thing.

That is, the unicorn is now the leader of this herd of wild horses.

Forestry nodded, then thought for a moment and continued to the unicorn.

“You should take these wild horses around the tribe these days, remember to take them away from my vegetable garden, if you dare to eat the vegetables I grow, I will only castrate you, believe it or not.”

Forestry said as he compared his hand to a hand knife, and then cut it out of thin air.

The unicorn heard what Forestry said, and then after seeing what Forestry said, his hair stood up, and then he quickly nodded his head to Forestry.

Forestry watched the unicorn’s reaction, nodded in satisfaction, and then waved his hand to let the unicorn take the herd of wild horses to the surroundings.


The unicorn neighed at the horses, then trotted towards the woods.

The beast-eared ladies all watched these wild horses leave, and then looked at the forest with anticipation on their faces.

Fortunately, he took a big stride and came directly to the forestry side, and the excitement was already trembling, and he asked the forestry.

“Karma, how to ride those wild horses, teach us quickly!”

The other beast-eared ladies also looked at the forestry expectantly, and said to the forestry.

“Karma, how to ride a horse, you teach us!”

“Yes, karma, teach us to ride horses!”

“Karma, how can I ride those wild horses?”

“Karma, is it like the last time you rode a unicorn?”

Shi remembered that when he was by the river, the few of them watched Forestry turn over on the back of the unicorn, and then the unicorn ran out.

After Shi’s reminder, the seven beast-eared ladies of the hunting team all lit up in front of their eyes and thought about it.

But the other beast-eared ladies were still full of doubts.


Forestry was asked by the beast-eared ladies, and several people spoke to forestry together, and forestry couldn’t plug in at all.

In the end, Forestry couldn’t help, and directly shouted loudly, and the beast-eared lady quieted down.


Forestry let out a soft breath, and then looked at the beast-eared ladies with expectant faces and spoke.

“I will definitely teach you to ride a horse, but there is another thing that must be made for riding, can you wait for a while?”

Forestry explained aloud to the beast-eared ladies.

After the beast-eared ladies listened, they all nodded to the forestry.

The excitement and anticipation in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

After riding a unicorn once, Forestry knew that a saddle was necessary.

Otherwise, riding on it, the wild horse will not only hurt when running, but also easily thrown off.

In that way, the beast-eared girls will definitely be injured and even break their bones.

The beast-eared ladies discussed excitedly for a while, and then they all scattered and continued to busy.

At this time, Forestry opened his mouth and stopped Yuki and asked.

“Fortunately, wait a minute.”

Fortunately, when she heard Forestry call her, she stopped and turned to look at Forestry.

Forestry continued to ask.

“How is your innate ability awakening, do you feel it?”

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