Forestry saw the longing for the sky in the eyes of the beast-eared ladies.

Smiling and nodding.

People without wings will always have infinite reverie about the vast and boundless sky.

In the previous life on Earth, human beings spent countless years finally inventing various flying machines, which can carry people’s desire to soar in the sky like birds.

But now in this world, there is a talented race such as the Winged Terrans, who can freely soar in the sky after becoming adults.

Forestry also looked at the sky outside, towards himself in this world, when can he lead the beast-eared lady to conquer the sky here.

At this time, Shi, who came back to his senses, opened his mouth and asked the forestry again.

“Karma, then why did ice fall from the sky?”

The stone problem pulled everyone’s thoughts back, and forestry also turned its head back.

The beast-eared ladies looked at the forestry again, waiting for the answer of the forestry.

Then Forestry pointed to the dark clouds in the sky and said to the beast-eared ladies.

“See those dark clouds? Rain falls from those dark clouds. ”

“And those falling ice blocks have a name, called hail, and hail is in higher places, very, very high, ten times higher than what we see now.”

“The hail turned out to be water, but when it fell, it became ice cubes because it was too cold above.”

In simple and easy-to-understand words, Forestry explained to the beast-eared ladies how hailstones are formed.

After hearing this, the beast-eared ladies looked at the dark clouds in the sky outside in surprise, and then looked at the forestry.

His eyes were already full of adoration.

Shi’s face showed a look of longing, and said to the forest.

“Karma, it’s amazing that water turns into ice in the sky.”

The other beast-eared ladies also had little stars shining in their eyes.

Susu took two steps forward, looked at the forestry with admiring eyes, and said to the forestry.

“Karma, you are so good, you even know this.”

The other beast-eared ladies also nodded to the forestry.

Seeing the appearance of the beast-eared ladies, Forestry shook his head with a smile.

It was raining and it was dark before you knew it.

The rain outside kept falling, and there was no sign of stopping at all.

And even now it stops, all the firewood is drenched, and there is no way to make a fire and roast meat.

So the beast-eared ladies and forestry also lay down directly in the wooden house.

The rain was still falling outside, but the hail didn’t know when it stopped.

The beast-eared ladies left their middle position to the forestry.

After Hayashi lies down, Diona is on the left and Sakura is on the right.

As soon as she lay down, Sakura squeezed into Forestry’s arms, then rubbed her head on Forestry’s shoulder and fell asleep.

And Diona was a little reserved at first, and then saw Sakura lying on Forestry’s body, she couldn’t help but get into Forestry’s arms, and fell asleep after a while.

Forestry feels that he is now holding three years on the right side and directly dying on the right.

But forestry is not afraid of it at all.

He even touched Diona’s tricolor II cat ears with his hand.

In her sleep, Diona frowned, reached into her cat ears, and then smiled and continued to sleep.

Today, the sky outside has been completely obscured by dark clouds, so after dark, there is no light at all, and it is directly a state of reaching out and missing five fingers.

The sound of the rain outside seemed to have a hypnotic effect, and Forestry fell asleep after a while.

The rain slowly became smaller in the middle of the night, but the sparse light rain did not stop when the forestry woke up.

Sakura and Diona have woken up, but because it is still raining outside, both of them are still relying on Forestry.

Two people, one on one side, are supporting Forestry’s cheeks with their noses.

Forestry was woken up by the two of them.

Sakura and Diona saw Forestry wake up and were looking at the two of them.

Both little loli laughed.

Forestry looked at Sakura and Diona, who had woken him up, and also smiled slightly.

Then directly open the bow left and right, and kiss the two little loli fiercely.

Sakura and Diona also let out bursts of laughter.

The other beast-eared ladies were still in the wooden house and did not go out.

Seeing that Forestry was playing with Sakura and Diona, they couldn’t help but touch their faces, and then looked enviously at the two who were being kissed by Forestry.

After kissing for a while, Forestry found that the other beast-eared women were looking at this side with complicated eyes.

So Forestry patted the buttocks of the two cat-eared little loli and opened his arms to let the two of them get off his body.

Then Forestry got up from the straw mat and looked outside.

After forestry got up, two cat-eared little loli sat on the side, smiling and touching their faces that had been kissed by forestry.

Forestry saw that the hail on the ground was gone, and the sky had turned blue although it was still raining lightly.

Forestry stretched, and from the joints on his body came a sound of “click, click, click”.

Then Forestry nodded a little, and after finding that many of the beast-eared ladies were in the wooden house, Forestry opened his mouth and said to the beast-eared ladies.

“Everyone wait here for the rain to stop, I’ll go out first.”

After speaking, Forestry directly lifted his legs and walked out of the wooden house.

Now the rain has become very small, and the forestry industry is still thinking about the peppers in the vegetable garden.

So I braved the rain and walked towards the vegetable garden.

After the beast-eared ladies saw the forestry go out, they all came to the window and doorway and watched the forestry go away.

Because of yesterday’s heavy rain, the floating sinks and fine sand on the ground have been washed away by the rain, and I don’t know where it flowed.

All that remained on the ground were large grains of gravel and small pebbles.

Forestry trotted all the way to the vegetable garden.

The water pipes have re-flowed out of the river, the kiln now has only one base left, and the gourd-shaped pit dug by the forestry industry has now been filled with sediment flowing in with rainwater.

Forestry doesn’t care too much about these things, and these can be remanufactured with a little more time.

Forestry went straight to the vegetable garden.

But the sight in front of him surprised the forestry industry.

Forestry originally thought that growing potatoes and peppers was suddenly fluffy.

With such heavy rain, these soft soils may be washed away by the rain.

But what I didn’t expect was that the plants in the vegetable garden did not suffer much loss.

A total of more than a dozen peppers were broken by hail and fell to the ground, and the other peppers were just leaves and fruits smashed down by hail.

The peppercorn tree was smashed off several branches, and the lemon tree and the peppercorn tree were in a similar situation, but the leaves were also smashed down a lot.

Potatoes have a lot of young shoots that have just grown and have been broken.

However, forestry estimates that even if there is no loss of potatoes, after such heavy rain, these potato sprouts may not be able to be planted.

The land is so moist, such as bean sprouts, may not grow enough to rot and die.

However, these potatoes are grown with potato sprouts rewarded by the system.

It may not be treated with common sense.

After seeing that only such a little was lost, Forestry laughed in surprise.

Pick up the broken peppers on the ground.

The roots of the dozen peppers were still in the soil, and the forestry left them untouched.

See if it’s possible for them to come back to life.

Forestry was curious and opened his eyes and perspective to look under the vegetable garden.

It turned out that the vegetable garden was in the rushing underground river, and the middle was full of soil, and the rainwater directly seeped into the underground river along the soil.

Forestry plucked the peppers from several broken pepper trees and walked towards the wooden house.

As soon as they entered the wooden house, the beast-eared ladies were concerned to ask how forestry peppers and potatoes were.

When they learned that the vegetable garden had not suffered any losses, the beast-eared ladies laughed happily.

After waiting for a while, the rain finally stopped completely.

The sun is back down.

As soon as the rain stopped, the beast-eared ladies couldn’t wait to go to the clearing and start busy.

Forestry also climbed back to the roof and rearranged the bamboo pieces that were not made yesterday.

The bamboo pieces on the roof have been baptized by hail overnight, but nothing happened, and they are the same as when they were first put on.

Forestry goes down from the roof.

Coming to the clearing, the beast-eared lady was busy with each other.

Forestry circled around, but did not find a unicorn.

Yesterday the unicorn didn’t know where to run.

It suddenly rained so much and hail that the unicorn didn’t come back all night.

But the forestry sensed that there was no fluctuation in the unicorn’s mood, and it should have found a place to shelter from the rain.

Forestry transmitted a rollback message to the unicorn, and then went into the cave to check whether the potatoes piled in the cave were soaked by the rainwater poured into the cave yesterday.

After entering the cave, Forestry found that because the potatoes were piled on the hay deep in the cave and were not soaked by rain, Forestry walked out of the cave with confidence.

At this time, Forestry saw the beast-eared ladies with excited looks on their faces, and they were all running towards the clearing.

Seeing this, Forestry also walked quickly towards the clearing, and when he reached the halfway point, Forestry suddenly received the unicorn showing off.

It seems that something happened to the unicorn.

Thinking of this, Forestry once again quickened its pace towards the clearing.


As a result, after Forestry walked to the clearing, he was directly stunned by the scene in front of him, and gasped sharply!

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