"Anyone? Hey, I'm Jean, Sheriff Jean, I've got the transponder!"

He held a silver-gray metal box in his hand, touching and knocking on the hull.

What kind of material is this?,

Jean looked curious.

It's icy and slippery to the touch, and it doesn't look like metal to the touch.

Also, it's so smooth that the whole ship seems to be a whole.


Just as Jean touched the hull of the ship, the hatch on the left side opened.

Round, splinter instances flew out of the hatch.

Seeing Li Meng appear, Jean's eyes lit up.

He hurriedly leaned over and handed over the transponder.

"Here's what you want, you're lucky, if it's a day late, there's no transponder. Leaning

out of the robotic arm, Lemon handed Jean a tin gold brick.

Pay with one hand, deliver with the other.

"What's going on?" asked Lemon.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jean pointed to the fleet in orbit on the planet in the sky.

"The Independent Planet Alliance has taken control of the communication station in the Outer Ring Star Domain, and now the Outer Ring Star Domain has lost contact with the Central and Inner Ring Star Domains, and now the Outer Ring Star Domain has been controlled by the Independent Star Alliance, and the channel I know of was closed yesterday. So

he was lucky.

Without transponders, it is impossible to sail freely in the Central and Inner Ring star fields.

This will undoubtedly bring some unnecessary trouble.

Holding the transponder, Li Meng turned and flew towards the hatch.

That's the end of the deal with Jean, and it's time for him to go.

"Hey, Qiuqiu, who do you think will win the final victory, the Independent Planet Alliance or the Galactic Federation?"

Although that was just his own guess, Jean felt that the identity of the owner behind Qiuqiu must not be simple.

There is also the spaceship in front of me, which is obviously customized.

Those small docks in the outer ring can't make such elaborate ships.

Maybe the owner of the ball is from the inner ring star field.

Maybe the owner of the ball knows some inside information.

Behind the hatch, the splinter turned to look at Jean outside.

"Does it matter?"

was the rhetorical question, and the answer to Jean.

In Jean's eyes, the hatch closed, and there was not a single gap in sight outside.

Smiling, Jean turned and walked towards the hoverbike not far away.

As Qiuqiu said, it doesn't matter who wins and who loses.

Because no matter which side wins, Taluk Star won't change much.

Like many of Taruk's people, his life is only here,

and Jean rides a hoverbike and goes away with the roar of the engine.

And behind him, in the docks.

With a slight engine roar, the line engine at the tail of the "Pioneer" erupted in a fiery tailfire.

The ship slowly lifted into the air, flying forward, getting faster and faster, and the bow was raised at a greater angle.

As the engine at the tail of the ship spewed out a dazzling tail flame, the huge thrust sent the ship into the sky, straight into the sky.

The white-gold hull of the ship seemed to be shrouded in a halo in the sunlight.

In Duis, many people noticed the "Pioneer" spacecraft that soared into the sky.

It's beautiful, and it's worth stopping to watch it go.

Among them is Tessa at the No. 63 Private Pier Maintenance Station.

Today, Tessa has a new guest.

She stood on the upper deck of an armed gunboat about 30 meters long, looking up at the sky.

Right before her eyes, a white-gold spaceship soared into the sky.

The dazzling fire-colored tail flame is very eye-catching.

The color of the ship's hull reminded her of the robots she had encountered a few days ago.

It has a round body, as bright as white jade.

There are also some beautiful gold patterns on the surface of the body, and the paint color is very similar to that of the ship.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, driven by surging power, the "Pioneer" spacecraft soared into the sky.

Successfully broke away from the shackles of the planet's gravity and rushed out of the atmosphere.

In orbit of the planet, the "Pioneer" spacecraft, which rushed out of the atmosphere, rubbed shoulders with the fleet.

After more than ten seconds, I saw a flash of blue light.

The Pioneer spacecraft jumped into hyperspace, dragging a blue streamer straight into the depths of the universe.


the Augs Nebula.

Scia Star.

In the universe surrounded by golden nebulae, the star of Slima has been rushing towards the star for hundreds of millions of years.

It was a dazzling blue giant star with the most beautiful azure hues.

In a white-gold cylinder of space inside the planet.

A huge white-gold sphere floated silently fifty meters above the ground.

In the sea of data, Li Meng is deducing hundreds of technologies at the same time.

This occupies almost 99% of the computing resources of the super intelligent core.

However, it is not enough to just develop technology.

Although a lot of computing resources have been invested in science and technology, Li Meng has also left 1% of computing resources for the development of the planet.

Siria is so big, more than 10,000 times the size of Earth.

If you want to empty the planet, you can't do it without hundreds of years.

More than two months have passed since the splinter departed.

The expansion of the planet's internal base is always underway.

In addition to the expansion of space, industry is also developing.

The STC Universal Factory on the colonial ship has long been replaced by a more advanced and larger STC.

In order to accelerate the development of the base, STC is frantically mass-producing various types of engineering robots.

"What exactly is psionic energy?"

The discovery of the split individual is shared by the ontology.

The Grey-robed Samurai were the Templars.

There was also a strange psionic ability, which aroused Li Meng's great interest.

In the sea of data, Lemon tried to deduce the existence of psionic energy based on the information he knew.

But there was no result, no direction, and no clue.

Psionic energy is an energy that cannot be explained by physical technology.

As for spiritual power, it is even more mysterious.

Also, what exactly

is a spiritual foundation? Affinity with spiritual energy

? It has to do with a person's consciousness, spirit, that

is, the soul?"If it is related to the soul, is it possible for oneself to have a spiritual foundation as a data being?"

But his own consciousness is there.

Although in the sea of data, he could not observe his own existence.

But he can feel that he is an individual, not just a piece of data.

After a series of complex calculations, Li Meng came to a conclusion.

In order to explore psionic powers, he must find a way to reach out to psionic users.

"Let's hope this mission can be completed smoothly...... "

If he can complete it, he will have a chance to contact the psionic user."

Although galactic turmoil is coming, it may enter an era of turmoil that lasts for hundreds or even millennia.

But Li Meng has a honeyed calmness about the situation in the outside world.

Whether it is a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, Li Meng will not care too much about the situation in the galaxy.

There is a good saying, the general trend of the world will be divided for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time.

On the large scale of the Milky Way, there is too much uncertainty.

Unity and division are destined to be a never-ending cycle.

Li Meng has been thinking about the value of his own existence.

Although he is not human, he has the consciousness and soul of a human being.

He had to find a goal for himself.

Over the years, Lemon has been thinking about his future.

What goals are worth striving for?

He found it, found the most suitable target.

That is to find out the truth, to find out the truth that humans were able to survive and enter the interstellar age 20,000 years ago.

Search for the unidentified alien race that rescued humanity 20,000 years ago.

He calculated the bearing of the solar system.

The solar system is located in the South Central Star Field, but the exact coordinates need to be found.

The Milky Way is just too big.

Even with a hyperspace engine capable of traveling faster than the speed of light, it would be impossible to explore every galaxy.

Even in the star fields actually controlled by the Galactic Federation, there are a large number of unexplored star systems.

He has been preparing for the voyage all these years.

This trip to Geller's dockyard will shorten the time it takes to prepare for the voyage.

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