At the same time, in the flagship of the fleet in orbit on the planet Tarooch.

This fleet is part of the Alliance of Independent Planets.

Although the Declaration of Independence is only today, the Independent Planet Alliance has been preparing for today's Declaration of Independence for more than half a century.

Freedom-class frigates, Independence-class cruisers, this is a battle ship prepared by the Independence Planet Alliance for war.

"General Osvid, Taruk has declared its independence to join the Independent Planet Alliance, I hope that the Independent Planet Alliance can keep its promise to respect the sovereignty of Taruk, my people need freedom to accept the fear of secession from the Galactic Federation, it is necessary for a strong fleet to garrison Taruk, but I hope that the arrival of the fleet will not affect the peaceful environment of Taruk. "

In the bridge, the captain sat in the captain's chair in a black robe.

It looked like it was a human, or a humanoid alien race.

He was looking down at the holographic bust projected by the communicator in front of him.

It's Mayor Claude, a Claude man.

He has blue skin and an octopus-like head.

"Mayor Claude, the Independent Planet Alliance will keep its promise and bring freedom, justice and peace to the people of Taruk, there are important assets of the Independent Planet Alliance on Taruk, and the Independent Planet Alliance has the responsibility to protect its assets, and this fleet is here for this. A

deep voice rang out from the hood.

It's a voice that creates a sense of trust.

Claude had no doubt that General Auswede would break his promise.

He offered the most flattering words.

"I hope that war will not befall Taruk, I hope that the Independent Planet Alliance can bring hope to the outer ring star field, and may victory belong to the Independent Planet Alliance!"

On the bridge, a large number of Skrit people in yellow uniforms skillfully control sophisticated equipment.

They may have been stupid and savage before, but now they are smart.

Already has the ability to fly a starship to the stars.

"Let's go!"

The fleet has arrived on Taluk, and his mission is complete.

Taruk is not a strategic location, so there is no need to place too many ships here.

Four Freedom-class frigates are enough to guard Taruk.

"Yes, General, this ship is heading to Cap Star!" The

lieutenant was a Skuri rat with gray hair and a mouse-like head.

But the words that came out of his mouth were in the language of the Federation.

In orbit of the planet, the engines of the flagship of the fleet suddenly started, shining with a blue tail flame.

The massive hull slowly turned and sailed into the dark starry sky.

In the next moment, I saw a flash of blue brilliance.

The huge cruiser disappeared in an instant, jumped into hyperspace, and dragged out a blue streamer and rushed into the depths of the starry sky.

On the surface of the planet, the city of Duis.

Military station, in the office.

The appearance of the fleet and the departure of the flagship of the fleet were all watched by Offrey and Li Meng behind the window.

"Qiuqiu, war is going to happen!" Withdrawing

her gaze from the window, Offrey returned to her seat with a sad expression.

With his eyes fixed on the sky, Lemon asked, "Offrey, which side do you think will win this war?"

It seems that the Independent Planet Federation has made some preparations for independence a long time ago, and it is naturally inferior to the Galactic Federation compared to the potential, but the Galactic Federation has a bloated government structure, bureaucracy prevails, and it is immersed in false prosperity and peace, and the Galactic Federation may not be able to react in time, after all, since the great disarmament three thousand years ago, the Galactic Federation no longer has a powerful fleet, and the guards of New Xidong alone cannot fight an interstellar war, and whether the Independent Planet Federation can win depends on how the Galactic Federation responds to the rebellion set off by the Independent Planet Alliance。 data-title="Strategy Game" data-tag="Recommended" data-type="2" data-value="Strategy Game"> the

Galactic Federation does not have a powerful fleet belonging to the central government?

How can a central government without a strong military force maintain peace in the galaxy?

"Aufri, without the deterrence of a strong military force, how does the Galactic Federal Government resolve the contradictions and disputes between the various forces within it?"

In Li Meng's opinion, in the context of the galaxy, it is too stupid to abolish the armed forces.

Even in a peaceful environment, it is necessary to retain a strong military force.

Smiling, Aufri said sarcastically, "Relying on negotiations, relying on debates, relying on the decisions of the majority of the Galactic Federation Council, relying on the offensive intervention of the Templar Order in disputes, the Galactic Federation has been doing this for the past three thousand years. "

It's the Templars again.

Previously, Lemon did not know what the Templar Order had to do with the Galactic Federal Government.

Now Lemon knows.

It is clear that the Templar Order is a military force serving the Galactic Federation Council.

It's no wonder that the federal government is committing its own use of force.

After all, the Templars were powerful enough.

Ability to resolve disputes and contradictions between internal planets and regional governments.

There is no army, and a large amount of military expenses have been subtracted.

It also alleviates the financial pressure on the member countries of the Galactic Federation.

And for regional governments, the lack of a strong military force in the central government is not a bad thing.

Disarmament policy will naturally be adopted by the Galactic Parliament.

However, in Li Meng's opinion, this is also too extreme.

Even if the environment of the galaxy is peaceful, how can peace be based on compromise and negotiation.

Without a strong military force, there is no ability to resist risks.

The Templars, though powerful, were not invincible.

In the event of an accident, an internal rebellion, or an invasion by a strong enemy, the Galactic Federation is easily pushed by a wave.

"Offrey, you should know the identity of Tours, right?" Offrey

looked at Li Meng in front of the window.

She smiled, "Does it matter?" Again,

for Offrey, the status of the employer doesn't matter.

It's the tasks and the rewards that matter.

"I'm leaving!"

Without saying anything more, Li Meng flew out.

This mission is very meaningful, and it doesn't matter if it fails.

It wasn't the reward for the task that Li Meng was interested in, but the data in the Geller Dockyard's central repository.

As a giant shipyard, Geller's Dockyard is home to a wealth of ship blueprints and cutting-edge technology.

This is exactly what Lemon needs most.

Li Meng intended to design a large ship with interstellar voyages.

There are a few useful things that can be borrowed from advanced ship blueprints.

The mayor's declaration of independence changed a lot of things.

But for the civilians of Duis, their way of life will not change much.

In the hall of the station, the bounty hunters who had returned from outside whispered.

The emergence of the Alliance of Independent Planets may bring some changes to the situation in the outer star field.

This has a good chance of affecting the bounty hunter's business.

After leaving the military station, Li Meng went straight to the commercial dock.

The destination of this mission is the inner ring of the star field, so the transponder is very important.

Able to give the "Pioneer" spacecraft a legal identity.

For the next two days, Lemon did nothing, waiting in the spaceship at the commercial docks.

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