For the identity of a bounty hunter, Li Meng naturally doesn't attach much importance to it.

He didn't leave Slimia to be a bounty hunter.

The bounty hunter is just a tool for him to satisfy his intellectual curiosity.

It doesn't matter if you have it or not, as long as the end goal remains the same.

"No, the status of the free man is very good, Offrey, is there any interesting quest, the more difficult the better, my master likes to take risks, too easy tasks are boring, if I can't satisfy my master, my master will not stay in Talukh for long. "

What he wants to do has to go to more places.

Although Taruk is the trading center of the Eastern Outer Ring Star Field, it is only a small place.

Although Li Meng was very interested in the biological experiment equipment and cultivation equipment of that secret factory.

But there is no way to access the biotech right now.

The hunter in her hands takes the initiative to seek out more difficult tasks, which is the best thing for Aufri.

After all, the casualty rate of the bounty hunter industry is extremely high.

The positive bounty quest is a little better.

The mission of the dark side is very dangerous, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will end up with no return.

The Dark Side Hunter in her hands dies in the double digits every year, if not to mention.

Smiling, Aufri pulled out three data disks from the drawer.

"There are many kinds of missions on the dark side, there are bounty missions, mercenary missions, rescue missions, bounty missions The main business of the bounty mission is to capture fugitives wanted by the federal government, regardless of life or death, the mercenary mission is the most dangerous, its employer is usually the gang family of the outer ring star field, in order to eliminate the opponent, usually spend a lot of money to ask for foreign help, this kind of mission often meets peers, the battle is extremely dangerous, the dark side hunter who performs this kind of mission often has a team behind it, compared to the first two tasks, the rescue mission seems to be much simpler, in fact, it also has a certain dangerThe business of the rescue mission is often to rescue some smuggling ships that are trapped in dangerous shipping lanes for various reasons, not only to overcome natural disasters, but also to be careful of the security weapons of the planets in the star zone.

"Of course, this is only the main classification of tasks, and there is only one criterion for the dark side, and if you are fully paid, there is nothing that cannot be done.

"There are three missions here that are very suitable for you, one is a rescue mission, there is a smuggling ship trapped in the Storm Nebula channel, the pay is rich, but it must be arrived within three months, the mission is first-come, first-served, it is a competitive rescue mission, although the mission is easy, but it may not be grabbed, if there are other hunters who arrive first, it will be in vain.

"The second mission is a mercenary mission, a certain gang family in the Southern Outer Ring Star Domain needs foreign aid to deal with the war waged by the hostile gang, as for which gang it is, the location of the mission, you have to accept the task to know, the information is in the data disk."

"The third assignment is the one of your former employer, Tours, and I wouldn't recommend that you choose this assignment because it is time-consuming, laborious, and requires enough manpower. "

The task of his former employer, Tours,

was decided without even thinking about it.

"I'll pick the third mission!" said

Offrey, reluctant to let him accept the mission from Tours.

But he put Tours' task in three tasks.

If she really didn't want him to accept the mission entrusted by Tours, how could she do it?

Limon's choice seemed to have been expected by Aufri.

She wasn't surprised.

With his right hand, he stretched out and pressed the data disk of the third task, pushing it where his hand could reach it.

"The task information is in the data disk, I won't go into details, you can find out for yourself. Forward

, Li Meng reached out the mechanical pliers, put away the data disk on the table, and inserted it into the port.

The mission information was immediately known to Li Meng.

It's still a stealth mission, but it's more complicated.

The mission target is a shipyard in orbit on a planet called "Geller" in Sector 0213 of the North Central Star Field.

Also known as the "Geller" dock.

The Geller Dockyard is a large shipyard.

It is also the only shipyard in the Central Star Domain that can build giant ships.

It's not close to Taluk, and even the shortest route will take more than four months.

The purpose of the mission was to obtain the registration information of the ships built at the Geller Dockyard.

It was a huge dockyard, heavily guarded, and it was easier said than done.

At that moment, the communication disk on the desk lit up.

The blue light flickered, casting a small holographic figure.

"The people of Taluk, I am Claude, the mayor of Duis City, for thousands of years, the outer ring star field has been brutally oppressed by the galactic federal government, they use the lowest price to obtain the most expensive rare minerals, the galactic federal government has decayed, they can't hear our voice, they can't hear our needs, and they don't care about the thousands of races in the outer ring star field, in their eyes, we are just the cheapest labor, a tool to promote the prosperity of the inner ring star field, we can't wait any longer, the once powerful federal government is long gone, we must pursue the happy life we want, we must be independent, we must resist, I declareI will join the Independent Planet Alliance on behalf of the people of Taruk, the people of Taruk, independence is today, and victory will belong to the great Alliance of Independent Planets, and it will belong to us!"

Taluk declared independence,

and Offrey was a little overwhelmed by the sudden situation.

Although Li Meng realized that the Galactic Federation was not as calm as it seemed.

But I didn't expect the turmoil to come so quickly and happen around me.

Could it be that what happened last night stimulated the owner behind the secret factory,

and forced them to act in advance?

The blue light flickered, and the bust of the mayor disappeared, replaced by the holographic avatar of the security robot.

"Master, after receiving a declaration of independence from the planets of the outer ring starfield, an unidentified fleet has appeared in orbit on the planet Taluk.

Hearing this, Aufri frowned slightly.

She quickly got up and went to the window and looked at the sky outside.

Outside, the bounty hunters, who had received the news, rushed out of the station and looked at the sky in the streets outside.

Not only the bounty hunters, but all the people of Duis City rushed to the streets and looked at the sky.

Just in Taluk's orbit, outside the visible atmosphere above Duis, a fleet appeared at some point.

The fleet consisted of five ships.

Four of these ships are smaller, about 800 meters long.

The shape of the ship is like an ant with its legs removed, and the front and rear hulls are sleek and have a segmented structure.

The structure of the ship can be seen that the second half of the hull has a large internal space.

The largest ship is about 1,700 meters long and twice the size of the others.

The shape of the ship is similar to that of a space whale, with a smooth outer structure and a relatively flat hull.

All ships have a yellow livery that is generally engineering ships in the Galactic Federation.

But that fleet was not an engineering ship, but a warship in the true sense of the word.

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