Outer Ring Star Field, 0319 Star Area.

Storm Nebula, Outer Ring Passage site.

The predecessor of the Storm Nebula was a black hole.

Pulled by the gravitational pull of the black hole, the dust and small celestial bodies in the surrounding space were gradually attracted, and the current storm nebula was gradually formed.

Since the nebula orbits a black hole, the small objects in the nebula are always moving irregularly.

This makes it extremely dangerous for the ship to sail through the Storm Nebula.

Due to the strategic location of the Storm Nebula, thousands of years ago, the Galactic Federation carved a shipping path in the Storm Nebula.

This passage greatly reduces the distance from the inner ring to the outer ring.

If you take other routes, it will take at least three years for the Inner Ring to travel to the Outer Ring.

But with the Storm Nebula Channel, the hyperspace channel becomes a straight line, traversing three star fields.

It only takes seven months to get from the Inner Ring to the Outer Ring.

Today's Storm Nebula Outer Ring site is not peaceful.

In the past, the site was a high-frequency communication base station, which belonged to the Galactic Federation.

But today, the flag, which symbolizes the Galactic Federation, has disappeared from the site.

It became the Star Arch Guard.

The flag was blue with thousands of stars on it, and it was held in the hands of a pair of hands.

That's the flag of the Free Planet Alliance.

Just outside the entrance to the Storm Nebula Channel, a large fleet is sailing into the Storm Channel.

Outside the fairway, ships lined up in a long line.

There are Freedom-class frigates, as well as the even more massive Declaration-class destroyers.

It was a ship of the same size as the Freedom-class frigate.

It's just that the hull is even larger, with a length of 1.2 kilometers.

There are also Independence-class cruisers, as well as even more massive Eclipse-class transports.

As a giant transport, the Eclipse-class transport has a larger hull.

With a length of 3 kilometers and a width of 3 kilometers, the whole transport ship is like a doughnut.

There are a large number of blue airtight shields inside and outside the ship, which are the gates of the harbor.

The airtight shield can block the air flow inside the ship, and the incoming and outgoing aircraft will not be affected.

At a glance, there were no less than thirty ships that had not yet entered the storm channel.

In the outer universe, blue streamers emerge from time to time.

Each blue streamer represents a spaceship jumping out of hyperspace.

It was the ship that would arrive next to the Free Planet Alliance.

There are warships, and there are civilian ships.

Warships lined up, and civilian ships were asked to wait outside.

At this moment, in the glow of the blue streamer, a white-gold spaceship suddenly jumped out of hyperspace and appeared in the physical universe.

It was a fifty-meter-long, boxy, coffin-like spaceship.

"It's really hilarious!"

Although before the spacecraft jumped out of hyperspace, the scanning array captured a large number of large ship signals.

But after jumping out of hyperspace, the scene he saw in front of him still scared Li Meng a lot.

Li Meng had never seen so many giant ships gathered together.

In front of the gray nebula, ships floated like a forest of guns.

In front of a fairway that looked like the crater of a storm, huge ships were lining up to enter.

The yellow-painted warship has a hull shape that can be identified at a glance as belonging to the Free Planet Alliance.

This grand scene is amazing, and it also makes people feel that war is imminent.

"This is the Storm Nebula Passage Tower, call the Pioneer, please slow down and stay away from the fleet and wait for the fleet to pass!" In

the hall inside the ship, Li Meng received a call from the Storm Nebula Tower.

"Roger, slowing down, waiting for passage!" In

the darkness of space outside, the "Pioneer" flying forward at high speed gradually slowed down and finally stopped.

At this time, there were already many civilian spacecraft waiting in the surrounding space.

There are private ships, commercial cargo ships, and ships are large and small.

The small ones are twenty or thirty meters, and the large ones are hundreds of meters.

Whether it is a civilian or commercial spacecraft, there are more or less equipped with some self-defense shipboard weapons.

"It seems that the Free Planet Alliance is invading the Central Star Domain......"

Using the sensor array on the Pioneer spacecraft, Lemon observed the Free Planet Alliance fleet beyond the channel.

It's been a month and a half since I left Taruk.

A total of 32 jumps and 32 hyperspace lanes have been changed.

Five of those days were spent navigating space at sub-light speeds.

The hyperspace engine works by tearing open a window to allow the spacecraft to enter hyperspace.

In hyperspace, there is no law that the physical universe cannot exceed the speed of light.

Depending on the class of the hyperspace engine, the spacecraft is capable of traveling tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light.

The Pioneer ship has a hyperspace engine level of 1.0.

The lower the level, the faster it is, about 100,000 times the speed of light.

Hyperspace is not a dimensional space that is detached from the physical universe, but a space that is attached to the physical universe.

The matter of the physical universe forms a mass shadow in hyperspace.

If the ship collides with it, the ship will be destroyed and killed.

Therefore, hyperspace shipping lanes are very important.

Because the hyperspace passage is a safe passage that the sages walked out step by step.

Since the universe is dynamic, celestial bodies floating in space often enter hyperspace shipping lanes.

Therefore, before the hyperspace jump, the spacecraft computer will perform a simple calculation of the course to eliminate risks.

If you don't take a hyperspace course and take a new route, you will have to make complex calculations to find out if there are obstacles on the route.

There are great demands on the spacecraft's scanning array.

Ordinary civilian ships generally do not risk taking new routes.

In the universe, it is generally impossible to get from one place to another in a straight line.

Hyperspace courses must be changed again and again to reach their destination.

"Could it be that the Free Planet Alliance wants to fight a blitzkrieg?" Li

Meng thought of the Free Planet Alliance.

The Free Planet Alliance reacted too quickly.

The Declaration of Independence was made just over a month ago.

A month later, a large fleet was assembled and advanced towards the inner ring of the star field.

And this fleet is definitely not all the combat power of the Free Planet Alliance.

In other directions, such as the Southern Outer Ring and the North Outer Ring, there must be more fleets invading the Central Ring.

If the Free Planet Alliance succeeds in controlling one-third of the star regions in the outer and outer ring star fields, the Galactic Federation will be in danger.

The Central Star Field is no more backward than the Outer Star Field.

Once the Free Planet Alliance takes control of the Central Space, the Free Planet Alliance has advanced industrial capabilities.

At that time, the gap between the Free Planet Alliance and the Galactic Federation will be greatly narrowed.

While Li Meng waited patiently, time passed little by little.

What Li Meng didn't expect was that this wait would be three days.

On the third day, no Free Planet Alliance ships jumped out of hyperspace outside the Storm Passage.

Since Leemon's arrival, a total of 71 warships have sailed into the storm channel.

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