Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 117 A point of view on course selection.

"Is the course useful to you? This needs to be analyzed from each course. After the analysis, you can easily choose the courses you need." Lane said.

"Let's talk about the elective courses for the third grade first. They are divination, arithmetic divination, protection of magical animals, ancient rune, and Muggle studies. Everyone should choose at least two." Ryan paused here and saw Hermione. After concentrating, he said: "First of all, let's talk about divination and arithmetic divination. The contents of these two subjects overlap in part. However, I personally prefer arithmetic and divination."

"Why?" "Arithmetic divination is some complex mathematical problem, and it is also very useful in the study of magic circles. Many Gringotts spell breakers have learned this. But divination is different. As far as I know, the magic circle Divination is a skill that requires talent, and if you don't have talent, you can't learn it. Just like no matter how much we practice, we can't beat Harry at Quidditch."

"What about other courses?" After listening to Ryan's analysis, Hermione continued to ask without expressing her opinion.

"If you need to be in the wild for a long time or need to take risks in your future work, then the Protection of Magical Creatures class is very important. Some positions in the Ministry of Magic also require the knowledge of this class.

Ancient Rune This course will talk about ancient magic and the basics of magic rune composition. This is a must-learn course for any wizard who is interested in academic success. In terms of gold content, it is included in the Hogwarts curriculum. It is one of the best.

Muggle Studies, on the other hand, is of little use to us Muggle-borns, except for a few individual Ministry positions. At least I think it's pretty silly to describe what a rubber duck does or to draw how to move things without magic. "

"And the biggest difference between the wizarding world and the Muggle world is that the wizarding world places great importance on individual strength. For example, our Headmaster Dumbledore is considered to be the representative of the British wizarding world, why not Fudge? It's not that Dumbledore is considered the world's most powerful The greatest white wizard. If you are interested in changing the entire magical world, then I personally feel that at least your personal strength is a must."

After listening to Ryan's narration, Hermione nodded silently. Ryan knew he didn't need to say anything more, after all, Hermione was a very assertive person. At this time, it is inappropriate to talk too much.

When it came time to hand in the course selection form on Monday, Ryan saw that Hermione had taken the exact same course as his own. Arithmetic divination, ancient rune and protection of magical animals were chosen.

On the whole, there are not many students in Gryffindor who choose Ancient Rune and Arithmetic Divination, because it is said that these two courses are more difficult. Like Harry, Ron and Neville, most of the students took the Fantastic Beasts and Divination classes.

The reason why Ryan chose these two courses is that arithmetic and divination requires at most the mathematics level of the college entrance examination, which is not very difficult. Learning this is quite effective in cracking many magical mechanisms, and can play a great role in adventure.

The ancient rune was chosen purely because he had access to the ancient rune in the complete lineage of the ancient Viking wizards. , after reading Percy's ancient rune textbook, he found that the contents recorded in the book were not as complete as he knew. In this case, why not study this subject that is both compelling and easy to score.

And Hermione chose these two courses because she was a true learner and hoped to learn more knowledge. From this point of view, it is also an inevitable result that she is the first in the grade of examination every year. After all, people who are smarter than you and work harder than you can't afford to offend.

In a school year without basilisks, everything went according to the teaching schedule. It's time for Saturday's Quidditch match, Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff. In the morning, all the members of the Gryffindor team went to the Gryffindor table for breakfast.

Captain Wood said enthusiastically: "It's the ideal weather for a Quidditch game!" At the same time, he added a lot of scrambled eggs to each player's plate.

Especially Harry.

"Harry, you need to eat a good breakfast. Quidditch is a physical job, and you need to eat more to last until the end of the game."

It's just that Harry had an uneasy expression on his face. After all, the last time he was chased by a Bludger was really bad, especially when the Bludgers attack came from a house elf.

Just as Harry was emptying his mind, a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up and saw that it was Ryan, with Hermione and Ron standing beside him.

"Don't worry," Ryan said. "Professors McGonagall and Professor Flitwick will come this time. We will sit next to the professors' seats. If we find something wrong, we will call the professor."

This consolation relieved Harry a lot, and he managed to catch the Snitch without a hitch in the game, when Gryffindor was nearly 200 points ahead of Hufflepuff.

It seemed that Dobby didn't come today, perhaps because the Malfoys were delayed by something. At the after-game celebration, Ron made his point.

Ron's guess was clearly correct, as the next day's Daily Prophet reported that Arthur Weasley inspected the Malfoys and retrieved a large number of black magic items from the Malfoys' back room.

Ryan thought it might have something to do with him, when he brewed up the sneeze potion with the Weasleys at night. The brothers had been complaining about their father working overtime every day, but couldn't find the black magic stuff in the pureblood family's collection.

After hearing this, Ryan told the brothers about all the secret room mezzanine camouflage and other ways of hiding treasures that he had known in his two lifetimes, and told the twin brothers in a joking tone that maybe Malfoy's family would have a secret storage room. Put it under the living room floor. After all, there is a saying in my hometown that the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

It seems that the twin brothers wrote all of these things in a letter to their father. Sure enough, when it was time for the experiment at night, the twin brothers came to thank Ryan for the reminder. At the same time, they also swore that they did not tell anyone about it, and only said in their letter to their father that it was what they thought.

So there is a reason why the twins can do such a big business in the future. At least this approach based on other people's perspectives will make people feel very happy, and it will also recognize their friendship with them.

Because everyone was in a good mood tonight, they successfully formulated a fever medicine that would not harm the body. Thanks to Ryan's joining, he rejected the use of many raw materials through medical analysis, which saved the Weasley twins from the pain of doing human experiments with themselves again and again.

The next step involves turning these liquids into solids and mixing in some unrelated potions to obfuscate the recipe. According to Ryan's judgment on the current progress, it is very likely that the finished product will be produced this summer.

ps: I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival, and I wish all the candidates for the college entrance examination today all the best. Finally, the poor author is here for recommendations and collections.

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