Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 118: The arrival of new guests

With Ryan's involvement, the Weasleys' vision became a reality much faster. Ryan had already seen the appearance of a large number of Galleons flying into his pockets in the future.

In the final match, Gryffindor, who had won two consecutive victories and high morale, once again defeated Ravenclaw by a large score. After a few years, he won the Academy Cup again.

At the celebration party in the common room that night, because I couldn't squeeze into the circle around Harry Potter. Ryan and Hermione could only find a quiet corner to drink pumpkin juice while exchanging information about ancient runes.

Ginny came over to them then, looking very nervous.

"Harry won the championship today, why don't you go over and congratulate him?" Hermione joked. After all, everyone could see Ginny's deep-rooted admiration for Harry.

"I have something to ask you guys." Ginny whispered a little embarrassedly.

"What? As long as we know, we will definitely answer." Hermione looked at Ginny and said sincerely.

Ginny opened her mouth, but made no sound. Ryan felt that she might be a little nervous, so he lowered his voice and said, "Don't worry, we won't spread anything you say. You should also know from your classmates that Hermione and I are not the kind of people who can't keep their mouths shut."

The persuasion worked, and Ginny took a deep breath and said, "I—like Harry. How can I get him to accept me?"

Ryan's hand holding the pumpkin juice cup paused in the air. He never expected that what Ginny was going to ask was an emotional question. This question is really worrying for him who has been single for two lifetimes so far.

As for why Ginny asked them this question, it was probably because of the irregular homework tutoring party this semester. As the most active people at the party, it's normal to be seen by Ginny as a reliable big brother and big sister, not to mention that Ryan and Hermione have a good relationship with Harry.

By the time Ryan woke up from his own madness, Hermione had already begun to teach Ginny her experience, although it sounded from some books. But it also made Ginny, who also had zero experience, nodded again and again.

Ryan recalled something while Hermione was babbling, and then said to Ginny when Hermione stopped, "Actually Harry is not as mature as you, and if you say what you think, you might be scared. Harry. I think what you need to do now is improve your overall level and communicate with Harry normally. One day Harry will really realize what you mean."

After the psychological counseling, everyone celebrated for a while, and the party didn't end until Professor McGonagall came in and asked everyone to go to bed immediately.

As soon as he washed up and went to bed, Ryan was notified that a new customer had come to the grocery store. Lane could only put on a cape and pajamas to enter the grocery store.

As soon as he entered the grocery store, he saw a woman in her 20s lying on the ground with a pale face, barely breathing, and a huge wound on her neck. The whole person seems to be frozen, and the body is still covered with hoarfrost.

Is this bitten by the Frost Dragon? Is she still alive? Ryan was taken aback by the situation. He used soul detection in life magic. Seeing that the soul of the guest in front of her is still in her body, it means that she is still alive. But unfortunately her soul quickly dissipated, and she looked like she was going to die.

Ryan was a little flustered because he had never encountered a similar situation before. Fortunately, there were a lot of remaining potions prepared to deal with the basilisk, and now they were all stuffed into the grocery store by Ryan. He took out a bottle of white fresh essence and a bottle of healing potion from the pile of potions.

He first sprinkled white fresh essence on the wounds of the wounded, and then filled the wounded with a bottle of healing potion. Then Ryan took out his wand and began to recite an ancient soul spell to the wounded: maintaining the soul. He could feel his magic power pouring into the wand like a tide as the spell was uttered.

After that, it turned into a dense magic power and injected it into the body of the lady in front of her.

This multi-pronged treatment lasted nearly ten minutes, when Ryan began to feel tired. At last the straying of her soul stopped. Watching the woman's vital signs slowly stabilize, Ryan heaved a long sigh of relief. Thanks to having learned a lot from Madam Pomfrey over the past few years, my mastery of life magic has also gone a step further. Otherwise, people may really not be able to save this time.

After dressing the wound with a special bandage, Ryan looked at the woman's blue clothes looking a little thin, worried that hypothermia would be life-threatening again after this massive blood loss. So she levitated her with a levitating spell, and wrapped herself in a blanket prepared for her camping.

After stabilizing the wounded's injury, Ryan was a little worried. After all, the grocery store is not a hospital, and it is not suitable for people to recuperate. And because she was damaged in her soul, it is best to maintain her comatose state to help her recover.

After thinking for a while, Ryan opened the space door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies. After inquiring, it was found that only two offset points were needed to send her to the world of Plants vs. Zombies.

It seems that this person should not be very important in her world, otherwise how could it be only this little offset. This situation made Ryan a little frustrated, because it meant that it was difficult to earn enough offset from this guest. But he still sent the wounded man to the hospital in Dave's new fort, and asked the doctors inside to help take care of her.

Unlike the last time he came in a hurry, Ryan was finally in the mood to take a look at the recent development of this place after arranging the wounded.

The construction of the fort is nearing completion, and a large number of plant gardens have been opened around the fort. Scattered people came and went in and out of the fort. Seems to be much more crowded than in the small town.

This should be the fact that after obtaining a solid base, scattered humans came to defect. At the same time, Kenway went to sea many times, and also picked up many people who took refuge there from the nearby islands.

Lane found that the people here didn't look very good. Most of them had rough skin, as if they had suffered a lot. Dressing is also a little out of place, either in white washed and patched clothes or in rough animal skins. But the rosy complexion means they have had a good time in the recent period. As a result, everyone had a hopeful look on their faces.

Even now due to the population problem, everyone can only hide near the fortress with the support of the fortress. The actual control area is this small seaside plain. But Lane still sees a hope from the residents here, a hope for the re-emergence of mankind.

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