Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 116 Daily life and course selection

Ryan spent the rest of the vacation happy and fulfilling, successfully joining the Weasley Brothers' research group. And use his knowledge in medicine and herbalism to greatly promote the research of some projects.

For example, they have developed a prototype of vomiting candy, which can vomit without harming the body. The only disadvantage is that the vomiting can only be ended after the effect of the drug has passed, and no corresponding antidote has been developed for the time being.

In addition, Ryan also thought about whether to kill the Ravenclaw Crown in the Room of Requirement. After all, he already had Basilisk Teeth in his hand that could damage the crown.

But in the end, after thinking about it, I decided to give up, because the crown in the original text stayed there for decades and was finally burned by a fierce fire, and no one was hurt in the middle. So the urgency to get rid of it isn't as strong.

Not to mention the diary, the Horcrux that Voldemort made in his teens out of an ordinary notebook he bought on Muggle streets. The Horcrux in the Room of Requirement was made with Ravenclaw's crown during Voldemort's magical mastery. This treasure was on the same level as the Sword of Gryffindor, and Ryan had no way to guarantee his safety when destroying the Horcrux.

However, in order to confirm safety, Ryan pretended to be a treasure hunter and probed the place where things were hidden in the room. It was finally determined that Ravenclaw's crown rested quietly on the head of the ugly statue.

Fortunately, this Horcrux was not activated because of Ryan's activity, and there were not many bloody incidents where the second Horcrux attacked students at school, otherwise this semester would definitely be busy.

Of course, it would be a bit of a loss since I came here empty-handed. After spending a morning sifting through it, Ryan found a very good spellbook in it. Scribbled on the last pages of the note explains why the note was discarded: because the owner of the note had broken up with her boyfriend, and the note was given by her boyfriend.

Emotional problems are always one of the most difficult problems in the world, and Ryan shrugged and walked out of the Response Room with the notebook between his shoulders.

After confirming that it is now safe, life suddenly becomes easier. And happy times are always short-lived, and soon a new semester begins.

Everything went into normal school, the only problem was that Lockhart was still dying. Maybe it's not enough to simply perform. In a certain class, he asked everyone to add magic to the performance.

It happened that Hermione was called up to perform a female ghost that day. Maybe it was the wrong day, and Hermione seemed to be in a bad mood. When Lockhart first shouted, he quickly gave him a lot of obstacles. Lockhart was knocked out on the spot, his head hit the door frame and passed out.

"Nice job." Ryan quietly gave Hermione a thumbs up below, and Hermione smiled embarrassedly when she saw it.

After that, someone ran out and called Professor McGonagall, who was preparing for the lesson, and sent Lockhart to the hospital with a levitating spell. The classmates talked a lot in the classroom, after all, this is not the first time Lockhart has missed, and some people began to question how well Lockhart is.

After going through this chaotic Defense Against the Dark Arts class, many students completely lost confidence in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. At the homework tutoring meeting that night, Ginny suddenly stood up and asked:

"Hermione, Ryan, can you tell us how to learn Defence Against the Dark Arts class well? Anyway, we don't think daily drama practice is enough." Colin nodded along with several first-year students.

"I think the Defence Against the Dark Arts course is still a practical course. In addition to understanding the principles and memorizing textbooks, it is necessary to practice." Hermione said.

"So who do we turn to when we have questions?" Colin asked.

"I think we can discuss with each other first, and then ask some seniors. If you can't, you can find other professors. As long as it's not Lockhart," Ryan replied.

Lane then sees Colin and Ginny leaning over to Harry Potter, seemingly happy to have this excuse to get close to their idol.

This should be considered a good thing, Ryan comforted himself by looking at Harry's headache.

When the time came to Easter, an important thing happened to the second graders, and that was taking third grade electives.

It was a weekend, and after the weekly combat training session, Ryan returned to the common room after lunch to find Harry and Ron on the pitch to play Quidditch.

Looking at the empty room, Ryan called Hermione together to go to the lake to bask in the sun. Because he felt that if he was stuffed in the castle all day, people would definitely get moldy. Especially in addition to the first-year flying class, the only outdoor class for second-year students is herbal medicine. But that kind of sunbathing in a glass conservatory isn't really an outdoor activity at all.

"I think it affects our future, so we must be careful." Even if she left the castle, Hermione still couldn't leave her things behind, she said to Ryan with the third grade timetable: "What do you think of me choosing all? After all, this class schedule does not say that you can't choose all, I think wizards must have a way to solve the problem of taking several courses at the same time."

"I don't think it's a good idea," Ryan said. "After all, people's energy is limited. For a real wise person, learning to give up is more valuable. I think the people who are elected all highlight that they can't grasp the key problems in one thing. In this kind of It is very important to separate key and non-key points in different situations.”

Lane's comments seemed to confuse Hermione, she immediately took out the timetable and said to Lane: "But I think every class in it is very important."

"Okay, since you think that the course selection will affect the future, can you tell me what you plan to do in the future?" Ryan thought about it and started to ask basic questions.

"Future?" Hermione seemed a little confused to hear Ryan say this. Because for a 12-year-old girl, the future is still a little farther.

Seeing Hermione's confusion, Ryan even wanted to take a camera to capture this scene. After all, in his impression, Hermione has always been a shrewd and capable person, and it is not common to show such a confused expression.

A few minutes later, when Ryan began to count the suckers on the claws of the giant squid in the Black Lake, Hermione came back to her senses and said: "The short-term goal is to protect the people who matter to you, and the long-term goal is to reverse the current pervasiveness of the wizarding world. , deep-rooted discrimination against non-magic people and affairs related to them."

After speaking, Hermione looked at Ryan, hoping to see his evaluation. Lane thought for a while and said, "It's hard to achieve your goals, but it's not impossible. What you need now is to choose the courses that are useful to you from so many courses."

"So what do you think is a useful lesson?" Hermione asked.

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