Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 105: Backstab in the invader's lair

The invaders of the 713 world, although they only master the skin of ‘space technology’, they are completely sufficient.

After the orders of the Supreme Council were issued, strong cells were erected in various parts of the world within a short period of time... The efficiency was extremely high and fast.

Around each prison is inserted the invader technology representative "black pillar", used to strengthen the prison, even in the face of thunder and fire, it can suppress the fire and prevent the disaster from spreading.

Overnight, the 713 world was filled with countless fortified prisons. Some are reconstructed and strengthened from old prisons, and some are built directly...

In the next step, the invader's army will patrol and sweep the world-they have to sweep the world before the fasting and memorial service. After the raid, come back to participate in the fasting memorial ceremony.

Qi Yishan's side, because of the reminder, was already prepared. All the survivors retreated and hid in the depths of the hidden survivor base. They stopped going out for a short period of time, and avoided the raids by the invaders as much as possible.

They and the invaders have been chasing me and hiding for several years and have a wealth of experience. Therefore, even if the intruders try their best to clean up, it is difficult to achieve results in the initial stage.


And Xu Qijing was not idle either.

After discussing the cooperation with the Saint Yule, he is preparing to invest the first batch of about two hundred trialers in the 713 world.

Saint Yu Le’s name is now on the "Rolling List", and she has become a figure in the list, making it much easier to communicate with Xu Qiji.

At this time the sky was just bright, Xu Qijing brushed his teeth and opened the'Miracle Door' to receive the items transmitted from Saint Yule—a lot of black hair.

These are the hairs of the trialers on the island. Xu Qijing wondered whether he could directly use the hairs of these trialers to summon the ‘blank clone’ or directly summon the tester clones through sacrifice.

Yesterday, he used the hair of the thrush to summon a 2 meter high thrush, so in order to cherish his hair volume, he came up with this plan.

"These hairs, you try first." Saintess Yu Le has not yet distributed a 2-meter-high clone, looking at her pose, she wants to drag it until the energy of this clone disappears.

Xu Qijing drew a long black hair from it, remotely activating every hair of yours. May your hair be turned into a blessing.

As the light flickered between his fingers, the black hair in his hand was sacrificed.

It seems to work! Xu Qiji was happy in her heart.

But after a long while...

No new clone was born in the void.

"Huh? It's weird, all the hair of the thrush yesterday is fine." Xu Qiji frowned.

Yesterday’s hair changed to a 2-meter-high thrush, and it was a long hair, and it could not be his.

The hair of the thrush can be successful, why is this hair not?

Xu Qijing was a little unwilling and unwilling to believe in evil, and tried a few more hairs he received from the Door of Miracles...he tried more than ten hairs, but none of them succeeded.

Saint Yu Le held her chin and guessed: "Is it because the world is different and not recognized?"

"Then, do you want to try Sister Miefeng's hair?" Shumei turned out a few long hairs out of nowhere and handed it to Xu Qiji.

"This is the hair of Miefeng and Miehuang? Where did it come from?" Xu Qijing was taken aback.

Thrush: "Didn't their sisters slept in our house for an afternoon yesterday? It's normal for girls to lose a few hairs when they sleep."

"Then I will try again." Xu Qijing pinched one of the hairs and activated the ‘hair pulling clone’ ability remotely again.

The long hair in his hand burned out... but the clone still did not appear.


Xu Qi looked at the remaining long hair in his hand, and lost the idea of ​​trying again.

"Squeak~" Miao brother guessed.

"What Miao Miao said is possible. It may be the reason why the husband and wife are united, so my hair is effective. At present, only this may be more reliable." Thrush nodded and said: "Since it's useless, forget it. It is impossible for me to let Ah Ji go to unite with the islanders on that small island."

Xu Qiji: "!!!"

"Then you can only use Boss Xu's hair." Saint Yu Le glanced at Xu Qiji's short hair, somewhat worried: "Is there any problem with the supply?"

"It should be able to hold it in a short time, but it can't be guaranteed for a long time." Xu Qijing also touched her brain with some worry.

"Squeak~" After a moment of thought, the hamster uttered a painful voice.

"Miaomiao said, hair problems, it will solve. After all, this wave, it is also to make money. It has a product in it, which is a special hair tonic...Just apply a layer of it to make hair grow continuously. "Humei translated.

"That's great, let's start the first wave of experiments. How many hairs do you need?" Xu Qiji sighed in relief.

"Two hundred, let me help." Saintess Yu Le stretched out her hand and stroked Xu Qiji's head gently.

The palm of her hand was stroking the entire head... In the next moment, almost two hundred hairs were squeezed by her.

It didn't hurt or itchy, and she was very kind. She didn't concentrate on a small area, but spread it out so that a certain area of ​​Xu Qijing wouldn't appear bald.

"Where did the first wave of trialers land? Are there any tasks for them to complete?" Saintess Yule handed over two hundred hairs to Xu Qiji.

Can't she let her randomly drop the islanders and then make them foolish?

Having a goal or task can also make the islanders of the trial adapt to the new world quickly and have a course of action.

"At present, my big sword is in the depths of the enemy's research room... The enemy does not know that we have the ability to invade this research room at any time. Therefore, there is only one chance. Break into the research room and try to take away all kinds of research materials. . If you see the researcher, if you have hope, take it away alive.” Xu Qijing said.

He is also greedy for the body and knowledge of the intruder.

The opportunity is rare, it will definitely come.

After this wave, the invaders must know that there is a problem with the research base, and the research base will definitely be transferred to a large area. It will be hard to think of such an opportunity next time.

Brother Miao: "..."

How is this opening similar to what my grandpa said?

"Okay, then boss Xu will arrange for you. My deity is there to prepare the projection array to cooperate with boss Xu." Saintess Yu Le nodded and responded.


The intruder's experimental base.

The laboratory that exploded before has been cleaned up.

At this time, the defense force in the experimental base has increased more than ten times, but most of the defense force is located at the entrance.

After all, researchers need to have a quiet environment and not be disturbed easily when doing research.

At this time, Xu Qiji's flying sword had more than 200 hairs stuck to it, like a caterpillar, flying quietly from the ceiling of the experimental base. After flying for a short time, he found an open area with a little weaker defense force.

He opened the door of miracles and called for a clone.

As the brilliance of the runes on the big sword continued to flicker, one after another blank projection clones condensed and formed in the open space.

After condensing more than fifty clones in one breath, Xu Qijing felt her brain rise slightly.

This is a sign of excessive consumption of mental power.

Just when Xu Qijing was about to take a for a short break, from all directions, there seemed to be many ‘small light spots’ appearing and converging towards him.

It instantly replenishes the mental power he consumes.

These "small light spots" all have the taste of "Daxia System"...

Needless to say, it is the "Daxia System" that is gathering wool again.

With the supplement of these ‘small light spots’, Xu Qijing transformed into 200 blank clones in four times.

After cooperating with the projection operation of Saint Yule...Two hundred brown-skinned men and women figures appeared in the world of 713.

Each of these two hundred people has the fighting power of the third realm. Being together is an elite combat force that cannot be underestimated.

And such an elite combat force, concentrated in the most important base camp of the invaders, this is a deadly backstab!


The second thing is to ask for a recommendation ticket~

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