Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 104: Do you want to act? What a coincidence

After all, it Miaomiao is a hamster, and its aesthetics are different from that of humans, and it does not include human beings in its couple menu.

"This space is a new function after my upgrade this time. It is different from the normal opening of the class. This group discussion space should be able to enter and exit at will." Xu Qijing introduced to the group members.

Can it be seen as a small space for everyone to discuss and study together after studying?

In this space, the team members do not enter in the form of a ‘body’. Each person is like a flat card with a portrait printed on it. And this card-shaped head can act freely in this space.

Su Xisha's head rotates in this space: "This function has some meaning... If I sleep here, will it not be affected by external factors?"

She is in her own world and dare not sleep at will. But when she was here, she felt that her consciousness had been "protected", and her consciousness could rest in it.

In this way, combined with Xu Qijing's rune of "May you have a good sleep without being disturbed", she no longer has to worry about her dark circles. If you want a short sleep, you can sleep short, and if you want a long sleep, you can sleep long!

"Squeak~ this space is a bit interesting, it can shelter your mind... If you are attacked by a mental type in this world, you can instantly use the'login space' and then'exit the space' to defend and evade, or even relieve the mental anomaly." Brother Miao is an expert, and once logged in + logged out, he figured out the usage of this group space: "But the name of this space is too awkward. You have to remind you every time you enter. Xu Qijing, change your name, otherwise we will protest Up!"

Brother Miao's words were longer this time, and he used a series of squeaks to express.

Behind Xu Qiji's head card, Qi Yishan's head card appeared, and she took the initiative to translate Miao's mouse words, and she still understood Miao's utterances.

"It's okay to change the name, I just fill in a group name at random." Xu Qijing replied.

"Then here, can you name it?" Sister Shi Yihua asked in the left and right channels.

They can feel instinctively that credits may be precious.

If Xu Qijing could also roll his name here, he would do it once a day, which would give an extra credit every day.

"I'll try." Xu Qijing tried to call out the "Rolling Roll" and read the names of the twins: "World Yihua?"

"Hello~ we are here." My sister and brother responded in unison.

At the next moment, the option of +1 credits appeared above their heads...

"Effective~ Brother Miao, if I don't change my name, will you still protest?" Xu Qijing asked suddenly.

Brother Miao: "Squeak?"

Are you so improper?

The reminder to learn +1 pops up above Miao's head.

Xu Qijing flipped through the roster and completed the roll call for all the members present-he felt that roll call could help him uncompress.

This is a way to make him happy.

"Qi Yishan." Xu Qijing reported her last name this time.

"In~" Qi Yishan's face card is gently sticking behind Xu Qiji's back-she wants to twist Xu Qiji's head, but because of the card, she can't do anything, this Makes her a little uncomfortable.

"Does the intruder have any unusual actions on your side?" Xu Qiji asked.

Qi Yishan's head card slightly bends: "It's in a state of riots, what happened to them?"

"Last time when my consciousness retreated, didn't I still leave a clone in your world... Then the clone exploded, and before it exploded, it killed several seemingly powerful researchers." Xu Qijing What happened at the end of his avatar is briefly recounted.

Those few researchers seem to be very precious. Now that something has happened, the invading races of World 713 will definitely not just leave it alone.

Next, there will definitely be action.

"We will be careful." Qi Yishan responded by touching the card when he heard the words.

"Is the world of 713 facing danger? How high is the level of danger?" Sai Yihua twins asked: "Although we are low in strength, is there anything we can help?"

"Count me~" Wu Jue, who tasted Baitu, said with a milky voice.

"Thank you everyone..." Qi Yishan took a breath.

It's just that everyone is not in the same world. If you want to help her, you can't quench her near thirst.

She still didn't know that Xu Qijing was about to move, ready to mobilize the power of other worlds to descend into her world.

"By the way, Yishan, do you understand the intruder's text? Can you understand the translation?" Xu Qijing thought of this, and her heart moved.

Qi Yishan nodded: "This is natural. In the past few years, we have not achieved nothing. At least we have studied the language and writing of the other party."

"That's good, then I have to take action on my side... At that time, I will give you some research materials on the intruder, and you can help me see if there is any knowledge of'space'." Xu Qi Ji felt more happy.

Sure enough, the boat went straight to the bridge head.



713 world.

At this time, the intruder was in the headquarters of this world, filled with a breath of sadness.

At a huge conference table, there are nearly forty figures sitting.

These figures appear to be made of black smoke, each wearing different styles of clothing, including armors, robes, belts, and researcher dresses... Anyway, the body is just a cloud of black smoke. What is actually not much difference.

The difference in clothing only means that they are the leaders of different departments of the invaders.

The subject of this meeting is naturally the highest level of lockdown laboratory explosion that occurred half a day ago.

There are two national treasure-level researchers at a discount, and there are three first-level protection personnel and one second-level protection researcher.

This is their biggest loss since entering this world. For them, even if they die, they cannot compare with the consequences of these six losses.

"Fast in sections to pay homage to the six masters." In the headquarters, the first group of black smoked humanoids said.

This kind of fasting has never been done before... But this time, it is impossible to combine the fasting times of the six masters.

Can't hold it!

Moreover, some secondary researchers are not so good in physical fitness. If they had an accident during the fasting period and suddenly fell down because of the fast, then there would be one more member who needs a fasting drink offering.

This cycle Their races will all face a crisis of extinction.

Therefore, the top leader of the black smoke made a decisive decision-and, these six fasts, it is best to divide them into once a month. Relieve downforce.

"In addition, considering that it is an emergency, researchers above level 2 can use the'Dark Stone' to supplement their physical consumption during fasting." The black smoker headed up stood up: "Then, mobilize all forces to search for survivors in this world. ...Even if it is digging the ground, we must find them out."

"Especially the survivors related to the captured women this time are the top priority."

"Build special cells and reinforce...the captured survivors are transferred to the cells and kept in isolation. Isolate them in batches to avoid the recurrence of laboratory disasters."

The big action of the invaders is brewing!

Following the order of the leader, special prisons were built and reinforced in various parts of the world in 713.


The first one, please~ please first order~

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