Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 106: Closed beta, just let it go!

After stepping into the third realm, Xu Qiji became more comfortable with the ability to control the ‘hair plucking clone’.

The blank avatar that was originally differentiated, after receiving the projection of consciousness, can be transformed into the appearance of the projection of consciousness this time, and is no longer the appearance of the scary faceless man.

These 200 brown islanders, each with a good appearance, are elites carefully selected by the Saint Yule and cultivated from generation to generation.

In the world of Le Fairy, there is a perfect martial arts training system, martial arts can help the gods, cultivators can not only live longer, but also their appearance will be improved-in this way, the elite disciples will naturally become more and more handsome as they continue to improve.

After the two hundred islanders were successfully transformed, they took a while to master the state of their new bodies.

"This body feels a bit fragile but also a bit tough. What is going on with this sense of contradiction?" a female warrior who had her hair tied into many small braids whispered.

"It should be the original version of this body. It often has body tempering exercises and some kind of physical strengthening exercises... But the training time is relatively short, so the bones feel a bit brittle." Beside her, a bald man Guessed.

As they spoke, the two looked at a shiny-skinned man on the side, and at a glance they recognized it was not an islander.

Is the master of this ‘clone technique’?

"Code-named Spider Black Widow has seen Young Island Master." The female warrior with many braids hurriedly clasped her fists and saluted.

"Code-named Big Bear·Brown Bear has seen Young Island Master." The bald man also reacted.

Xu Qiji looked at the bald head of the brown bear and showed a kind smile: "Hello."

"Lord Young Island, your body is really good. You must have practiced a strong body tempering technique? If you have the opportunity in the future, we will have a good and in-depth exchanges~" When the brown bear saw Young Island’s owner a kind smile, he felt Young Island’s owner Kindness.

Xu Qiji: "???"

What you said is wrong!

Seeing Xu Qiji’s weird expression, the brown bear waved his hand and explained: "Little Island Master, I mean that there are also various powerful body tempering methods on our island. I just start with the work of a foreign family and go from the outside. The route inside. I am also good at body-tempering exercises, and I will learn from the young island master later."

"I'll be free later, of course." Xu Qiji's kind smile returned.

As he spoke, a big guy with a big back and waist came forward and saluted Xu Qijing: "The young island master, including me, a total of two hundred people, have all been here. The code is named Tiger Java Tiger. I have seen the young island owner. Please Young Island Master to give the next action instructions."

In fact, the islanders uttered the little island owner, which made Xu Qijin feel a little weird—always feeling like she was a descendant of Saint Yule.

But seeing them respectfully and dare not disobey, it can be seen that Saint Yule trains them very **** weekdays.

"Well, as an internal test this time, we are mainly testing the various functions of the ‘body’ I provided for you in preparation for the next public test."

"So, next you spread out and act-remember to test how long this body can last; how much strength can you use in full combat; how well the various attributes such as agility, strength, and spirit cooperate; whether you can use yours Martial arts skills or supernatural powers; how many painful feedbacks there are when death or injury, etc."

"While testing, I have a small task for you. Destroy as much as possible, but if you see things like knowledge, books, etc., find a way to save them and send them here. If I see the researchers, and if I get the chance, I'll tie them back."

"When you encounter the'invaders' races in the base, don't hesitate to kill them. The energy stones harvested after killing are also brought to this space. I will count them for you. Pay attention to their attack methods... They have implications. Attack weapons with space capabilities also have the means to directly destroy the spirit."

Xu Qijing briefly introduced.

Currently, his miracle door is not yet available

The law takes away the ‘Energy Stone’...the upgrade of the miracle door is bound to win!

"Telling!" Java Tiger nodded, then he turned around and dispatched instructions to his men.

Under his assignment, the 200 elite islanders acted alone or set off in groups, and soon disappeared.

Only the Java tiger, the black widow and brown bear who had communicated with Xu Qijing before remained.

"You don't act?" Xu Qiji looked at the three curiously.

"We are responsible for following the young island owner." Java tiger replied: "We also have special contact methods between us. If the young island owner has a sudden order, we can convey it to all our companions."

"Okay, then the three of you keep up." Xu Qijing nodded in agreement.

He first left the hairs of the corpse on the spot as a sacrifice for the ‘coordinate’ and the preparation clone to receive the spoils of the time.

After that, he used the Four Skills of Fighting and Dengyun Body Technique, and his figure quickly shuttled through this experimental base.

"The young island master is so handsome, as if he is riding a fog in the clouds~" Java Tiger followed closely behind.

"Little Island Master, where are we going?" The brown bear followed up like a tank and asked.

"What we are going to... is the most guarded and most dangerous place." Xu Qijing said as she stretched out her hand to hold the big sword.

During this period of time, his big sword occasionally turned into a rusty needle to explore the map in this experimental base.

After investigating for a period of time, he discovered that there was an area deep in this experimental base that was really heavily guarded, so that even a mosquito could not fly in.

The doors are all sealed, and there is no room for stitches.

Xu Qijing was very curious about that area, but he couldn't enter at all without making big moves.

This time is the right time.

"In other words, will there be fierce fighting?" The black widow licked her **** lips. When she talked about fighting, she, the brown bear, and the Java tiger all smiled like beasts.

Xu Qijing, who led the way in front of her, suddenly felt a slight coolness in her back—there was an illusion that she was running in front and three fierce beasts were chasing behind her ass.


Xu Qijing and the four were still close to the heavily guarded area, and the harsh alarm sounded throughout the laboratory base.

It was the two hundred elites on the island, who mercilessly launched a sniper and experienced the thrill of life and death.

"There are intruders." After hearing the alarm, no one left the guards who guarded the area. Instead, they all took up all kinds of weapons and raised their vigilance.

"I'm going on first, Young Island Master." Black Widow said. After a few jumps in her figure, all her breath was suddenly hidden, and her figure seemed to melt into the darkness.

"I'm here to attract firepower." The brown bear took off his shirt, revealing his strong muscles. On him, a metallic luster lit up...

"Young Island Master's body is really the best." He laughed, and rushed out straight to the guard.

——He is going to personally test the opponent's firepower with his body.

"Human race?" When seeing the'brown bear' appearing in a rampage, the guards were puzzled for a They didn't expect that those who broke into the depths of this experimental base would not be able to harm them on weekdays. Humans in this world.

But the attack in their hands did not stop. The moment the brown bear appeared, it launched an attack.

The invisible attack hit the brown bear instantly.

Not space distortion, but spiritual annihilation type ability.

The brown bear only felt a heavy blow to the head, his body temperature rose sharply, and there was bleeding from the nose... and then it was gone.

"It's almost to the extent that it can seriously injure or even kill the second realm warrior in one breath." After being attacked, the brown bear wiped his nosebleeds and calmly analyzed.

Don't think he is reckless, but in fact he is an analyst.



The third shift, sloppy ~ continue, I will complete the fifth shift before going to bed. Ask~

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