Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 150: Confinement【Vulcan's Furnace Lamp】

Su Lun cautiously looked out through the air vent, and at a glance saw the giant humanoid monster over thirty meters tall.

It looks like an ancient soldier. It wears a bronze warrior's helmet with a wide dome on its head. It has metal shattered armor of the same color on its shoulders and legs. The robe worn on it has long been rotten, and its bare skin is dark brown. Shen corpse color...

The most striking thing is the hexagonal copper lamp with a black pole in its hand.

The bronze lamp is simple in shape and has mysterious glyphs on the lamp body. The dark yellow colored glass lampshade was smoked black, and the dimly swaying yellow light was faintly shining, forming a halo of nearly ten meters near the copper lamp...

It is this faint halo that gives people an extremely terrifying feeling, as if illuminated by the light, it will be wiped out.

"Overlord level is weird?"

Seeing this monster, Su Lun's pupils shrank suddenly.

The All-Knowing Eye has identified the information of this monster, and it is actually a weird overlord level that is one level higher than the lord level!

[The cemetery lantern bearer in Dawn City]

Detailed explanation: The distorted monster formed by the grievances of ancient soldiers, the overlord zombie species, has super-level strength, is good at controlling fire, and is extremely dangerous;

(Note: In the current cognition of the protagonist above the third level, the appraisal belongs to the ‘super-level’)

This is the strongest weird Su Lun has ever seen!

That mountain-like sense of oppression makes people shudder from the soul.

It was so strong that he felt that the lord-level crying witch, in front of this one, was afraid that it would be wiped out in an instant.

Even with the black sickle in hand, Su Lun felt that he had no chance of winning.

I saw it, the first thing I absolutely wanted was to escape.

Because not only he has a forbidden object, but also the hexagonal copper lamp that this monster is holding!

[Vulcan’s Furnace Lamp]

Quality: Legend

Description: Fire players will eventually self-immolate;

Cursing characteristics: It can create extraordinary alchemy objects and has the flame to burn everything; using this furnace lamp, it can drive a wide range of "Ulken Lava Fire" to burn out any law. The level is not higher than the furnace lamp itself. The item; but the flame is an indiscriminate attack, it will also burn the releaser;

Detailed explanation: a copper lamp forged by an ancient alchemist imitating an artifact, it has a super sealing seal; a wisp of'Ulken Lava Fire' is imprisoned in the lamp, which can forge a very high-quality alchemy; it can be used as a fire Department of high-level advanced materials for alchemists;

Su Lun looked at this ancient lamp and was even more frightened than when he saw the black sickle for the first time.

At least the damage of the black sickle is still controllable, and the curse backlash is probably predictable...

But this stove lamp is basically an indiscriminate attack.

When Su Lun looked at it, he saw only four words—to die together.

However, looking at the function identified by this hexagonal copper lamp, should it be mainly used for forging auxiliary forbidden objects; or for some alchemists who have the ability to control fire?


It was the pupil of the omniscient who had identified this overlord-level monster + forbidden object combination, and Su Lun felt that this thing was not a match for anyone.

That's why he was so surprised that someone dared to pay attention to it.


Obviously not.

No matter how big the hunting group is, even if there are several top hunting groups with Tier 3 professionals here, Su Lun feels that this monster can easily destroy them.

But in the mist in front of him, those three or five figures in black cloaks were constantly provoking the monster.

It seems that there is a clear division of labor. Some people are restraining and attracting monsters to come out of the central wall. Some people are interfering and some people are doing it...

It was the moment that Su Lun watched, the monster had already chased those people and strode to the vicinity of the city wall in Central.

At this moment, the estimated ambush location was probably reached, and one of the black-robed men started!

I saw him suddenly pinch the seal of the warlock with both hands, a series of complex handprints that dazzled Su Lun, and suddenly a complex triple imprint lighted up under the man's feet. The inner layer was the Ouroboros and the middle ring was a double ring of five awns. The outer layer is a seven-pointed star...

"Seven-pointed star alchemy array?"

Su Lun looked at the brown alchemy circle under the man's feet, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Under normal circumstances, the art below the third order is the pentagram or the six-pointed star formation method; and the seven-pointed star, I only heard that it will appear in some super-order alchemy knowledge.

Now this guy made such a move as soon as he made a move?

The black robe man's robes went without wind, and after the seven-pointed star formation lighted up under his feet, his aura became higher and higher.

It looked like an ant just now, and in a blink of an eye, he was able to compete with that overlord weirdly.

Su Lun looked at the pattern of the alchemy formation, and guessed something: "Super-order soil technique?"

The energy of the alchemy array at the feet of the black-robed people is rapidly changing, and the surrounding earth elements can be seen by the naked eye. Suddenly a seven-pointed star alchemy array magnified ten times appeared at the foot. For a time, the light was shining, the alchemy array changed the condensed state of the earth elements, and the hard ground suddenly became muddy.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black swamp.

The monster's body was too burly, too late to evade, and instantly sank his legs in until the legs were bent.

And, it's not over yet!

After the black-robed man performed the technique identified as the super-order earth alchemy [the technique of the big swamp], his double-surgery mark changed again, and the earth-brown seven-pointed star formation suddenly became more and more dazzling. , It seamlessly transformed into another completely different complex gold technique.

The technique changed, and the swamp quagmire also rapidly hardened...


In the bunker in the distance, Su Lun watched his wonderful operation, marveling in his heart: "A compound spell from the earth element to the gold element? The third-order sorcerer is not necessarily able to play the conversion between the two third-order spells. This guy came directly to the conversion between the two-handed'super-order spells'? How strong is he?"

Seeing this, he no longer knew how to describe his mentality.

Although Su Lun had never seen a Tier 3 professional make a move with his own eyes, he had also obtained some information from various ancient books and scraped memories. He had a general idea.

"Multiple Element Conversion" is one of the top spellcasting skills in the field of legal alchemists.

The more seamless the conversion, the greater the need for a strong understanding and control of elemental spells.

Normal Tier 3 professionals who can master the seamless conversion between two Tier 3 different elemental techniques are already considered first-class masters.

But the cloaked man in front of him, after casting these two "super-order spells" one after another, still looks very calm?

As soon as this technique changed, the rich earth element in the swamp pit suddenly transformed into a gold element. The brown mud turned into golden in the blink of an eye, a metallic solid like gold.

At this time, the tall soldier monster could no longer move his feet, and was immediately controlled there.


"The understanding of this spell is simply incredible, there are such masters hidden in Old Lingdun..."

Su Lun felt that he underestimated the top professionals in Old Ling Dun.

Before, he thought that a Tier 3 professional like Chuck, the boss of the Cross, was already the top powerhouse in Old Lingdun.

Looking at it now, at least the man in the cloak in front of him is stronger than Chuck.

Just after identifying the information of the Overlord-level aberration monster, Su Lun thought these people were "overreaching" and misjudged the rank of this monster.

But now looking at the black-robed man in front of the two super-level control techniques, he realized that instead of misjudgment, these people came prepared, and seemed to be confident of taking down this monster. There is a forbidden object in its hand!

However, even if the feet were fixed by metal and could not move, the huge soldier overlord also did not lose combat effectiveness.

The hand that carried the lantern didn't move, but the other right hand carrying the rusty sword, with a wave of its big arm, slashed towards the black-robed man who was casting the spell.

In the face of absolute power, all skills appear pale and weak.

When this sword fell, Su Lun felt that he could easily split a ten-story building in half.

Moreover, not only a pure physical attack, but also a layer of violent wind elemental sword aura attached to the blade of the big sword visible to the naked eye.

The sword that was more than 20 meters in length looked unpleasant, but it was as fast as a gust of wind, and it was inevitable.

A large area of ​​wind elemental sword aura covered it, and the black robe of the spellcasting man screamed and his body could not move.

Even before the sword fell on his head, the ground around him was squeezed into cracks by the terrifying sword aura, which was extremely terrifying.

Even the bunker where Sulun was hiding a few hundred meters away seemed to collapse in an earthquake, dense cracks began to appear above his head, and sand and gravel fell like rain.

Su Lun's eyelids twitched, and the bunker that was still strong after being patronized by the distortion blame countless times was actually crushed by a ray of sword energy?

How terrifying is this sword?

Before he hesitated whether to run out now, Su Lun suddenly looked at another black-robed man with a short knife in his hand, and faced the huge sword that was slashed without fear.

And almost at the same time, the imprints of the black robe man's hands changed again, and the golden seven-pointed star formation under his feet turned into the blue of the wind element again!

Su Lun looked like a torch: "Come back? Three-line conversion?"

Together, the wind elemental alchemy array did not seem to be forcibly blocking the attack, but more like ditching and draining, directing the direct sword-splitting energy on the giant sword into a tornado's whirling form.

The sword-qi tornado was 10%, and the ground was cracked through layers of cracks like an iron plow.

But the two people at the core of the alchemy formation were completely unaffected!


A sharp sound of metal touch resounded through the ruins.

The black-robed man with a short knife was amazingly powerful, and with a body that was ten times thinner, he even firmly slashed the giant's sword in succession.

For a moment when the sword touched, the shock wave burst at the center of the touch, forming a wave of air visible to the naked eye, blowing sand and rocks away.

Even in the bunker hundreds of meters away, Su Lun was shaken by the shock wave injected from the vent, and shocked: "Is this the top powerhouse..."

It was this blow that made him feel that the Tier 3 powerhouse was coming, and the slash that would cause heavy damage if not dying, was lightly cooperated and resolved by the two cloaked men.


"Using super-level wind element control again, that warlock is at least proficient in three types of spells..."

Su Lun watched, his eyes trembled, and he couldn't tell how he should evaluate this black-robed warlock.

The textbook operation, whether it's the magician seal or the skill of casting spells and condensing elements, there is nowhere to be faulty.

It is really hard for Su Lun to imagine what the identity of this black-robed man is, allowing him to be proficient in at least three lines of spells.

He even suspected that this guy, like him, has awakened a certain talent that can harvest the abilities of others?

Otherwise, how could it be so exaggerated.

Normally, legal alchemists will only specialize in one elemental spell.

After all, people's energy is limited. Only by specialization can they be stronger and get involved in higher fields.

So usually the famous second-order masters in Old Lingdun are mostly warlocks with specializations in a certain department, such as mainstream land, wind, water, fire...

There are very few two lines.

Because they have to specialize in one department, sorcerers have to devote many times the time and energy of others.

But if there are more than two kinds of "multi-line"...

Under normal circumstances, non-extremely genius, this kind of greedy can not chew, are called "waste all-line warlock."

And to cast super-order spells, it must mean that the sorcerer must be "proficient" in this series of spells.


However, Su Lun thought that the cloaked man was proficient in the three-line super-order spells already very unbelievable.

But it turns out that it's not over yet.

Right now, the seven-pointed star formation at the feet of the cloak warlock lit up again.

The light also changed from wind-based blue to wood-based green.

Although this conversion has a few seconds interval, it seems to be a bit laborious...

However, four consecutive element conversions are already at an "unimaginable" level.

Seeing the super-order spells one after another, Su Lun was rather calm, and only muttered: "The four elements have changed, this guy is proficient in several elemental spells..."

Then, he watched the man in the cloak threw a green bean toward the alchemy formation.

The green glow of the alchemy array flashed, and a green vine suddenly broke out of the ground, knowing how to face the wind. The violent power of the wood element crazily swells the vines. From a small seedling, rapidly puffing and becoming bigger, to the thickness of the arm, to the thickness of the water tank, to the hug of several people...

Then the main stem of the vine began to branch, the branches spread, became thicker, and then continued to branch and became thicker...

Puffing thousands of times in the blink of an eye, the vine becomes a lush vine to the sky.

The growth process of the vine is like a knotted python climbing up the giant's limbs. When the vine grows, it has already entangled the tall soldier firmly.

The monster wanted to struggle, but the vine became stronger and stronger, and the restraints became tighter and tighter.

At this moment, Su Lun identified four super-order alchemy spells, [Earth System·Big Swamp Art], [Gold System·Point Stone into Gold], [Wind System·Wind Tornado Art], [Wood Department of Upanishad·Tongtian Vine】...

However, if the monster is controlled, it is natural to kill it.

The monster probably wanted to release the "flame of the void" with the ancient hexagonal lamp in his hand, but before the flame burst out of the lamp, a light blue thirty-six hexahedron sealed the enchantment and suddenly appeared on the lantern. superior.

Then the sword light flashed, and a smooth incision suddenly appeared on its lantern arm.

The monster's forearms were cut off and fell to the ground.

With the ancient lantern, the monster is even more non-threatening.

Then there was a beheading without suspense...


Su Lun counted, a total of five men in black.

There are only three hands-on.

After seeing the black-robed warlock's methods so brutal, he knew that there was no suspense in this battle.

They came here early, familiar with everything about this monster, familiar with its attack methods, familiar with the forbidden objects...

The tactical plan is not flawed in the slightest.

Before it zoomed in, the body of the huge soldier had already died in the vine entanglement.

However, watching the excitement is more comfortable.

Su Lun also knew that those people also found him.

A master of this level has been watched for so long, and there is no reason to find it.

However, Su Lun didn't panic anymore.

Because he guessed the identity of the cloaked group of people.

He could think that the entire Old Lingdun could form such a luxurious hunting lineup, only two forces.

Either the black tower or the mysterious "third party force".

Obviously, these people are not from the Black Tower.

One is that the people in the black tower don't need to hide...

The second is because of the five people, Su Lun recognized two of them.

Before he looked at the black-robed warlock who raised his hand with a super-order spell, he had a strong sense of familiarity. With this "all-knowing and all-powerful" feeling, he immediately thought of someone he knew--Mr. Black.

As for the one who can physically resist the giant sword, it doesn't feel like a normal body, and there are "chi" and "chi" jets of mechanical propulsion during the action. If you guessed correctly, she is the super mechanical warrior-the nineteenth.

Su Lun looked at them with a complicated expression.

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