Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 149: Suddenly handsome

"The concentration of dark spiritual power is at least ten times that of before..."

Su Lun looked at the attribute panel, and his expression was a bit complicated, neither good nor bad.

No wonder those chasing soldiers did not dare to chase them.

After the mist was thick, dark spiritual power spewed out like a spring water, permeating everywhere. This is not something ordinary people can bear, nor is it the high distortion concentration that gas masks can filter.

The normal concentration of dark spiritual power is like the cold wind in winter, breathing into the body like a cool breeze, slightly cold; but now this concentration is completely like an ice knife, making people breathe and cut their throats.


Su Lun knew that this value was "dangerous", but his body honestly felt the silky comfort.

He had actually noticed the dark spiritual power changes from the time when the fog was filled, and he had been carefully observing the data on his body, fearing that there would be any accidents.

However, he found that he had no signs of distortion at all.

Even if the dark spiritual power has reached this level of horror now, he still doesn't feel uncomfortable.

On the contrary... while breathing, his own dark spiritual power value rose.

The body is madly absorbing the special energy in the air, and these energies are also transforming his body.

Because there is no example to refer to, Su Lun can only judge based on his own feeling: No matter how much the data increases, there will be no distortion, which should be a good thing.

He knew that the abnormal condition of the special body must have something to do with the dark spiritual tolerance value raised by "X Serum".


Not to mention the fog outside is so thick that you can't see and walk normally.

Since there was no sign of distortion, Su Lun was not in a hurry to leave the bunker.

And... it seems that I can't get out.

Although he couldn't see it, Su Lun could also hear that after the dense fog was filled, there were a lot of goose bumps coming from all directions.

The sound of heavy footsteps like a very huge monster walking, boom, boom, boom...

It’s like chewing on the bones, clicks, clicks, clicks...

It's like the screams of certain distortion monsters being killed...

Su Lun listened to the more and more horrible movements, and simply sealed the vents, not daring to leak any breath.

He knew that he seemed to have encountered a phenomenon of large-scale aberration activities similar to the "beast tide"...

However, Su Lun is also in a good mood.

Since he couldn't get out, he was here to heal his wounds calmly.

There is enough food and water in the storage ring, and the bunker is strong enough, so there is no need to worry about safety for the time being.

The mist in the ruins is flowing, and I think this abnormal activity phenomenon should be temporary.

Even if a small monster found him and rushed into the bunker, thinking about hating the living corpse and the black sickle, he could protect himself.

At least, the situation at the moment is much better than being chased by the Oliver family just now.

Su Lun got herself some food, and then sat cross-legged to meditate.

This meditation is one night.

Although there is no distinction between day and night in the ruins, it is obvious that the monsters in the "night time" are much more active.

At dawn, the fog didn't mean to dissipate at all.

But Suren felt pretty good.

Overnight, his body's superb healing ability has recovered from his injuries. Although he still feels a little tingling when he presses down on his chest, his recovery efficiency is already very satisfying.

Furthermore, after a night of meditating, Su Lun also felt refreshed.

On the data panel, the upper limit of the dark spiritual power value has soared to the naked eye.

After an advanced professional, meditating in Old Ling Dun a night will probably increase the upper limit of dark spiritual power by 7 to 8 units. In the ruins of Dawn City, Su Lun skyrocketed by more than 100 units just yesterday night!

Moreover, there was no sign of distortion caused by the absorption of dark spiritual power fast enough, or any other negative conditions.

Although Su Lun knew before that "X Serum" would increase the body's tolerance to dark spiritual power, but seeing this effect, he was also surprised.

I still meditated very cautiously last night. If I absorb it without scruples, the value may have to double several times.

According to the progress of this practice, in about a month, his dark spiritual power will reach the upper limit of his body. That would be an exaggerated value several times higher than the dark spiritual power requirement of the second-order advanced level of ordinary professionals.

From this point of view, this "fog tide" is not only harmless to him, but it is an excellent help for his practice.

Su Lun also speculated that the "unrecognized creature" that had extracted the serum at the time might be a certain super-order creature living in this kind of high-density dark spiritual environment, and the bloodline is very suitable for survival in this environment. Su Lun injected the serum to transform the body, and now he has obtained this strange bloodline part of the characteristics...

And because the dark spiritual power value has greatly increased, Su Lun also discovered a good phenomenon, that is, the blue skin color of his body is fading faster.

Because of the omniscient pupil, he can accurately distinguish the data changes of his skin color.

Although it was only overnight, the naked eye could barely notice the change.

But the data shows that the speed of fading is several times that of yesterday.

The influx of violent dark spiritual power catalyzed the absorption of serum and greatly shortened the absorption process.

It was originally estimated that there would be at least four to six months to digest the serum, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.


The second day, the third day, the fourth day...

The mist has no meaning to dissipate,

The monsters outside are also becoming more and more active.

In this way, Su Lun passively stayed in this narrow bunker and did not go out.

During this period, he also encountered several aberration monsters passing by, there were small aberration monsters, and several large aberration monsters with terrifying auras. Fortunately, the small aberration monsters couldn't destroy the solid bunker and left after digging a few times; and the giant monsters ignored him even though they found him. Probably it's like human beings have no interest in seeing a mouse in a small hole on the side of the road, stuffing their teeth. Occasionally, one or two large monsters who smelled the smell and curiously scratched their claws, but because the bunker was strong enough, they all survived without danger.

In this way, a month passed without knowing it.

Su Lun's body has also undergone earth-shaking changes.


On this day, in the bunker.

Su Lun is meditating.

Because the gas mask was useless, he didn't wear it again.

However, that face is not what the bald bald man with blue skin looked like a month ago. The skin tone became a normal color, thick hair grew on the top of the head, and even the eyebrows grew out.

Without the dark punk smoky makeup, this angular face suddenly looks handsome.

This is not Su Lun's illusion, but the intuitive data on the property panel.

"My charm value has risen to 12?"

When Su Lun discovered that the fixed value of Charisma had changed before, he was also surprised.

Then, this month, as he completely digested "X Serum", the value of Charisma also increased from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock now.

According to his observation, this data has hardly changed with the increase in strength before. Unless someone like Sabina, the steam party that I met before, has a charismatic talent, this statistic for a normal person will not exceed 10 points.

The only explanation is that the serum not only makes the body stronger, but also has the special ability to optimize human appearance.

He guessed that perhaps the indescribable creature that extracted the "X serum" looks pretty in its own right?

Su Lun didn't care much either, it wasn't a bad thing anyway.

And the changes in appearance are just what he wants.

At least for now, he doesn't have to continue to shave his head and walk in the dark punk style.

The previous outfit was to hide his appearance so as not to be recognized by bounty hunters.

The wanted warrants for the bald-headed image are now posted everywhere, and it is not appropriate to continue to maintain the bald-headed punk image.

And now the hair has grown out, just right.

Moreover, with his image, he almost doesn't have to worry about the original owner's wanted warrant. Because Su Lun felt that no one would think of his current appearance as the same person as the original owner "Fick Regardi".

Not to mention the earth-shaking changes in temperament, 3 points of charm value grows on the face, it is simply a change of face.

Moreover, even the data of shoulder width, waist circumference, hip circumference... these body dimensions are completely different from a month ago.

After completely digesting the "X Serum", Su Lun's strength skyrocketed, his bones became tougher, and both were improved by two or three times. But instead of becoming a burly man, he has become more slender and well-proportioned.

But he also felt that it was just right.

Whether it is a puppet master or a gunner, the muscles with too large dimensions will respond flexibly.

Moreover, the most exaggerated is Su Lun's current dark spiritual power value!

From the upper limit of 2214 points a month ago, it has become 23332 now, a nearly ten-fold increase.

This is already a very exaggerated figure.

For ordinary professionals to advance to the second level, they need a minimum of about 7000 points of dark spiritual power, and they can almost successfully integrate black iron materials to advance; even some demanding silver materials require about 10,000 points. (Level advanced conditions: material fit + current level dark spiritual power reaches a certain value)

But now Suren has more than doubled astonishing.

Even when he meditated with the [Haigem Breathing Method], he felt that there was still a little room to rise.

Although Su Lun still doesn't know what is special about such a large amount of dark spiritual power, he guessed that it has a direct relationship with the follow-up advanced high-level. At low-level, the stronger the foundation of dark spiritual power, the easier it is to advance to high-level, and the higher the upper limit.

There is another benefit that can be seen immediately, that is, he is not short of blue for the time being.

Just manipulating the first-order eight-armed spider spear, he can almost maintain the state of dissolution of the colony for a long time.

Using [No Servant], the flame overflowed from the previous one inch to a raging overflow of one foot...

And use the witch's hair to control the puppet, the distance that can be controlled becomes farther...


This month has passed, and the surrounding fog is gradually dissipating.

It is estimated that in a few days, this "fog tide" will probably end.

The food and fresh water prepared in the storage ring are almost consumed,

"X Serum" has also been absorbed,

Su Lun felt it was time to leave the ruins.

This ruin is not a good place after all.

Suren thought about how the Oliver family's troops who rounded up him would probably stay in the ruins for a month.

What's more, even if he appeared in front of those bounty hunters, 80% of them would not recognize that he appeared on his handsome face as the smoky bald "S-Class Wanted Su Lun" before.


This day.

The fog had almost reached a normal level, and no strange movement of large aberrations was heard around the bunker.

Su Lun opened the vent and observed it carefully. In the distance, he could see that in the distance, on the misty fence, there were a few two-headed horned human monsters eating leisurely-[Fallen Sheep Head].

Eating grass?

No, they are eating bones that are not prey.



The people who listened to it were horrified.

Suren has been observing them for nearly two days.

There are about fifty-six upright sheep's heads in this group, which looks docile, but is actually a brutal one. It is fast, can jump and jump, and the bite force of the sharp teeth can easily crush the stone.

In particular, the head is like a bull-like sheephead leader, and even has the strength not weaker than a second-tier melee professional. The combination of ethnic groups can easily kill large prey, which should not be underestimated.

Su Lun has a black sickle in his hand, and his strength has skyrocketed, but he is not afraid of these guys.

But he also didn't want to fight once out of the bunker.

After all, this is already the middle ring of Dawn City, and there are more than just aberration monsters nearby.

After observing for a while, these monsters didn't mean to leave.

Su Lun thinks that he might have to wait a day.

When they eat up all the food they caught yesterday, they will probably leave.


Observed for a while,

Su Lun closed the ventilation window, and then got himself something to eat.

The brown bread was broken into pieces, a little bit of his homemade "instant noodle seasoning packet" was added, and he chewed.

However, this is only occasionally an act of filling my stomach with a light tongue.

The most important source of nutrition is the direct injection of nutrient solution.

It takes a lot of energy to digest the "X serum" to increase the physical body this month, and rely on these nutrient solutions to survive.

Suren simply ate the meal.

Then he took out the puppet classics and began to read them.

During this period of time, he carefully read the puppet classics in the spoils, and made up for the skills of puppet manipulation.

Only then did he know that there are so many tricks and shortcuts for puppet manipulation...

Puppet players and professional puppet masters are completely different things.

Looking at it, he again found the gold cloak drawing in the ancient books [Qiansi·Lion Songs].

This thing has been greedy for a month.

He not only had the blueprints in his hand, but also the main material [Crying Witch's Head], and even the refining materials were all found in the previous trophies.

But Su Lun was still helpless looking at the blueprint that had been carefully studied no less than ten times.

He now encountered the same problem when he got the [Eight Arm Spider Lance] drawing before.

Although he was constantly learning and improving during this period, the level of refining and refining equipment was not low.

But this second-tier gold drawing + dark gold material, without master level, didn't dare to move at all.

He was really not sure, and he didn't dare to mess around and waste materials.

I thought of "Mr. Black".

It's a pity... that mysterious figure is probably in the black market of Old Lingdon at this moment.

Su Lun didn't worry much about the drawings, and continued to concentrate on reading those classics.

But when he flipped over, his ears suddenly stood up, and he said softly: "The mist is gone, why is there a ‘big guy’ again?"

Then, like an earthquake, the ground began to tremble.

He was used to this situation. Every time a large monster passed by, it would be such a movement. This bunker would be like a loudspeaker lying on the ground, and it could be heard very clearly.

But... this time it sounds different.

"Is this a big monster fighting?"

Su Lun immediately noticed the rush of "bang" and "bang"'s not like a monster walking, but a fight?

And it's not the small movement of predation, but the movement of equal battle!

Fighting between large monsters is very dangerous. These monsters can breathe out the wind, breathe fire, pour water... the destruction of the ancient buildings in the city is so bad, it has a direct relationship with these big monsters.

Thinking of this, Su Lun didn't dare to care, opened the ventilation window and looked out.

A huge distortion monster came into view.

But what surprised Su Lun was his opponent against the monster!

Originally he thought it was two monsters fighting, but he saw...

How many humans are the forced monsters wailing constantly? !

Looking at it again, Su Lun's eyes were frozen, and he was full of inconceivability: "Someone dared to pay attention to super monsters?"

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