Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 151: Commission

"At least it is a four-line warlock, Mr. Hei is really outrageous..."

Su Lun sighed with a complicated expression looking at the black-robed man who was indifferent to ordinary people as soon as he finished casting the spell.

Although when they first met, Su Lun had guessed that the former deputy dean of the Black Tower Academy would be very powerful.

But looking at the super-order spell in front of him, Mr. Black who came by casually pinched, he still felt very incredible.

But then again, shock is secondary.

Su Lun knew that he had been discovered, and he felt that he should think about how to operate it now so that he would not be mistakenly killed by these big bosses who came to buy goods as coveted little thieves from the side.

And when these years came up, after finishing cleaning up the overlord-level [Cemetery Lantern Bearer], a few people in black robes were also free. Two of the five who didn't make a move, one of them seemed to have discovered something, and turned his head to look at the bunker.

The eyes of the two people happened to touch the vent.

Su Lun couldn't see the face covered by his cloak, but at this moment he looked at each other, and he felt a snicker in his eyes when he saw the man in the cloak.

It's the kind of joke that a cat finds a mouse.

But fortunately, it is not "killing intent."

And at this moment of gaze, the arm under the cloak of the cloaked man suddenly lifted and suddenly made a missile card movement.

Just before Su Lun could react, the golden card came out from his hand, spun through the air, and shot in from the vent with precision like a bullet.


There was a sharp sound.

The card was embedded in the wall, and then exploded into a cloud of white smoke.

The white smoke has not yet dissipated, and an incredible scene has appeared.

A few hundred meters away, the man in the cloak with flying cards appeared in the bunker out of thin air.

Su Lun looked at the guy who was teleporting over with a cry. He didn't make any misunderstandings, and didn't wait for the other party to make any movements. She said, "I'm Mr. Black's friend."


It turns out that people are divided into groups.

Mr. Black himself is a true gentleman, and the person in his organization is not a bloodthirsty person.

After Su Lun reported Mr. Black's name, the cloaked man with card ability let out a whisper, and then took a look at him. But he didn't say a word, his figure exploded into a cloud of white smoke, and he returned hundreds of meters away.

Come suddenly, go suddenly.

Then the guy probably said something, the five cloaked men, all looked at the bunker together.

But it was just a glance, and I didn't have any interest in paying attention to it.

They were busy picking up the strange corpses of the soldiers and the very dangerous hexagonal copper lamp. They seemed to have no time to take care of this "lost hunter" who did not know why it appeared in this place.

Su Lun felt that it was meaningless to keep hiding, so he simply opened the self-made mechanical door and finally walked out of the bunker for the first time in a month.

At this time, the black-robed man who had cast the spell put down his work and walked towards him.

As he walked, he lifted the cloak covering his head, revealing a gentle middle-aged face, naturally the mysterious Mr. Black.

Looking at Su Lun with long hair, Mr. Hei's eyes were slightly confused at first, and he probably didn't match up with any acquaintances in his mind.

But he seemed to have discovered something, and looked at the position behind Su Lun again, showing a sense of sorrow.

It happened to be where the invisible living corpse stood.

The slight movement did not hide his perception.

Invisible objects?

[Shroud of the Iceman of Oz] It's no secret that it is in the hands of anyone.

He also instantly recognized who this person said was his "friend".

Mr. Hei smiled and greeted him proactively, "Little friend Su Lun, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Su Lun also greeted him and nodded in response: "Mr. Black, long time no see."


Mr. Black always gives people a very approachable feeling.

Before Su Lun could speak, he said in a joking tone: "I have heard from you recently, but you have made a lot of noise in Old Lingdun and Liming Camp."

After a pause, he continued: "Now not only the official, but also the black market, the Oliver family, the Crow Gang, and the Steam Party have all added a heavy bounty to you, waiting to take your head..."

Su Lun laughed dryly.

Hearing the news, there was no surprise.

He snatched the chance of that Dan Ze, and also killed so few Tier 2 professionals, it is reasonable to be wanted.

As Mr. Hei said, he glanced at the long-haired Su Lun again, and joked: "But now, it seems that little friend Su Lun doesn't need to worry about the wanted order."

Su Lun shrugged and said modestly: "I made you laugh."

After the greeting, Mr. Hei entered the topic and asked: "By the way, why are you here? After all, this is the middle ring of Dawn City, not to mention that the'fog tide' has just ended. There are many extremely strong aberrations and weirdness around here. ..."

The implication is obvious. Large-scale hunting groups led by top professionals are now cautiously active in the Central area. How could he appear here as a Tier 1 professional?

Moreover, it was just this time.

"It sounds like a coincidence, I was hunted down before..."

Su Lun briefly mentioned the process of being hunted down by the Oliver family before.

He pointed to the bunker behind him with a little helplessness, and said: "Then, I have been hiding in the bunker for a month."

"Have you been here for a month?"

When Mr. Hei heard this, he was surprised and curious in his eyes that had never been shocked.

This is not something that can be avoided by simply hiding.

The "Mist Tide" is full of dangers, not to mention the various monsters from the abyss, just the violent dark spiritual power, which is not something normal people can bear.

The doubts flashed away. Mr. Hei seemed to think of something and didn't say it, but there was also a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah...that's probably it."

Su Lun felt that "X Serum" was not a secret that could not be told, and Mr. Hei knew it 80% of the time, and it didn't hurt to say it.

But the other party didn't ask, nor did he take the initiative to raise it.


While the two were talking, the other four men in black robes had already packed up the overlord's weird body and sorted out the battlefield.

They didn't even say a word between them, they made eye contact for a moment, and then left.

As if it was the sort of scattered group that had completed the task, it disbanded on the spot.

The three cloaked people left, and one more stayed, it was the nineteenth.

The 19th is a mechanical warrior, with many advanced mechanical modifications, such as some special physical recognition methods such as iris recognition, voice recognition, and bone contour recognition. She had collected Suren’s data before, but now she recognized it after just a glance.

She came over, nodded, and said hello.

Su Lun didn't mind, it was already a good treatment to let the cold mechanical warrior say hello.

Now that the battlefield has been dealt with, it is naturally inconvenient to stay for a long time.

Mr. Hei greeted Su Lun and said: "The weird hunting movement just now is not small, and it may attract some tricky guys. Let's go, let's talk as we go."


Mr. Hei didn't explore Su Lun's secrets, and Su Lun did not ask them why they were here or why they wanted to hunt down the weird overlord just now.

Nor did he try to inquire about the secrets of this mysterious "third-party organization".

Of course, don't ask, both sides have guessed part of it.


The three of them walked to the east, which was the direction of the ruins.

With the two super bodyguards, Mr. Hei and No. 19, guarding him, Su Lun doesn't need to be as cautious as when he was alone before.

He was thinking that he had second-order drawings and materials in his hand, and needed a master forging. He didn't expect to meet Mr. Black by such a coincidence.

When he just wanted to speak out his request for help, Mr. Hei actually saw something and spoke first: "Remember when you met Su Lun for the first time, you were still a quasi-professional running for the first-order reproductive costume. I didn’t expect to see you in a few months, you are about to advance to the second level."

Hearing this, Su Lun asked in surprise: "Mr. Black has seen that I am going to be promoted?"


Mr. Hei naturally read what Su Lun had said.

Not seeing it, but how to see it.

He directly confuses: "The amount of dark spiritual power you breathe in your breath is extraordinary. This level is no longer what any Tier 1 professional can do. Even many Tier 2 can't reach this amount. "

"That's it..."

Su Lun felt a little weird, thinking about some special perception abilities.

Thinking of being Mr. Black who can pinch out super-level spells at his fingertips, he didn't think it was weird, so he followed the topic and said his request: "That... Mr. Black, it just so happens that I have a merciless request. , I want to trouble you."

"Are you going to forge a second-order colony?"

Mr. Black smiled.


Su Lun was accustomed to Mr. Black's unpredictable behavior and nodded.

He took out the blueprints, and said, "I just found the drawings and materials that suit him, but this blacksmith can't get it, so I have to trouble you..."

Seeing the blueprint handed over by Su Lun, Mr. Hei only glanced at it, and said with a slightly weird expression: "Isn't this "the magician" Lloyd's famous costume? You killed that guy? "

The blueprints held in the hands of the chaebol would naturally not be sold. The only explanation was that they would kill people and overwhelm them.


Su Lun shook his head and added: "I destroyed his alchemy doll and cut off his legs. So I got the blueprint by luck."

Mr. Hei obviously didn't know the information, so when he heard Su Lun's words, he showed an expression of interest.

Then he asked Sulun again, "Have you found a suitable main material? Lloyd used this colony to become famous. To a large extent, it was related to the fact that he found the'Tesmokin worm'. Only special silk threads can play this colony. The greatest power installed..."


Su Lun nodded and took out another head with fluttering silver hair.

Mr. Hei guessed that Su Lun had prepared the materials, but seeing him suddenly took out a human head, the knowledgeable polymath also slightly stagnated.

He looked at it, only then recognized what, and said in a questioning tone: "[Crying Witch’s head]? And... is it still the second-stage ‘infinite hair’?"


Su Lun nodded, and secretly sighed that Mr. Hei was well-informed, and he recognized the origin of the material at a glance.

This thing needs to be shown to ordinary connoisseurs, and it is estimated that few people know it.

Mr. Hei: "This is an extremely rare material, how did you get it?"

Seeing that Mr. Black seemed to be curious about the origin of the head, Su Lun explained: "Before I went out with a team to hunt the wasteland, and it happened that the Oliver family wasteland hunting team ran into it. Then I was involved again. In the cursed, that's probably the way it is."

In the fierce battle on Bell Tower Street a month ago, seven Tier 2 professionals chased and killed a Tier 1 professional, two were counter-killed, and two legs were broken. Probably the Oliver family had no face to talk about this record.

There is no need to explain too much, people like Mr. Hei will naturally guess the cause and effect of the matter.

Mr. Hei listened to this "bizarre" story, and couldn't help showing a very strange expression, "Hehe... I said why those in the Oliver family are so anxious and want to want you to be wanted, it turned out that way. ."

Even on the 19th, who had been silent on the side, heard that fierce battle, he looked at Su Lun with strange eyes: You are a Tier 1 professional who killed a large hunting group?

Mr. Hei didn't ask any more, put away the materials, and said: "Now I just got [Vulcan's Furnace Lamp], the refining of the cloak will be very fast. You can get the finished product in three or five days at most."

After a pause, he said again: "By the way, have you found suitable advanced materials?"


Su Lun shook his head, and just happened to ask, "I want to find advanced materials related to ‘Space Ability’, but it seems difficult to find it."

"Well, the space ability also fits."

Mr. Hei nodded, but he also looked regretful, "I don’t have any clues for such materials. However, Dawn City will usher in a wild hunting wave recently, and there will be many ancient relics appearing. Although space advanced materials are scarce, But it may not be impossible. The Wilderness Hunter Union is a good place for news gathering and dissemination. You can check the grievances, and I can help you pay attention to it..."


Su Lun nodded, he had the same idea.

The intelligence commission has been in the Wilderness Hunting Union for a month, and I don't know if anyone has heard the news.

"If it's a matter of reproduction, it will be a burden to you."

As he said, he didn't forget the rules of entrustment, and said: "Then, may I ask me what remuneration I need to pay?"

Last time I used Favor, but this time I lost it.

For master craftsmen, the fees are not cheap.

Mr. Hei smiled, it seemed that he hadn't planned to charge.

But suddenly, he remembered something and changed his words: "But then again, there is really one thing you can help."


Su Lun was puzzled at first.

A master of this level, what else does he need to help?

But he also said, "You said."

Mr. Hei: "Are you going to the waste hunting camp now?"

Su Lun: "Yeah."

Mr. Hei looked at each other with the nineteenth person next to him, as if asking something, and got her acquiescence.

Then he said, "If possible, I hope you can help bring Miss Nineteen into the camp."

Su Lun: "???"

Mr. Hei explained: "You know, she used to be a super mechanical warrior with excellent fighter skills, but she lacks some life skills. I think she should have less trouble with you. Of course, she just got into the camp. good."

Listening to Mr. Hei's evaluation of himself on the side of the 19th, he didn't seem to mind at all.

Her kind of war machine, which specializes in killing, does lack a lot of normal human emotions and smoothness.

Although she couldn't believe others, it seemed good to have an acquaintance.


Into the camp?

That's it?

Su Lun felt that this "commission" was really a temporary motive of Mr. Hei.

When he heard that he was about to enter the camp, his first reaction was: This woman is going to do something big again!

No, it should be said that this "third party organization" is going to do something.

However, Su Lun didn't have any curious thoughts either.

If Mr. Hei would say, he would naturally; if he didn't say it, it means that this must be the kind of "knowing is troublesome" thing.

He thought for a while, and it didn't seem difficult to do it, so he agreed in one fell swoop: "Okay!"

If you just bring people into the this commission is simply D-level difficulty.

Before Su Lun was still thinking that his identity as "Jonny" had been exposed, and he hated that the living corpse was too conspicuous. No matter whether he was invisible or not, he could no longer bring him into the camp.

Those in the Oliver family would certainly pay special attention to the large weapons like the black sickle that cannot be put in storage rings, even if it is disguised, they will be paid special attention.

If he didn't bring the living corpse and the sickle, he was not too sure that he would be able to retreat in the event of an accident.

Now there is a super power like the 19th following, just right.

The two of them wanted to take care of each other.

Besides...the mysterious organization behind her.

In addition to the two in front of them, the three who left before, this is a combat power that can definitely end the camp.

This means that they have five top masters near the ruins, and if something unbeatable happens to them, these masters will take action in 80%.

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