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"What about the ruined Yasuo?"

"Brother Xu, what about happy happiness?"

Li Xu stared blankly at the Inhibitor exploding on the screen, "No, this is not real happiness!"

"Distressed Brother Xu, 233333"

"Brother Xu, let's play Solo Top, don't play these snakeskin heroes anymore."

Li Xu thought about it, "brothers, do you know why I am not happy?"

"Brother Xu was beaten! I have said that you have to win to be happy, and you lose a happy hammer!"

"I still feel happy when I have a girl!"

"Fucker, is there a little bit of interest upstairs?"

Li Xu shook his head: "Isn't I worried about losing because of losing? Brother that many won Yasuo, how many won? Has been losing, can you say I am not happy?"

"Haha! Brother Xu bulls, Yasuo has been losing, because of your export."

"I see that, Brother Xu's Yasuo is really happy."

"It's just too much happiness, can't happiness and victory have both?"

"Brother Xu, tell me, what makes you happy when you play games?"

Li Xu said: "It's passion! The hero Teemo, it's too TM frivolous, no passion."

"Brother Xu is real, you are not afraid of being killed by the majority of sister paper players. They are the ones who like to play Teemo the most. You actually say that Teemo is insignificant."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. This Yordle is really homeless."

"Agree, I was killed by Teemo countless times, and I agreed with my feet."

Li Xu continued: "The hero Yasuo, flexible and elegant, with graceful style, and the skill mechanism gives you unlimited possibilities. Even if you become a dog, you have the opportunity to Penta Kill, this is where the passion lies."

"Agreed, I have seen some Yasuo fly in front of you. A wave across the tower will find a chance to fight back. You never know where the hero's upper limit is."

"You also can't figure out the lower limit of this hero!"

"Haha! I think, as long as the E button is buttoned, the lower limit of Yasuo can be greatly improved."

"The upstairs is profound, but you asked me if Brother Xu did not. Yasuo without E has no soul."

"I want victory more than soul!"

Li Xu took the initiative to send Teddy a game invitation to enter the game.

"Passion is the root of the game!"

After talking, Li Xu directly locked down the Solo Top belief, The Exiled Blade Riven.

"Daebak, Brother Xu showed Teddy a correct way to use Riven in the Solo Top position."

"No problem, Riven can show, elegant and chic, depends on whether this can win."

"Pray Brother Xu to cure my eyes, the upper Riven sees my eyes sore."

"Brother Xu, your Riven show is not good, I don't want you to be Aatrox, so good, just ask you not to pick your feet like Yasuo."

Teddy directly elected Kai'Sa.

"This is stable." Li Xu smiled confidently.

"Teddy doesn't play snakes anymore, this is stable, Brother Xu kicks off the show!"

Opposite Solo Top picked the hand The Deadnaught, Urgot.

"Daebak Brother Xu is in danger, laning top Urgot pendant Riven."

"In the current version, Riven has designated Urgot, his father."

"Urgot, Brother Xu should be able to fight? After all, your Urgot is so good, you should know how to fight."

"My life will follow myself and not heaven, Brother Xu, pull out your sword! Go!"

Waiting to enter the game, Li Xu also communicated with the water friends in the live broadcast,

"The division Urgot proficiency should be quite high. An Urgot with excellent distance control is difficult to fight. Laning top As long as the opposite side is not mentally retarded, Riven should not think about solo kills Urgot, but Urgot's skill mechanism leads to It is easy to push the line, and Urgot is a relatively bulky hero, can call Jungle to help, and opposite Mid Lane Ahri, Bot Lane 2 are very easy to kill, why do you stare at Urgot?"

Li Xu This is the blue side. As soon as he enters the game, Li Xu chooses to go online without any extra routine.

"Some friends like the first-class Riven squatting the grass top opposite the Solo Top set, but in fact, you have to divide the heroes on the opposite side, if it is a Jarvan IV or something, but if Jax, Urgot or temperature-controlled Rumble, don’t It’s not worth the effort to engage in these routines."

"Riven faces Urgot as much as possible to develop as much as possible. Urgot's W skill can restrain Riven's death. Riven's own endurance is poor. Try to avoid being consumed by Urgot."

"Urgot does not have the ability to solo kills Riven. Pay attention to using E to hide his E skills. Urgot's E shake is very obvious and it is very easy to hide."

Li Xu is mainly on development at the laning top, and does not find Urgot to fight, Urgot small pressure Riven a few CS

At Level 3, Urgot pushed the creep line to the blue side under the tower. Jungle Nocturne helped Li Xu catch a wave. However, the Nocturne GANK ability without 6 is really not strong. The Urgot E skill cut off the silent fear, and both sides will give up.

In 6 minutes, Level 6's Riven went directly home and took out the small warhammer, directly TP back to the laning top, while Urgot came home and was not yet online, quickly cleared the creep line and leaned towards Mid Lane.

The other party's Jungle Zhao Xin is exposed to the view of the river below, and he wants to cooperate with the half-blooded raccoon Mid Lane Ryze.

Seeing Riven leaning towards Mid Lane, Ryze did not rush back, but leaned a little up the river, pretending not to know Zhao Xin's movements, as usual CS.

The other person, Tan, waited for Zhao Xin to come out and opened Ulti directly. The face E charmed Ryze, throwing fraudulent orbs and demon fox fire. Zhao Xin came out from the grass below, and E was ready to open his face to Ryze.

Ryze directly Wrune imprisoned the half-blooded raccoon, E skill surge spread, a set of skills shot, made a posture to change a blood.

A tan's blood was instantly remnant, and Second Section Ulti pulled back.


The residual blood Ryze flashed directly to the grass above, leaving Zhao Xin's field of vision, Zhao Xin went forward, and A Tan also followed up 2 steps, preparing to find a chance to hit the 2nd Q's damage.


Suddenly, a cyan-green curved sword energy came from the shadow above the river channel, and the silhouette of Riven appeared directly in front of Zhao Xin, and the sword energy directly scraped Zhao Xin, taking away the residual blood of the Nine-Tailed Monster Fox Raccoon.


The third section Ulti and the flashes were still in the hands of Ah Li, and he was taken away by this sudden Wind Slash sword energy.

It is the R flash sneak attack that Riven is stuck in the field of vision.

Riven's Ulti, like Lee Sin, has a reading bar, and you can use R flash to change the direction. Of course, this is also more difficult to prevent.

Riven directly fixed Zhao Xin, and the wings danced wildly, with a common attack of Xun Ruo thunderbolt in between, quickly depressing Zhao Xin's blood volume.

Zhao Xin directly flashed and fled in the direction of the defensive tower, Riven directly hit the third section Q limit distance to strike Zhao Xin, make up the last general attack, and took the head again.


Li Xu's Riven carried the 3-meter rune giant sword without looking at it, and turned to rush to Top Lane.

Unspeakable cold and chic.

When I went to the clothes, I learned the name and the name.

I am a killer.

I don't have feelings!

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