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"Brother Xu's R flash sneak attack is so handsome that the opposite Ahri 2 displacements are too late to hang."

"This kind of card vision R flash can't react at all, okay."

"This wave of support is in place, Brother Xu guessed it, let's start with Ryze."

"It's chic to turn around after killing people, and 2 fluttering streets, I don't bother to take a glance at Brother Xu."

Above the Baron Nashor pit, the red square triangular bush left a view. Li Xu’s Rivern rushed to the tower and quickly took over the creep line pushed by Urgot.

Bot Lane, Teddy's Kai'Sa and Thresh laning killed Tristana.

"Daebak Teddy's ADC is really strong, a wave of extreme blood transfusion, and accurate W to take the head."

"This W is really accurate. The Tristana rocket jumped to the ground just before it was hit by the predicted void."

"As long as you don't play Solo Top, Teddy is still trustworthy."

Laning top, the opposite Urgot constantly used the advantage of hand length to want to consume Riven, but the distance was kept very good, and did not give Riven a direct chance of Q burst consumption, and Riven did not force up.

Finally, the creep line was pressed under the blue square tower, Riven directly EQ close-up, began to frantically output to Urgot.

Urgot opened W directly at the moment of Riven EQ's close-up. The shield was set to trigger passive, and the spiral walk began to exchange blood with Riven.

Compared with Urgot's shield, Riven E's shield is almost like a low-quality product. Urgot 2 passively broke Riven's shield and started to consume Riven's blood.

At this time, the sky above Rift was shrouded in darkness, The Eternal Nightmare turned on Ulti ghost shadow, Urgot instantly lost the vision of all friendly units on the map, and his vision range was suppressed to a minimum.

Riven W finally shot, fixed Urgot, and bypassed Urgot, stuck his backward position, and prevented Urgot from escaping with E skills.

Nocturne directly Ulti rushed to Urgot, opened the silent fear, Nocturne shot, and consciously blocked in front of Urgot.

Urgot had no choice but to surrender the flash and bypass 2 people who wanted to run.

Urgot's flash not at all breaks Nocturne's speechless fear, E skill is ready to shoot, and wants to run.

Nocturne looked at Urgot's hand movement very decisively, flashed directly in front of Urgot, let Urgot back himself, and ended Urgot's displacement.

Finally, speechless fear triggered, Riven and Nocturne chased a slash, Urgot took the head, and Riven took it.

Li Xu praised: "This Nocturne consciousness is very good. The timing of GANK is very accurate. At the same time, the stuck position makes Urgot unable to directly escape from E skills, and cannot directly flash off the fear. The details are not dealt with."

"The wave of daebak 6 is very beautiful, and Urgot's bulky weakness is undoubtedly exposed."

"Finally, Nocturne flashed to block Urgot, isn't it prettier?"

"This is Tarzan! Didn't anyone find out?"

"Lying trough! Really, you didn't pay attention if you didn't say."

Li Xu was also surprised. Tarzan was the core Jungle of the LCK Dark Horse team's GRF last season, and his rhythm control ability is excellent.

GRF was promoted to the LCK league in the S8 Summer Games. The players were all composed of Hanbok high score passers. The team’s core player Tarzan was all 3 numbers in the top ten of Hanbok. With excellent laning top technology and tacit cooperation, GRF continued to cut the power. Finally won the summer runner-up, almost created the LCK's Kaiserslaunch myth.

At the end of the S8 season, several strong teams from the previous season have reorganized. Only GRF has completely retained the original class Hecarim. The team cooperates with the team. Griffin GRF is considered by the outside world as the biggest enemy of SKT for the LCK championship.

Bot Lane Zhao Xin bypassed the field of vision and entered the grass under the red square tower to catch Kai'Sa, but Thresh a lantern directly resolved this wave of GANK.

Nocturne received a message from Zhao Xin's Bot Lane outcrop and took Rift Herald directly.

After taking down Rift Herald, Nocturne didn't go home, drove the field of view of the Top Lane grass river channel, and then crouched around the triangular bush.

Urgot is also very cautious, and is not in a hurry to make up the view of the river. He first cleared the creep line. Creeps went under the blue square tower to contain Riven. Urgot was ready to make up the vision.

Urgot first cautiously inserted in the grass of the river and found that Nocturne was not there, so he was relieved to put another scout guard under the Baron Nashor pit, ready to go online.

However, Urgot did not find that Rivern, who had cleared the creep line, entered his own jungle area and took the explosive cone directly down the river.

Nocturne appeared directly from the triangular bush, one after the other and Riven and Urgot.

Although Nocturne does not have Ulti, but with the flexible and controlled Riven, it again triggers the silent fear. Urgot with only a certain E skill displacement cannot run away at all, and is eventually killed by Riven again. Nocturne releases Rift Herald to let Riven eat the tower alone skin.

However, Bot Lane Zhao Xin finally seized the opportunity to cooperate with Bot Lane to kill Thresh. Then Ahri support came to the scene and wanted to cross the tower to kill Teddy. Ryze lit up Ulti support directly and persuaded the opposite tower to cross.

In 12 minutes, Li Xu went home and took out the first big piece of Black Cleaver. Every attribute of this item is very much needed by Riven. With the small warhammer, there has been an additional 30% cooling reduction

Back to laning top, Urgot wanted to use the advantage of hand length to spend as much as before, but Urgot Black Cleaver has not yet made it. The item gap is too large. Riven took the opportunity to hit a set of skills and lost nearly half of his blood. the amount.

Urgot began to release the line, and then Riven would kill him.

Riven first cleared the creep line and entered the other party's jungle area. He interposed and found Zhao Xin, who was hitting red in the grass.

Riven started directly with Ulti, and moved forward to force Zhao Xin away. Zhao Xin didn't want to give up the half-red BUFF and opened the red BUFF to continue playing.

Riven E's skill bursts into the face, the wings dance and the rune's blade swing wildly, Zhao Xin directly Ulti sweeps away Riven, Rift is once again shrouded in darkness, Nocturne directly Ulti flew to Zhao Xin's face, immediately released Nocturne's path, chased With Zhao Xinhei, he was eager to release E skills.

Seeing Riven approaching again, Zhao Xin reluctantly surrendered the flash, Nocturne kept up with the speechless fear.

Fear triggered, Raven caught up with Nocturne, and Zhao Xin was killed by Nocturne.

Suddenly, a pink peach heart floated over, Nocturne couldn't dodge, and the charm effect triggered.

A raccoon's set of skills pours instantly, holding down Nocturne HP very low.

Nocturne retreated to the left of the red BUFF, Li Xu's Riven stepped forward, W also pinched in his hands, preventing A Tan from coming directly to Ulti to kill Nocturne.

At this time, a drill suddenly shot from behind the Malphite wall above, Ulti of Urgot, pointing directly at Nocturne of residual blood.

However, at the moment when Urgot Ulti added himself, a layer of halo shrouded Nocturne and resisted this Hextech drill bit.

Nocturne used W to block Urgot's Ulti.

Nocturne walked to the bottom left of the explosive cone, and when Riven stood still, the two sat down on the explosive cone to the dragon pit.

Nociturne, who didn't want to let go of the blood, left Ulti directly to the Dragon Pit without vision.

However, Riven in Longkeng was already prepared. A W stepped on the moment when A Tan appeared, and Nocturne instantly beat the disabled A Tan. A Tan gave 2 Ulti to the wall before he died, but was chased by behind Wind Slash's 2 segment took the head.

Nocturne played nice on the chat screen, Li Xu complimented for a while, and the two people touted each other a few words.

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