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At this time, Camille drove through the river and wanted a wave of sneak attack Teemo.

At first glance, fucker! Your Teemo is a Big Dipper! Then no matter what else, I turned into a little girl who adopted Teemo, and a Teemo who walked the river.

The first thing Yasuo goes online is to plug in the pink ward and discard all the Teemo left in Mid Lane.

At first glance, Li Xu ran happily to plant a few Teemo at the intersection of his jungle area.

"Brother Xu, what do you mean to plant Teemo here? You might as well put it under the river channel here."

Li Xu explained, "Our family Jungle is a Karthus. The counter blue will definitely come across. These Teemo may save Karthus's life."

"I suggest putting Top Lane, Teddy must be killed later, maybe Teemo can save his life."

"Agree to +1, you can put it in front of the Top Lane Tower, so as not to wait for Jax to cross the tower to kill Teddy."

"It's useless. Opposite Jax doesn't cross the tower to kill Riven, Teddy will also cross the tower to give people a head."

"Haha! Profound upstairs."

Back to the laning top, Li Xu slowly knocked out the pink ward left by Yasuo, and then added a small amount of money to the account, and then left 2 Teemo in the same place in front of Yasuo.

Li Xu swayed back to the grass and prepared to continue burying Teemo.

Suddenly, a pair of huge leg blades, shining with metallic luster, came straight.

"I want to suffer!"

Camille hooked it out directly, kicked on Teemo, and got off Hex's ultimatum.

Yasuo quickly came up with a dash of E, and the two beat Teemo for a while.

Li Xu left the keyboard directly with both hands and was lived by Camille. Teemo didn't have to run at all. Besides, there was a glorious Yasuo beside him who was glare like a tiger watching his prey.

At this time, a light chain above Yasuo and Camille's head lighted up, and Karthus began to sing big, but the blood volume of the two was still very healthy.


Ok? I killed? what's the situation? Camille and Yasuo have nothing to do.

Take a closer look, huh! The ADCEzreal opposite was killed by him.

It turned out that the opposite Bot Lane duo EZ and Alisar came to the red jungle area counter blue and stepped directly on Teemo to expose their vision. Of course Karthus didn’t do it. They called Sivir and Tahm Kench to vow to keep the blue BUF.

As a result, there was a firefight, and EZ snatched the blue. Sivir opened the chase and hit the opposite side. Karthus sang Ulti directly.

As a result, EZ was not killed by Karthus, but he made an Arcane jump and jumped to Li Xu, who was buried in the Teemo of Dragon's pit, and was killed on the spot.

Teemo buried by Li Xu waited for the destined person.

After returning from the resurrection, Teemo elated continued to bury Teemo everywhere, and 10000 picked up the head again?

In 12 minutes, Camille hit Malphite in Bot Lane and was spotted by Tahm Kench's eyes.

Teddy madly signaled, calling Karthus to go to Top Lane GANK, Grandmaster at Arms had pressed the creep line to the red square tower.

Li Xu also started to rush to Top Lane and sat with the red Karthus after the explosion cones over the wall, preparing to sneak up.

As a result, Teddy saw that the brothers were coming, directly opened Ulti's Exile's Edge, and went up to the wings and danced wildly.

As a result, Jax started a counterattack storm, and his backhand brass lamppost slammed into Riven.

Jax's blood volume is not much less, but the Riven blood strips are falling down.

To counter the storm crowd control, hold Riven, and then connect with a W's power blow. Riven's blood volume drops to only one third.

As a result of Teddy's bells and whistles, Jax didn't lose much blood, and he almost hung up.

Li Xu took a look at the item, huh! Jax Trinity Force, Riven half piece Tiamat, no wonder!

At this time Karthus and Teemo finally found out from behind the tower, Teddy's Rivern hurried up E, W controlled Jax, and then ran down the tower, so as not to be replaced.

Karthus's barren wall shot, blocking Jax's backward path, continuously releasing barrenness, suppressing Jax's health.

Li Xu's Teemo threw a Teemo under Jax's feet and kept circling around Jax.

Jax didn't show magic resistance, HP dropped quickly, and there was no eyes on his body, there was no way to jump and escape, the flashes were not delivered anymore, and they were slowed down to a high probability.

Karthus took the head directly.

"This Riven! The operation is fierce, a look at damage 200 5 ."

"Karthus and Teemo are not coming. Teddy is going to be killed by the tower."

As soon as Camille saw the killing of Top Lane Jax, he wanted to work on the Bot Lane duo. Yasuo also came from the river, but Tahm Kench and Sivir shrank directly to 2 towers, giving no chance at all.

4 people from the blue party immediately hugged Bot Lane and started to push, taking the first blood tower.

Karthus took Teemo to win Rift Herald, the blue side then took control of Mountain Drake, and the two parties exchanged resources.

The blue party Alisar keeps on wandering, arranging the field of vision, arranging Teemo's Teemo, the blue party field of vision completely suppresses the red party.

No way, Sivir is not EZ, and the opposite Jungle is Camille. Jungle is Karthus. It is too dangerous to leave Sivir alone on the laning top. Tahm Kench dare not leave Sivir too far.

In 20 minutes, the blue party controlled Mountain Drake's field of vision, lurking in the mist, and the red party held a group to step forward to explore the field of vision.

Suddenly in the shadows, Alistar entered the battlefield directly with WQ2. Except for Teemo, who was walking behind, the first 4 people were shot, Yasuo directly entered Ulti, suppressing the 4 people who were shot. At the same time, EZUlti precision barrage was scraped from the battlefield. All 4 people made a move and exploded instantly.

The Yasuo who landed no matter what enemies were in front of him, directly stepped forward and moved towards the hidden Teemo, who rushed over to chase Teemo.

Team fight can be lost, Teemo Must Die.

Teemo blows back his arrow and blinds Yasuo, throws a Teemo ready to run, Camille hooks the lock, and Ulti covers Teemo directly, thumping in a burst, and he has no time to run.

Jax jumped on Teemo and charged with a blow, taking the head.

At this time, Karthus was already killed by EZ, which turned into Sion's continuous release of skills. Sivir drove hunting and Tahm Kench turned back and ran back.

Teddy's Riven drove Ulti to rush over to think about a dozen, and was instantly beaten to death by Jax.

Jax in this situation is invincible.

This time, the red side of the three killed not only lost Mountain Drake, but the blue side started to force Baron Nashor directly.

Tahm Kench lowered his vision and Sivir kept releasing Q on the Baron Nashor pit, disturbing the blue side dragon. However, the blue side Baron Nashor in 2 Mountain Drake was not slow. Before the resurrection of Teemo arrived, Camille Smite dropped Baron Nashor.

Then the blue party took Baron Nashor BUFF directly to advance all the way. Finally, when he was on the high ground, Teddyunable to bear went directly to the field and fixed EZ and Jax. However, Alisar instantly opened Riven and flashed to shoot Teemo and Karthus. Yasuo connects directly.

Yasuo Ulti came into play with Jax and Camille who started the counterattack storm. The red side exploded instantly and was shot out of Ace. The blue side broke through the Inhibitor.

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