Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Su Zhenren of Shunlingbao, Shouyang Mountain is closed

Outside the Bajing Palace.

Under the cowshed, the young man who thought he had escaped Su Xuan's clutches was lazily lying on a chair, drinking the immortal wine offered by the practice sect belonging to the Renjiao.

Since leaving Chaoge City, within hundreds of thousands of miles of Yangshan Mountain, Qingniu has regained his self-esteem as the mount of the Hunyuan Immortal Family.

On weekdays, no matter whether you go to practice sects or visit relatives and friends, you are always a guest of honor wherever you go, and you don't have to copy the Tao Te Ching anymore.

Qing Niu, who was already drunk, didn't even notice that someone had touched him.

Su Xuan rolled up the picture of Qian Kun and knocked it down on the green bull, and then Su Xuan directly untied the rope holding the green bull and kicked into the spirit treasure that carried a cave world.

His teacher cried poorly, whoever really believed it would be a real fool.

It is true that his second and third uncles are really rich in spiritual treasures, but they can't bear the many disciples!

Under the seat of his second master Yuanshi Tianzun, there are twelve golden immortals, an Antarctic immortal, and Yun Zhongzi, a true immortal of Fude. Which disciple does not have three or two Lingbao.

Not to mention his Third Martial Uncle, although there are not many sects of Jiejiao Zhenjiao, but his Third Martial Uncle can't hold back, and he will give out Xiantian Lingbao according to his preferences!

So his teacher really has a spirit treasure.

Xiantian spirit treasures are used to tie cattle. May I ask the heavens and myriad worlds, which immortal family dares to be so extravagant.

Mo Shanshan raised his forehead and said, "Was that rope just now a golden rope?"

Su Xuan chuckled, and replied: "That's right, it's a golden rope. Except for our teacher, who else is so generous to tie this stupid cow with an innate spirit treasure."

Then Su Xuan led Mo Shanshan to the thatched hut on the top of Shouyang Mountain, walked along the wind and fire futon in the thatched hut, and then hurried away on the building boat.

The building boat galloped away, setting off a strong gust of wind.

The Golden Horn Boy looked at the boat leaving the building, and thought to himself that those treasures of his master must be gone, so what kind of Fenghuo futon, what kind of golden rope are you looking at!

Even that stupid cow sneaked out and disappeared.

"Should I also slip?"

"Forget it, I'm not the same as a stupid cow, I'm an honest boy."

The Golden Horn Boy, who wanted to slip away but didn't dare to slip away, trotted all the way back to the Bajing Palace.

As soon as he entered the Palace of Eight Views, the Golden Horn Boy said tearfully: "Master, it's not good. Brother Su took the golden rope, let go of the green cow, and took your futon. Now my Senior Brother Su has already driven a A building ship, I don’t know where it went.”

The Golden Horn boy didn't care too much about the Fenghuo futon, but he had been coveting the golden rope tied to the stupid cow for a long time!

One must know that the catastrophe of the Conferred God is approaching, this is the best time to go down the mountain and have fun, but his brother Su has taken too much, the master will definitely be stricter.

If you don't go down the mountain with two innate spiritual treasures that you can take advantage of, you are looking for your own death.

Lao Tzu still fanned the fire with the old god, and he sighed: "Jinjiao, if you want to go down the mountain, go for a turn! If you don't go down the mountain, you can seal it with the old Taoist in this Yangshan Mountain!"

"Master, can you really go down the mountain?" Jin Jiao asked suspiciously.

Lao Tzu casually threw out a package and said, "Pick up your burden and go down the mountain to take a good look around. I have to go to the top of the mountain to be quiet!"

Soon after, Lao Tzu walked out of the Bajing Palace and walked towards the top of Shouyang Mountain.

The Golden Horn boy who stayed in the Bajing Palace didn't understand what the old man meant, but he still carried the silver horn and hung the seven-star sword on the wall for decoration and the bottle for water.

Together with some altars and jars refined by Lao Tzu in the early years, after filling a lot, the gold and silver horns crept down the mountain.

On the top of Shouyang Mountain.

I watched Su Xuan and his wife gallop on the building boat, watched the stupid cow transform into a human form and followed the disciple of the practice sect, Hu Chui, and watched Jinjiaoyinjiao laughing wildly on the top of the mountain, and shook his head helplessly: "I really don't want to let the old man worry. , or Xuandu Wutu let the old Taoist worry!"

Then Lao Tzu said with a smile: "From today, Shouyang Mountain will be closed!"

Between the sky and the earth, there was a cloud and mist drooping thousands of feet, and the entire Shouyang Mountain was hidden among the clouds and mist, but even Daluo Jinxian could no longer perceive the direction of Shouyang Mountain.

As soon as Daozu made a move, he knew whether there was one.

Shouyang Mountain, at the foot of the mountain!

Jin Jiao looked at the surrounding clouds and said, "Brother, the master has closed the mountain, where are we going?"

Although he had already made preparations for going down the mountain, after he really went down the mountain, Jin Jiao was a little dazed for a while.

Yinjiao pretended to be profound and said: "Brother, didn't Senior Brother Su say before that there are many advantages to going to Dashang to be an official? Why don't we go to Dashang to have a look, according to the two of us brothers, why can't we become a general soldier?" Dangdang."

You must know that he is Golden Horn, but he has read a lot of military books.

We must know that after the destruction of the Yaozu Heavenly Court, many military books and the like in the Yaozu Heavenly Court had their original versions preserved on Shouyang Mountain.

The taste of the original military book is not comparable to those handwritten military books.

Jin Jiao looked at his silly younger brother and said: "Brother, let's go to Dashang for a while, and be a general soldier, and we must not let other immortals look down on you and me."

Yinjiao scratched his head and said, "Brother, we are monsters!"

When Jin Jiao heard the words, he immediately gave Yin Jiao a brainstorm, and he said: "We are disciples of the Human Education, so we are naturally human."

Soon after, the two boys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, changed their shapes and headed towards Dashang in the clouds and mist.


Star Observation Tower, front yard.

Nu Wa, who had nothing to do, looked at Su Xuan and his wife who came back from Shouyang Mountain, and said, "Brother, you are really generous. You even gave the Eight Views Palace Lantern to you two."

Su Xuan looked at Empress and shook his head, "Master, you are joking. What is the Eight Views Palace Lantern? Master, what are you talking about?"

While speaking, Su Xuan blocked it with his hands, hanging on the hillside of his house, the eight-scenery palace lantern has changed into a small and exquisite one.


Nuwa said, "Don't cover it, isn't it just the Eight Views Palace Lantern? Don't worry, Master Uncle is not that kind of person, how could he **** the spirit treasure of the younger generation?"

Although she couldn't take away the spirit treasure of the next generation, but if she, nephew Su, voluntarily gave her the Eight Views Palace Lantern, that would be a different matter.

You must know that the three lights in Zixiao Palace hide a certain big secret.

If it hadn't been the case back then, those three senior brothers of hers would not have taken the three palace lanterns from Zixiao Palace regardless of everything.

She didn't care about the three palace lanterns, they were nothing more than three innate treasures, what she cared about was the secret hidden in them.

Since that senior brother of hers gave Su Xiaozi the Eight Scenery Palace Lantern, then his other spiritual brother would probably give Su Xiaozi those two palace lanterns as well!

Su Xuan moved his hand away, and said: "Isn't this poor and afraid? But my nephew, I still believe in my uncle's character?"



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