Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 310: 8 Inner Words in the Palace of Kings Conferred God

Shouyang Mountain.

Inside the Bajing Palace.

The Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace was burning fiercely under the fanning of the golden and silver horns.

Lao Tzu is always shaking his fan, as if he is not surprised at the arrival of his young disciple Su Xuan and his wife.

Let alone the juniors like Su Xuan, even he himself and his juniors have no choice but to face the behavior of Nu Wa's junior sister.

None of his juniors were willing to reason with Nu Wa's junior sister, because his junior sister had never been unreasonable.

"Teacher Baihu entered the imperial palace, and the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods really kicked off on that day. Leaving aside the actions of the nuwa master, the Yunxiao fairy who cut off the teaching also lived in the star observatory building, and so did the disciples. The disciples really don't understand the people who drag the family and the mouth, what the third master uncle intends to do."

Beauty trap?

He also thought about this possibility before, but then he thought about it again, he is only a little golden fairy, so what right does he have for a big golden fairy to use beauty tricks on him?

What's more, for a family-owned fairy family to use beauties, which fairy family can't stand such a test?

Lao Tzu lightly shook the cattail fan, fanning the Liuding Divine Fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace more and more vigorously, I turned my back to Su Xuan and his wife, and said: "Your Third Master Uncle has no other intentions about the matter of Yunxiao's entry into Chaoge. I simply want to leave a legacy for Jiejiao.

As for how your Uncle Nuwa will act in the Conferred Gods, you only need to remember one thing, that is, just watch but don't do it and don't ask.

You can't believe what a beautiful female fairy says, and it just so happens that your uncle Nuwa's appearance is unmatched in all the heavens and myriad realms. "

He had to remind his silly apprentice, don't trust his junior sister so foolishly, the two big fools of the Yaozu were tricked by his junior sister, and everything was just to pave the way for the human race.

As the second Immortal family who has achieved Hunyuan Daoguo after his teacher Hongjun Patriarch, no one can stop his junior sister from doing what she wants to do.

They couldn't stop it before, and now they can't stop it even more, and they can't stop it. In terms of proving the Hunyuan Daoguo, they all owe a huge karma to Nuwa Junior Sister.

After Su Xuan pondered for a long time, he said in relief: "Teacher, in the Conferred God, there are chances and dangers, how should disciples act?"

Lao Tzu put down the palm-leaf fan in his hand, turned around and said, "Do whatever you want without breaking the rules, this is the principle of Confucianism, the principles are different but the meanings are somewhat the same, just do whatever you want!

You are not yet three hundred years old. If you are an ordinary practitioner, you are probably still in the realm of the primordial spirit at this time. You think too much. Master, you don't have to be so timid about the creation of the creation of the Yuanling. "

The avenue does nothing, so it can do everything.

The highest goodness is like water, which benefits all things without competing, so the heavens and myriad worlds cannot compete with each other.

Do nothing and do not fight. When there is a need to fight, it is necessary to let the heavens and the world be invincible.

Su Xuan sat on the futon, laughed at himself and said: "In this way, I may not be a high-spirited young man, but there is no way to do it. Who makes the disciple poor? There is no way to buy a piece of paper for my family. Innate Lingbao."

Except for the gourd, only the Qiankun Tu was left. The gourd was in the hands of his family, Shanshan, and the Qiankun Tu was in the hands of his Su, but each person had an innate spiritual treasure, which was indeed a bit poor.

Lao Tzu asked with a smile: "Tell me! Which treasure do you like here again?"

Su Xuan got up and walked to a certain palace lantern, and said: "Teacher, I'm not a greedy person. I think this lantern is pretty good, and it's just right for my family to use."

He was just an ordinary golden fairy, so naturally he couldn't see what was so good about that palace lantern, but he simply felt that that palace lantern was very good.

The old man's face darkened, and he scolded with a smile: "When your ancestor Hongjun divided the treasure, as a teacher, your second uncle, and your third uncle walked along a lamp from Zixiao Palace, and later became your teacher. I accepted your elder brother in Shouyang Mountain, and built the Eight Views Palace on this Shouyang Mountain, so this palace lantern is also called the Eight Views Palace Lantern, Su Xuanwu, you have a good eye!"

Lao Tzu's voice echoed in the Bajing Palace.

It didn't take long for Su Xuanshun to take away one of the two rows of palace lanterns in the Bajing Palace. Su Xuan shrunk the Bajing palace lanterns and stuffed them into Shanshan's hands.

The two boys, Jinjiao and Yinjiao, stared at this scene in astonishment. Their senior brothers are really brave enough!

Compared with the courage of their Senior Brother Su, the boldness of the simple and honest disciple under their senior brother's sect is like the brightness of rotten grass, how can it compete with the bright moon in the sky.

Mo Shanshan looked at the eight-scenery palace lantern in his hand, staring at her family Su Xuan closely with resentful eyes, his eyes clearly said, can this palace lantern really be taken away so easily?

Lao Tzu laughed and said: "Interesting, it's really interesting. That's how my teacher took the Eight Views Palace Lantern from Zixiao Palace back then. I didn't expect that today, the Eight Views Palace Lantern was also taken away by my own apprentice like this."

It's really the reincarnation of heaven, who has he ever spared?

Su Xuan took out several projection stones from his sleeve, and after losing his mana to the projection stones, he said, "Teacher, I didn't take your Eight Views Palace Lantern for nothing, it's a spiritual treasure for my family. Back then, we, husband and wife, took a lot of effort to clean up your former residence."

The pictures preserved in the projection stone are displayed in the Bajing Palace at a glance.

Looking at the images saved by the projection stone the Yellow Turban warrior who is cleaning up the Inner Pouch Palace in a certain world, and Su Xuan who keeps recording with the projection stone, even his beard almost loses his temper.

Lao Tzu said: "Yes, you and your wife did not take the old-fashioned Eight Views Palace Lantern for nothing, but you two, if you can come to the Eight Views Palace less in the future, go to Yuxu Palace or Biyou Palace more, or go to Thirty-Three Palaces if you can't. Turn around."

Su Xuan asked cautiously: "Teacher, why is this?"

Lao Tzu replied: "You are poor as a teacher! Those uncles of yours have a great career, so will there be any benefit if you go?"

He is really poor, his second younger brother is accompanied by Jiulong Chenxiang chariot when he travels, and the four-faced thing is just a decoration, his third younger brother is accompanied by more than ten thousand immortal families, and has the appearance of ten thousand immortals coming to court.

What about him?

There is only one ridiculously stupid cow!

Hear this!

"Teacher, Uncle Nuwa is still waiting for the disciple to go back for dinner? The disciple will leave first and come to see you old man when he has time."

Su Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then pulled up the mountain of his house, saluted respectfully, then exited the Palace of Eight Views straight away, and walked towards the shed where Shuan Niu was.



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