Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 312: Su Zhenren who was carried to the front line

"Uncle, have you eaten yet?"

Not knowing how to answer, Su Xuan spit out in order to get away with it.

But after saying it, Su Xuan immediately regretted it, what is this?

Nu Wa snorted coldly: "The human race and the demon race are at war, as disciples of the Human Sect, you two have to go to the front line with me."

I don't know when, Empress Nuwa's Tsing Yi has been covered with a layer of armor stomach of innate spirit treasure level.

Su Xuan was stunned on the spot, and asked: "Uncle! Shanshan and I just came back from Shouyang Mountain, can you explain something?"

It doesn't matter if I go to the front line to see if it's okay, but I just came back from Shouyang Mountain, and I haven't calmed down my rich mood, and I haven't had a good meal, so I'm about to go to the battlefield, which is very unreasonable.

Nuwa ignored Su Xuan, she looked at Mo Shanshan and asked, "Shanshan, what do you think?"

Mo Shanshan nodded slightly and said: "Martial Nephew, I would like to listen to Martial Uncle Fengqi's orders."

I would like to listen to Master Fengqi's orders and directly conclude the matter of Empress Nuwa going to the front line this time. The person who went to the front line to kill demons was not Empress Nuwa, a saint of the demon clan, but layman Fengqi, the deputy leader of the human religion.

Su Xuan said helplessly: "Alas! Life is hard, and you have to go to the battlefield before you can rest.

Come the sword! "

The ancient sword of morality flew out from the roof of the Star Observation Tower, hanging three feet in front of Su Xuan.

Nuwa smiled and said at this time: "Yunxiao has already gone ahead, soldiers are precious and fast, let's start now, and we will arrive at dusk today."

Su Xuan wondered: "Uncle, why don't you use some supernatural powers, let's go directly, I'm afraid that Uncle Master won't be able to bear the fatigue of the boat!"

These three-point mocking words directly made Empress Nuwa angry.

Nuwa stared at Su Xuan and said, "Do you want everyone to know that the Holy Mother of the Human Race and the Saint Nuwa of the Monster Race have intervened in the war between the Human Race and the Monster Race?"

Still the same sentence, she can participate in this war in the name of Fengqi Jushi, the deputy leader of the People's Education, but she cannot participate in this war as Nuwa.

Knowing her identity is already very troublesome for the few Hunyuan immortals, and if more Da Luo Jinxians know, it will be really troublesome.

Su Xuan smiled helplessly, and several people flew to the deck of the building. Empress Nuwa directly ignored the defensive formation of Chaoge City, the imperial capital of the human race, and drove directly. The building that Su Xuan had been mending for many years went straight to Dashang. Go to northern Xinjiang.

On the deck of the building ship, facing the strong wind, Su Xuan asked: "I guess this city has a lot to do with my uncle! The imperial capital built by the sages of the human race with painstaking efforts, should be a little bit expressive when there is a flying boat fleeing. "

Empress Nuwa, who had already sat on the chair at some point, snorted softly: "I built this Chaoge city, or I used a lot of natural materials and earth treasures to build this Chaoge city. The formation method is also the formation map flowing out of the Wa Palace, and this is the back garden of this seat."

It can be said that she built this city back then, but now this city does not welcome her because of the emperor who temporarily commands all human beings. This is indeed a very helpless thing.

The reason why it is said to be temporary is because Di Xin doesn't have many years to live as the emperor, and when the next emperor appears, Di Xin who has a wrong idea for her naturally has no need to exist.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan stood side by side, and Mo Shanshan, who was dressed in the first-class armor-stuffed Majestic Spirit Treasure of the Wa Palace, looked even more heroic.

To Su Xuan's surprise, his uncle used the Qiankun cauldron to reverse the innateness and return to the source, and refined out a stomach, all of which are women's stomachs.

Although the spirit armor of the innate spirit treasure level can block the Taiyi Golden Immortal, even the ordinary Daluo Golden Immortal can block it for a while.

But as a direct disciple of the Renjiao, a little moral mage, he was somewhat embarrassed to go out and fight with people in a women's armor.

So Su Xuan was still dressed in green clothes, but Su Xuan unfolded the map of the universe and stuffed it inside the clothes. With the map of the universe, he really didn't panic.

Su Xuan clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "This is a very interesting thing. Sure enough, women should not be offended, and fairies should not be offended. Once a fairy in the Hunyuan realm is offended, the consequences will be very disastrous."

Just like the emperor Xin, it was indeed his uncle Zhunti, who said he was destined to meet everyone, who aroused the desire of the emperor Xin, but if there is no one to arouse the desire of the emperor Xin, maybe the emperor Xin will one day, It will also reveal its true colors, and it will be a long time before he, the nuwa master's uncle, thinks about it.

But now?

Long ahead of time.

Mo Shanshan listened to his family's Su Xuan's disrespectful words to the teacher, so he pinched Su Xuan's waist fiercely, and she hinted her family's Su Xuan to stop talking nonsense with her eyes.

But Su Xuan still went his own way. Su Xuan looked at the nuwa master who was sitting on the chair, and after sighing heavily, he said: "I just don't know. When the emperor Xin died and the country was destroyed, if he knew it would be because of a This poem offended the woman with the highest cultivation in the world, and what happened afterwards, I don’t know how the emperor Xin will feel."

Empress Nuwa sat on the chair, and said with a frosty face: "Huh, what would the emperor Xin think, then wait until the emperor Xin dies and the country is destroyed, nephew Su, you can ask the emperor Xin yourself." Enough."

Then Nuwa's voice changed suddenly, and she said: "There will be a big battle next, and there will be some small people on the opposite side. As long as Da Luo doesn't make a move, I naturally have no reason to do it, so Nephew Su should say something and gather some strength for the fight." it is good."

Su Xuan, a direct disciple of the Renjiao, talks a lot of nonsense on weekdays. I really don't know how her elder brother, who finds it troublesome to even say a word, accepts such a disciple.

After hearing this, Su Xuan didn't say anything at the moment, he put his arms around the waist of his mountain and looked at the magnificent mountains and rivers below the boat.

As for Empress Nuwa who was sitting on the chair, she looked at Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan who were embracing each other in front of her, and her face became more and more ugly.

When she was young the immortals who chased her were all from the thirty-third layer of heaven to the eighteenth layer of **** in the underworld.

such a pity!

Those immortals who were chasing her were too weak. The Daluo Jinxians who chased her at the beginning could still receive a fist from her, but later, when she really started to fight, she blew a breath, and the opponent died Dao disappears, the vacuum is ignorant.

The building boat continued to move forward. Under the personal driving of Empress Nuwa, this small broken boat endured the speed it shouldn't have.

The small broken boat, which was traveling at several times the speed of the streamer, finally felt a certain pass above the head before sunset.

Outside the pass!

The tens of thousands of demon clan troops slowly moved towards the pass. With the help of the technique of mirror, water and moon, all the frightened expressions on the faces of the guards on the pass were displayed on it.

Su Xuan looked at the pass, held the ancient moral sword in his hand, and said: "We're here, this should be the front line."

This is already the land of the Great Merchant Kyushu, and it can also be regarded as the hinterland of the human race. I don't know how many years, the monster race can't even break through the land of the North Sea.

But nowadays, it is really rare for the Yaozu to be able to enter the land of Kyushu.



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