Above outer space, Pecks, who was on the bridge of the Guardian, was chatting casually with the captain, exchanging experience in commanding cruisers.

"Your Excellency Commander, the base of the Forwarders being established has been attacked by the green-skinned orcs! They are like a tidal wave, coming from all directions! The bridge communicator suddenly reported loudly.

"So soon?" Although he had predicted it earlier, the timing of the greenskin's attack was beyond Peckes' expectations.

Pex expected the orcs to attack, after all, the orcs are a war race, and it is almost impossible to restrain their war instincts.

In the initial expectation, Pex would face a large-scale orc attack only when the landing force reached about 100,000 and the initial defensive position was established.

If the plan goes well, the landing force will use the defensive position to greatly deplete the living power of the orcs, and then Pex will continue to provide reinforcements, put the entire expeditionary force into it, and defeat the main orc force.

At this point, the winning rate of the expedition has increased to fifty percent, and the next step is to sweep up steadily, step by step to remove all the mushroom fields and orc nests.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident in the first step of the plan, the defensive position had not yet been built, the landing force was only about fifty thousand, and the orcs launched an attack.

"Cast the picture on my terminal." Pecks, who walked up to his podium, ordered.

The holographic projection of the entire Euronia IV began to shrink to an area centered on the landing site, encompassing the entire forward base and the surrounding terrain.

With a high-altitude vision, in addition to the battlefield of the whole region, more than a dozen small projections were also divided, showing where the orcs started from, which orc troops were more threatening, and the direction of the main attack.

Several main images caught Pecks' attention, starting with several underground caves, from which orcs were pouring out.

"Is it any wonder that the assembly is so fast, and it is lurking at such a close distance, it is a tunnel built underground?" Pex said to himself.

The second picture is divided into a matrix of several sub-pictures, showing the various heavy equipment that the orcs have seen or never seen.

These include: long-range heavy artillery (all kinds of strange bombardments), armored units (stolen cars that transport brats and stolen car tanks that are different in each style), infantry support weapons (demolition brats, barbecue brats, and turf brats with big guns), heavy infantry regiments (ironclad brats with big slashes and heavy orc big guy troops).

This is one hundred percent the main power of the green-skinned orcs! Pex felt that he underestimated the development speed and equipment of the green-skinned orcs, and in five months it took them to assemble such a large and well-equipped force.

In the face of such a terrifying green tide, the Forwarder Base will be washed away in an instant!

"The landing of the second expeditionary force will leave immediately! Put all the armored divisions in! Tell the commander of the Forwarder base, I don't want casualty figures! I just want him to hold on for an hour! Peckes' roaring command resounded throughout the communication channel.

"Your Excellency, Captain! I hope that the fleet will soon deploy its formation and be ready for orbital bombing.

After hearing Pecks's order, the captain of the Guardian nodded solemnly, "Your Excellency Commander will take at least an hour to prepare, can the Forwarder base really hold up?"

"If you can't hold it, you have to hold it!" With such a high density of these damned aliens, it was a good opportunity to inflict heavy damage on them, and the soldiers of the Empire should be loyal to the Empire. Pex said ruthlessly.

The Euronian Galactic Fleet, which has experienced a space war, has been expanded with the support of the Ministry of Military Affairs, with a Cobra-class destroyer and 6 star frigates, which is the greatest sincerity that the Ministry of Military Affairs can give.

So the total strength of the fleet is one cruiser, two destroyers, six frigates.

Before the expedition, Pex equipped these warships with a large number of orbital bombing weapons, the first can destroy a large number of orcs, and the second is to prepare for the capture of the orc fortress, but I didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

While the human fleet in the sky launched a bombing formation, the orc troops on the ground were simply too loud.

The first is the drag racing party that rushes to the front, they are a group of orcs who like speed to fanaticism, and they like to paint their motorcycles and vehicles red the most, and they do not pursue the reliability of vehicles at all, and the requirement is one, that is, fast!

Lately they've also fallen in love with rock music, with everyone having a stereo on their vehicle. In the subspace, Cheng Mingrui's performance of the power of the horde is being played by the sound, echoing on the battlefield like a symphony.

"Storm! Shade the sky! "Countless missile artillery fired in unison, cutting through the sky and shooting at the human position. Explosions, screams, and endless sounds, flames and flickering white light illuminated the entire Forwarder base.

"Earth! Listen to our war cries! "The drag racing party has rushed into the human line with its own vehicles, throwing all the fire out before something stops them, or hitting something, or they will never stop.

The entire plain began to tremble because of the endless green tide, as if an earthquake was occurring.

The defending human expeditionary forces, with Chimera personnel carriers and Riemann Ruth tanks in combination with heavy weapons positions, formed a simple line of defense, barely defending, and their firepower also caused a lot of casualties to the charging orcs.

"Flames, thunder and lightning bring us power!"

From above the sky, a long "waaaa "Howling in, hundreds of rocket boys carrying rocket backpacks fell from the sky along with the flames.

After landing, they threw stick bombs to blow up the direction that humans had only built, and some waaagh directly drove rockets into the tank, blowing themselves up with the turret.

Several green lightning bolts also fell from the sky, destroying a large number of heavy weapon positions, which was the psionic boy behind him.

The human forces are really doing their best to defend, and there are constantly transport planes landing inside the Forwarder's base in the sky, bringing groups of armor and elite troops to support.

But the base's defense line was still on the verge of collapse, and it had only been half an hour....

To the east of the base, the most prominent place, the orc's charge line finally collided with the outer defense line of the base, and after only three minutes, the defense line was broken.

Several huge, ten-meter-tall war squirts let out a roar to the sky after breaking through the battle line.

"Death! It's a greeting from the greenskins! waaaagh! "

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