"Huh? Shrimp coming? When he heard the report of his subordinates, Cheng Mingrui was manipulating the big digging to dig a hole in the ground.

Now the big digging has also been modified, not only digging hard and fast, but also through a special pipe to coat the surface of the excavator with mushroom spores, you can dig and sow seeds, just like opening a seeder.

Because of the huge rumble of digging, some green-skinned boys also like it, so Cheng Mingrui got two more, and he personally drove it underground when he was free, and he relaxed as a drag race.

Unexpectedly, I just started racing today, and I was feeling the vibration of the digging up and down and the plosives of crushing rocks, and there was such an unexpected news.

"Take me to see, how many people are here, what are you here for?" It would be nice if I came to fight! "It may be that after being a green skin for a long time, Cheng Mingrui's accent has become unstable, but he also likes to fight more and more.

On Euronia IV, there is only sand, not to mention the enemy, there is no life. The brats compete every day to fight in groups and can vent a little, and Cheng Mingrui's own five-meter-tall orc big guy wants to fight, and he can't even find an opponent.

Euronia IV was either rocky or windy, and after a gust of wind, several pairs of small red eyes were revealed in a cascading ravine. This is Cheng Mingrui and a few clever brats under him, who came here under the cover of the fierce wind.

From a distance, through the sandy desert, you can see a thriving mushroom field, bringing a little green to this barren planet.

Several merciless fire dragons suddenly appeared and devoured the mushroom field bit by bit, and hundreds of human soldiers in protective suits carrying flamethrowers were burning the mushroom field.

Occasionally, one or two farts, orcs, and snot spirits who were sleeping in it were ignited into a burning fireball and rushed out, and they screamed and vented their pain from being burned by the flames.

With a few shots from laser guns, these fireballs fell after being hit, slowly calmed down, and were burned to ashes along with the mushroom fields.

Behind these soldiers were several huge slab-brick transports, and more soldiers and armored troops came down from the transports, some of them joining the work of burning mushroom fields, some began to build defensive battlefields and forts, and others were building barracks fortresses, seemingly to establish a solid base here.

Cheng Mingrui raised his head, his line of sight could penetrate the meager atmosphere of Euronia IV and see some phantoms of the space battleship outside.

It is indeed a good place to build a base, the open terrain can directly damage the mushroom fields, and the transport ship can land safely. There are also battleship cover outside the universe, ready to provide orbital bombing.

It seems a little tricky, but it's just the appearance.

Cheng Mingrui retracted his head, and several brats who followed him also squatted down, their little red eyes staring at Cheng Mingrui tightly, their eyes full of excitement.

Orcs are warlike, in the words of the bone breakers, they were born to war, and they were born to win war!

On the periphery of the base built by humans, not only Cheng Mingrui and a few brats around him, there has been a large circle of green tide around the periphery, and there are constantly brats surrounding from the underground.

Underneath this land is the root of the orcs, and the mushroom fields on the ground are not worth mentioning compared to the underground.

The news of the arrival of the shrimp spread very quickly, almost all the orcs and fart spirits knew, and after five months of idleness on Euronia IV there was no big fight to fight, and almost all the greenskins were excited.

Cheng Mingrui seemed to be able to see thousands of pairs of eyes behind them through the red eyes of the few brats around them, which were eyes that longed for war, longed for madness, and longed for blood.

All the brats were waiting for Cheng Mingrui's order, waiting for the order to start a big waaagh fight.

"Rambo..." said Cheng Mingrui.

Rambo, the special operations kid who was called by name, removed his goggles and put them on his eyes.

"Waiting for your orders, sir."

Special operations boys, strange in the greenskin, they are calm, composed, and strictly obey discipline and orders.

Their specialty, like their name, is a group of combatants who are good at special operations, and there are few in the Greenskin, except in the Bloodaxe tribe. After all, the Blood Axe tribe is strange, they will wear military coats and military shoes, and they will polish military shoes shiny.

"Tell Kuka to inform the boss below, let the first brats attack in half an hour, but your mission is different, I want you to catch a few tongues, complete tongues, I want to know the intelligence on the shrimp side."

In fact, Cheng Mingrui did not want to give this order, he planned to wait, or lure the enemy deeper, wait for the assembled human army to be a little more, and then eat it in one bite.

But understand that the brats below have endured for a long time, and can only let the brats waaagh once.

The warlike nature of the orcs cannot be suppressed, and even the blood axe, which is known for its strict discipline, is difficult to really make his subordinates order and forbid, let alone Cheng Mingrui.

Syllable! Rambo and the special operations kid behind him neatly saluted Cheng Mingrui, and the position of his hand was so accurate that there was almost no error.

"Promise to get the job done, sir." After Rambo finished speaking, he disappeared into the tunnel with the special operations kid behind him.

The name Rambo was given by Cheng Mingrui to the boss of the special operations kid, and the pure Chinese pronunciation represents Cheng Mingrui's surprise and expectation for the special operations kid planted in the mushroom field.

After getting the order, Kuka asked his psionic boys to convey Cheng Mingrui's order to all the green-skinned bosses, and the green-skinned bosses belonging to the first batch showed their muscles and weapons in front of the bosses of other batches, saying that they could turn shrimp dried in one wave.

The entire preparatory process before the attack was fluid, showing great order and order.

Order and order seem to be two words that are completely different from the greenskinned orcs, but in fact this is a misunderstanding, just as the imperial humans misunderstood the greenskinned orcs to be barbarians wielding stone axes.

Green-skinned orcs are advanced civilizations, and they will become more organized and orderly as the degree of development and the size of their number increases.

During the Beast Wars in history, the orcs also established a large empire across the galaxy, posing a serious threat to the Human Empire and almost capturing the capital of the Human Empire, Terra.

It is impossible for such a huge empire without a strong, stable organization.

When the countdown to the time ordered by Cheng Mingrui ended, with the base established by humans as the center, countless green-skinned orcs poured out from the underground, valleys, and tunnels.

Attacks were launched on the human base in a state of encirclement from all directions, and the green tide seemed to flood the black dot in the center with ease.

From the point of view of momentum, as the first batch of green-skinned bosses said before departure, it only takes a wave of charging to completely turn the shrimp over.

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