Cheng Mingrui has too many technical brats in his hands, so that every orc's equipment has reached a luxurious level, and even the most ordinary chopping kid is equipped with standard chopping and defensive armor.

Not to mention those amazingly caliber bombardments, a large number of armored troops, and giant Siguger war beasts, all of which are armed to the teeth.

This is also why in the first wave of impact, the orc brats had so many characteristic troops, which completely suppressed the human expeditionary force.

To be honest, Cheng Mingrui underestimated the strength in his hands a little, and the brats on his hands were well equipped and there were still many of them.

The super efficiency of digging and digging makes the underground mushroom fields almost endless, and there are too many brats born every day to count.

Even if you use about 200,000 green skins to carry out a tentative attack, let the subordinates vent their fire, and then try to lure the enemy deeper after beating, it is an acceptable loss.

His luxurious equipment is also extremely rare among all greenskins, except for the lack of some air forces, as well as titan-level armored forces, other orc classes are basically alive.

With this strength, it is possible to harden those famous astral army battle groups, and even wrestle with the not very strong interstellar warrior battle group.

A crimson ray pierced the atmosphere of Euronia IV, stirring up thin clouds and shining fiercely on the greenskins of the eastern front.

Suddenly, the green tide-like tide was sluggish, and a large number of green-skinned monsters and their equipment swept away under the blazing rays.

No matter how strong the green-skinned orcs are, they are also mortal in the flesh, and some big guys and war beasts can still carry shells hard, but in the face of this energy-level orbital bombardment, they will turn into ashes.

The crimson pillar of death drew a semicircle on the eastern front, separating a ravine full of crimson magma, and the crisis on the eastern front of the Forwarder's base was temporarily lifted.

Pecks's face was still heavy, the energy reserves on the Guardian had been used up a lot in the orbital bombing just now, and the next bombing would need to be charged for a long time, but he had to bomb in advance, otherwise those huge Sgouger battle beasts might barrel through the Forwarder base.

However, hasty bombing could not completely stop the charge of the green tide, and the ravines full of red magma were an unbridgeable chasm for ordinary life, but they were only minor troubles for Greenskin.

The drag racing party even felt more exciting, they all increased the speed of their vehicles to the maximum, jumped over the ravine, flew over the opposite bank with a loud roar of excitement, and if they couldn't fly, they smashed on the ravine's wall, attracting the laughter of the greenskins.

The green-skinned infantrymen were even more reckless, equipped with all their armor, jumped directly into the ravine, their shoes stepped directly on the hot stones and melted magma, some were scalded, some crossed.

If you can look closely, you will find that there is a layer of green energy under their feet to protect them, and the greenskins are already waaagh, as long as they feel that they can climb over, the powerful waaagh position can let them climb over.

It will take some time for the orcs to climb the ravine, and the orcs on the other three sides have already braved the long-range human fire of the Forwarder base to rush to the base.

The southern side is the first front to come into contact, and this side of the orc troops is mainly transporting dirty cars and dirty car tanks.

The transporter dirty car similar to a pickup truck does not care that it is a lightly armored unit, and it is so fast that the fingers of the sudden boy in front of the front of the car are not loosened on the big click.

After transporting dirty vehicles to a certain distance with great losses, the catapult behind the pickup truck activated, throwing all the green-skinned boys, or bombs, over the walls of the base into the defense line of the expeditionary force.

The orc chopping kid who landed on the ground is not an ordinary chopping kid under the blessing of Waaagh's position, as long as they believe that the ordinary chopping kid in their hands can cut everything.

At the same time that the defense line of the Human Expeditionary Force was slaughtered by the slashing boys, the dirty car tanks also entered the firing range.

The design of the dirty car tank is also full of green-skinned big, strong, waaagh character, the armor is just enough, the chassis runs fast, and the turret is surprisingly large.

After a few volleys of dirty vehicles, a large number of dirty tanks blasted several gaps in the base's defensive wall, and then charged forward while pouring shells into these gaps.

Unlike the armored assault in the south, the western side is much more primitive, mainly the attacks carried out by a large number of fart elves with their Siguger war beasts.

Sgouger can be said to be a variety of monsters in the greenskin, the most common is the red with a big open mouth, tearing and biting the enemy's jump. There are also delicious juicy types that can be eaten, and there are also some colorful hairs that can be decorated on the green skin head.

When there are not enough minerals to provide weapons for the Greenskins, Sgouger can become the Greenskins' weapons.

The farts rode and jumped with a large group of various Sgouger war beasts, as if opening the gates of a zoo, Sgoug are strangely shaped, different sizes, but all have a characteristic, fierce and violent.

Unafraid of artillery bombardment and casualties, as well as laser and bullet storms, these Sigug beasts slammed solidly into the walls of the Forwarder's base, climbing upwards layer by layer.

After breaking through a gap, it poured into the defense line of the human expeditionary force like flowing water, tearing and destroying the vehicles and flesh of the expeditionary force.

The last north is the last front to engage the enemy, and this side is the most unpretentious. In front of the green-skinned formation is a phalanx of a large number of slashing brats and slash brats, who advance slowly like sand dunes, exchanging casualties with the human expeditionary force on the wall.

Ordinary green-skinned boys will die and fall if they are shot, but the killing jar (driven by the fart) and the slaughter can (driven by orcs) in the phalanx are not afraid of most of the firepower, dragging long black smoke, and marching forward with firm steps.

In the rear of the formation, Greenskin prepared a large number of long-range support firepower, all kinds and calibers of large bombardment, one after another bombardment of the forwarder base.

Wai Sanque Yi does not exist here in the greenskin, if you want to fight, you have to fight from all directions together, each direction is fierce and abnormal, and each greenskin does not want to give up the fun to other brats.

It was difficult to tell the order, and in the end it only lasted for more than 30 minutes, and the four lines of defense of the Forwarder's base collapsed at the same time, and a large number of green-skinned monsters poured into it, starting a dogfight.

As a rule of thumb, it is difficult for humans to organize effective resistance, and it won't be long before the Greenskins wipe out all enemies in the base.

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