Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 360 The Third Conjunction of the Stars

After all, it is not a large, hierarchical organization, and the atmosphere within the Order of the Phoenix is ​​still very relaxed.

Although Dumbledore's tone was a little serious, everyone soon became more relaxed.

There are too many difficulties in this world, and they are used to them.

Even if they had to fight Voldemort, they had already done it.

Strategically attach importance to the other side and tactically despise the other side, these old magic warriors have been able to do it.

So despite Sirius and Lupine's jokes, everyone still laughed easily.

Then the food was served quickly, and we chatted while eating.

Ted: Voldemort or something... let’s order first!

Everyone was happy now, except Snape, who had always been gloomy and couldn't see a smiling face all year round.

He didn't stay to eat either. He left before the meal started.

Although I didn't want to say it, the atmosphere seemed to be more harmonious after Snape left. Everyone is more active.

Hagrid stroked his slicked back and neatly trimmed beard and said with emotion: I didn't expect that I was already more handsome than the school's top senior!

When Tom was at school, he said that "no one can love you too much", which was a lot like Blond Ted.

What was Hagrid's situation at that time? Forget it, mention it with bitter tears.

Let's put it this way, he was expelled from school until the third grade, so he didn't have a single good friend. So much so that he could only stay with those magical animals.

At that time, Hagrid was a big, stupid guy who didn't realize how strong he was. He had a loud voice, made fuss and was sloppy, and didn't understand many etiquettes.

His father was a terrifying man who dared to sleep with a giantess and successfully preserved his seed. Although he took good care of Hagrid, he died when he was just starting school.

This is a child without a home...it makes me cry just talking about it.

The Hagrid who was despised by everyone back then was falsely accused, had his wand broken, and was fired. He could only work as a gamekeeper...

Now he has a new look, he has become Dumbledore's most trusted person, has become the Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts, is respected by all students, has published articles in professional journals, and has become the headmaster of Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime. fall in love!

And the senior Tom who framed him back then has turned into a monster that looks like a human but not a human being, with only four of his facial features remaining.

Everything is unpredictable, things are changing, and the right path in the world is subject to vicissitudes of life!

Of course, you also have to meet good people. Don't be afraid that good things will not happen, just be afraid that there will be no good people.

Malfoy feels a little bit like this now!

Are you serious about fighting Voldemort? us? !

Malfoy's face looked a little pale.

Because of his father's words and deeds, he was more afraid of Voldemort than anyone else.

But Harley kept holding his hand under the table.

If there hadn't been such a meeting, the two of them would probably have taken advantage of the holidays to communicate more, avoiding Sirius.

Although Ted didn't say anything, he still felt a certain amount of pressure in his heart.

It was easy to say that in the past few years, because Voldemort had not actually accomplished much at that time.

But even in the original book, things start to get serious when Voldemort is resurrected at the end of Year Four.

Movie watchers can all relate to this feeling - ever since Voldemort was resurrected, you have to turn up the screen to watch the Harry Potter movies. Because the painting style is a bit too dark.

This is no longer a children's fairy tale. In other words, it is beginning to return to the era of dark fairy tales from the early ancient times.

The original novel begins with Cedric's death.

This time he is luckier and probably won't get involved.

This time it was Karkarlov who died...

Ted is somewhat worried about his friends... He has to find a way to improve their friends' strength!

The situation is different now. Voldemort was resurrected early, got some magic that didn't belong to this world, and got a snake staff. This is much stronger than in the original work!

As long as his strength is improved, that's all. The main thing is that he also has a brain.

He even took a two-pronged approach and sent people to rescue his group of die-hard Death Eaters.

Now as long as he does something and makes it seem like he is prosperous, the peripheral Death Eaters who escaped the liquidation in the past will immediately surround him.

He has returned to the peak moment when he was making waves in the magical world of Great Britain and causing a bloody storm more than ten years ago.

"However, most people still don't believe that Voldemort has returned. That's what Dumbledore said!" Harley complained.

Hermione put a piece of steak on Ted's plate and said, "After all, unlike us, they knew that Voldemort was not dead from the beginning."

While cutting the steak, Ted said: "It's normal for people not to believe that Voldemort is resurrected. Most people only believe what they want to believe and don't want to understand what is going on. They subconsciously seek benefits and avoid Harm is instinctive.”

Hermione took the cut steak from Ted's plate juicily.

Ron on the other side had meat pie stuffed in his mouth and muttered: "Voldemort's Horcrux, can he really survive?!"

Both Jerry and Malfoy pricked up their ears, looking very interested.

Who doesn’t want to live forever!

Ted glanced at his friends and the adults who were quietly observing them, and said: "At the end of last summer, Mr. and Mrs. Nicoléme came to an end and passed away. Before that, I studied with him for two months. alchemy……"

"He once told me that only a fool would think that death is the worst thing in the world."

"Existence is meaningful, immortal existence is meaningless."

"I know what it's like to be alive. To live is to exist, and then pass away. It's a complete process."

“Whenever you fear death, remember this—death is a gift, and what you should fear is eternal life.”

Everyone listened thoughtfully.

Here, Dumbledore has begun to gather strength and prepare to go to war with the Death Eaters led by Voldemort.

The current first task is to confirm the number of Voldemort's Horcruxes. This investigation probably started when he was still in school decades ago.

Who was the first person he killed? Moaning Myrtle!

So where did he get the knowledge about Horcruxes? This should be a crucial clue.

The Head of Slytherin at that time was Horace Slughorn.

Dumbledore began to prepare, and even the International Federation of Wizards had secretly made preparations - because this time Voldemort had obviously reached out to Ilvermorny in North America, and this was no longer a "civil war" in Great Britain.

However, the British Ministry of Magic is still talking nonsense!

It probably looks like this:

Minister, Voldemort is resurrected!

Fudge: Calm down!

In the first stage, we claim that nothing happened.

In the second stage, we say maybe something is happening, but we shouldn’t take action.

Stage three, saying maybe we should take action, but we can’t do anything.

In the fourth stage, maybe we could have done something, but now it is too late.

It is an ancestral art!

The phenomenon of Muggle wizards appears~

The Daily Prophet had everything written about it, but it didn't mention the Dark Lord.

Even the news of the Azkaban prison break has begun to gain popularity, and it is all in the corner of the fourth and fifth pages.

Why did Fudge deny Voldemort's return?

For two words, stability!

To put it bluntly, even if Voldemort really comes back, we can't talk about this!

The price of admitting that Voldemort is back, apart from losing a stable situation, the most important thing is that you have to fight Voldemort.

Is Fudge willing to lead the Ministry of Magic to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters?

Of course he is unwilling to do so.

Originally, I had no chance of being re-elected, with less than a year left in my term.

As a result, old man Sikes lost his horse, but he didn't expect it to be a blessing!

I have several hundred galleons a month, why should I play with you?

The current situation is very unfavorable for wizards like the Order of the Phoenix who are preparing to risk their lives against Voldemort.

It is not an advantage in terms of combat effectiveness. If it falls into a disadvantage again in terms of public opinion, no one will help it.

They may even be labeled as making a lot of trouble, being alarmists, and spreading panic, which is really difficult to deal with.

And if you don't occupy the position of public opinion, the enemy will occupy it. Voldemort may even use public opinion and the Ministry of Magic to turn against the Order of the Phoenix.

It is said that many people will be helped in the right way, but few will be helped in the wrong way.

When the time comes, the black becomes white and the white becomes black. That was a real laugh.

Therefore, we must not relax in this regard. We must unite all forces that can be united...

Now it is impossible to count on the "Daily Prophet", the official media of Great Britain.

The most correct thing Fudge has done in recent years is to keep the Daily Prophet in his hands.

The Daily Prophet is the mainstream media in the wizarding world. In Muggle terms, it is the official media. It mainly reports on political and business trends, social news, sports events, etc.

Of course, some entertainment gossip will occasionally be involved, and most of the articles in this area are written by Rita Skeeter.

The Daily Prophet was not the mouthpiece of the Ministry of Magic from the beginning, and many of its early articles even criticized the Ministry of Magic. But as Fauci's ambition for power intensified, he further controlled social media and finally captured this key mouthpiece.

According to what Ted asked Rita Skeeter in his dream, the president and editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet are now Fudge's people.

He even sent a pudgy pink old woman to supervise - all articles and pictures to be published in the newspaper needed her approval.

Fudge has really learned the essence now!

But don’t give up!

Ted also has the most powerful propaganda tool in his hands - Magic Network Utopia!

Not to mention Fudge, even if Dumbledore and Voldemort join forces, they can't take this thing away from Ted.

Now, the magic network has been built all over Europe. Except for very remote places where no signal towers and earth line magic network are built, you can log into Utopia without any delay.

Even Egypt has a "net"...

However, Utopia alone is not enough. For conservative and backward adult wizards, the status of print media is still irreplaceable.

Besides, Ted couldn't really go against Fudge and the Ministry of Magic openly, without making Old Deng laugh out loud.

I am a support player, not a vanguard.

Therefore, we have to put on a layer of skin and find other ways to disseminate information.

At least print media is indispensable. In fact, there is already an alternative, the last street-stall magazine in the wizarding world, "The Quibbler."

Before the holidays, the "Daily Prophet" elaborated and reasoned at length about how ridiculous Voldemort's return was, but there was a large article in "The Quibbler" stating that Voldemort had returned.

He even wrote a lot of "insiders"! It really has a nose and eyes!

If it hadn't happened to contain the inside story that Ted knew, I would have thought they had some exclusive inside information.

You can say that Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of "The Quibbler", is just riding on the popularity, but he really believes that Voldemort is back!

Then it’s you!

Use "The Quibbler" as the media's public opinion base!

Of course there are difficulties.

Although the content of the Daily Prophet is high-sounding, at least its attitude is not absurd and it is endorsed by authority.

"The Quibbler" is somewhat similar to street stall literature in the Muggle world.

As you can tell from the name, this is a magazine that advocates going against the mainstream.

The main reason why everyone treats these contents as a joke is that the style of this magazine is too absurd. In today's terms, it is just a marketing account.

You can imagine that there are many marketing media in the West saying: Hitler is resurrected, Bin Laden is not dead, the Apollo moon landing was fake, the United States is controlled by lizard people, and the Freemasons control the world...

It’s really hard to get most people to believe in “The Quibbler”’s point of view!

Ted: No, should I look for another way? How about radio? !

But before Ted could transform the magic radio, something unexpected happened.

On the second day of the Order of the Phoenix meeting, when Ted was tinkering with the magic radio, a mountain peak about 1,200 meters above sea level suddenly appeared in Switzerland!

Alone, at the end of a mountain range, it suddenly appeared after a morning heavy fog.

Nothing much had happened that day.

But after all, there are people living in the local area and have lived there for decades, so they still know the surrounding environment very well.

Suddenly there was a thousand-meter peak. I didn't notice it that day, but I also discovered it the next day!

Could it be that Yu Gong moved the mountain to Switzerland? !

So some young people from a small town who didn't know whether to live or die formed a team to explore, and the good guy directly found a group of fifty or sixty orcs!

The kind of half-orc whose skin is as gray as a rock and looks very ugly. Although he is much shorter, he is ferocious and bloodthirsty. He has mastered certain metallurgy and construction skills and can tame the terrible warg.

Needless to say, the six adventurous young people from the small town were all done on the same day. And the town that wasn't too far away couldn't escape either, and was attacked within a few hours.

The good news is that the local police chief is a veteran of the war. He has a drawer full of war medals, even though he is already in his fifties and sixties and is retiring. But the habit of preparing for war has penetrated deep into the bones!

It was under his leadership, mainly with the support of his family's arsenal, that the town residents repelled the first wave of attack by the group of orcs.

But there were many caves on the mountain that suddenly appeared, and there were obviously countless orc monsters in them.

There were even taller orc warriors wearing simple armor and holding large knives. When small-caliber bullets hit their bodies, they shuddered and continued to charge!

Before more orcs rushed to the town, a hundred or so people in the town, led by the police chief, shifted their strategies in cars.

Behind them, some strong orcs even rode ugly and huge wargs in pursuit, and some were able to use bows and arrows! Shot several town residents to death.

And the police chief saw a terrifying monster over three meters tall through the telescope!

About five or six hours later, the Swiss local police army arrived in the town.

Sure enough, there are still some orcs who haven't left yet, plundering everything.

Then modern firepower started fighting with alien barbarians.

With the help of heavy machine guns and portable rocket launchers, the human army repelled these orcs.

But after chasing him to the foot of the mountain, he didn't dare to move forward. If we really pursue him into a cave, it will be hard to say.

Moreover, this mountain is not even on the map!

This kind of thing happens not only in Switzerland.

In the territories of Spain and Portugal, a large river suddenly appeared connecting the two countries. The water flow was not small, and many low-lying areas were turned into reservoirs!

As a result, there was a giant python anaconda ten or twenty meters long in the water!

There is also a huge rift valley more than ten kilometers long between Poland and Lithuania, where many unknown giant raptors nest...

In short, it seems that all of a sudden, a lot of terrain that does not belong to this world squeezes in!

According to incomplete statistics around the world, there are more than 20 places!

The Wizards' Federation directly came to the conclusion - it is very likely that the third large-scale conjunction of stars is about to begin again!

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