Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 361 Two generations of Dark Lords, each with their own plans

The third conjunction of stars has begun, or in other words, the conjunction of stars has never stopped.

It's just like the tide, one wave after another. Usually there is water but it's not noticeable, but every time the wave comes, it's exciting.

For example, with the arrival of the alien Ryan, the emergence of the Land of Fire, the number of elemental creatures gradually increased, and things like goblins and orcs also appeared from time to time...

However, this time, abnormal terrain occurred in large areas and many places around the world, with great impact and obvious changes. I can’t hide it anymore!

Now the entire magical world is in contact with the Muggle world, and both parties are working together to minimize the impact of the situation.

For example, on the mountain peak in Switzerland, there were thousands of orcs and trolls in the caves in the mountain. The Ministry of Magic of several surrounding countries sent powerful wizards, and in conjunction with the guns and shells of the soldiers, it took three days to finally clear them up.

The large river in Spain and Portugal has also been temporarily blocked. It is said that it was caused by abnormal surges of groundwater. Experts and scholars are studying it.

In fact, the wizards and troops were killing the giant pythons that were more than ten or twenty meters long.

And in the Great Rift Valley, the local military specially made a big bomb and detonated it, saying it was caused by an earthquake.

In short, keep it secret.

Most people in most places most of the time are not qualified to know the truth.

There were also some minor accidents in England, but the problem was not major. At most, there was suddenly an extra piece of land in some wild areas, and there were some weird creatures.

Officials from the Ministry of Magic will take care of it without much difficulty.

Ted also wondered, why did this wave of stars converge?

Is there any pattern to this thing? Or a trigger condition?

The first time was when the war between Dumbledore and Grindelwald came to an end, and the second time was when Voldemort was chewed to death by his own gourd. What was the reason for the third time?

Is it because of Voldemort's resurrection, or because of the two children from other world lines in the Seven Wizards Tournament?

There was really no answer to this question, so Ted had no choice but to let it go.

In any case, although the intersection of the stars is troublesome, Voldemort still needs to be taken care of.

If he doesn't understand it, he won't care about the intersection of the stars.

So, according to the original plan, continue to think about the magic radio.

In order to speed up research and development, Ted went to Ironhammer Castle and asked some dwarf craftsmen for help.

Speaking of magic technology, it is still a professional. In less than three days, the prototype of the structure was created. It is even modular and can add or delete functions as needed!

Yes, very yes!

Of course, Ted's use of Utopia for virtual simulation is also indispensable.

It's simply wonderful to be able to quickly experiment with your own design without any consumption in the ideal land.

In fact, the role of Utopia is definitely not that of a magic game.

It is more of a place where you can simulate reality and conduct magic, potions, magic texts, magic guides, etc. for free to try and experiment!

When conducting experiments here, at least you don't have to worry about being blown up by your own magic.

After getting the module frame, it was easy. Ted walked directly to the alchemy array, threw the materials in, and a large number of semi-finished magic radios came out. Just assemble them, cast spells and print notes, and you're done!

Ted immediately built a hundred units and gave them to friends and classmates.

The pilot began that night.

Hermione, who was at home in London, looked at the clock on the wall and saw that the time was up.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going back to the room."

"Oh baby, your favorite show is coming soon."

"Mom, I have something I like better now!"

Hermione ran back to the bedroom, took out the magic radio, injected it with magic, and then said the secret code: Bronies are not good silver!

You have to have a Tianjin accent to be authentic!

This is to avoid inspection.

If someone else gets the magic radio and can't tell the secret code, they can only receive regular channels.

Hermione said the secret code and entered Ted's "rebellion channel".

"Hey, hey, can you hear me? It's 6pm on June 26th, and Wang Nima, the host of the Anti-Ambush Channel, will host the broadcast for you."

"This channel was born to deal with the coming darkness. We will exchange information and spread knowledge here so that we can survive the crisis safely."

"Now, please listen to a new song "unstoppable" first..."

"I'll smile, I know what it takes to fool this town

(I will smile. I know what it costs to fool everyone)

I'll do it 'til the sun goes down

(I will stick to myself until the night falls)

and all through the night time

(Even through endless darkness...)"

When singing this song, you have to dye half of your hair white to be authentic~

The high-pitched and exciting metallic voice came out from the radio, immediately making nearly a hundred listeners excited and excited.

At this time, Mrs. Granger, who was a little worried, quietly came to the door and opened the door.

She waited until the song ended before she spoke: "Wow~ Why didn't I know when there was such a radio station? The song is so good!"

Hermione smiled: "Really, Mum!" She looked proud and proud.

At this time, there were many people in front of the broadcast, even some foreigners. For example, hibiscus~

Don't get me wrong, Ansu transported the magic radio there, and Ted didn't visit the romantic city privately.

Ten small radios, hoping to spread the fire of resistance to the old district of Geming~

The movement of heaven is constant, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie.

No matter what wizards or Muggle officials do, the general trend remains unchanged.

The general trend is the convergence of stars.

Just in the past two days, several more pieces of land have been released in various countries.

There are also a few more islands, and if you are unlucky, there will be some more Great Rift Valley and Gobi Desert. The roads between the two places were immediately cut off!

In this situation, the wizards of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters felt like they were going bald, and they thought of all kinds of ridiculous reasons. Just lie!

But it doesn't mean that if you fool the people, the people will become fools. If you do this too much, there will be backlash.

Now, on the Muggle side, many people took to the streets, and the lively scene was a beautiful sight.

Even here in the magic world, people are panicking.

Many wizards began to stockpile supplies, or even risked their lives to build safe houses, trying to cut off contact with everyone and hide themselves.

Ted put down the Daily Prophet and smiled helplessly.

There is really no way to do this. Even a small lake appeared near London.

Because of the lack of emergency response from the Ministry of Magic, the first to be discovered and explored were Muggles who were not afraid of death.

It is said that some Muggles are said to have said that there are fairies in the lake! It made that Muggle boy so happy that all the tea seeds flew out.

But the police officers felt that the boy seemed to be hallucinating after eating poisonous mushrooms.

Now, even though the Muggle police have sealed off the lake, there are still many restless young people who are not afraid of death and want to sneak into the lake to find the fairy. It feels so good~

If this situation continues, there will be no need for international confidentiality laws.

How far can a further blockade go?

If one day, there is an extra mountain in the middle of any big city, then it will be completely unblockable.

It will be interesting then. Ted can even think of the report from the Daily Prophet:

“The old woman from Buckingham Palace is leaving London.”

"The unspeakable Muggle woman is approaching from the north."

"A despicable magical thief has entered Scotland."

"Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor takes Hogsmeade."

"Her Majesty the Queen approaches the Black Lake!"

"Tomerine Honford, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other territories and dependencies, Head of the Commonwealth, Protector of Christianity, Duchess of Edinburgh, Countess Meriones, Baroness of Greenwich... Lord of the Order of New Zealand , Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Lord of the Order of Barbados, Lord of the Order of Valor, Lord of the Order of Military Merit, Lord of the Order of the Royal Police, arrived at her faithful Hogwarts today~"

Filch: "Hogwarts can't hold so many people!"

Under such circumstances, neither Muggle countries nor wizarding organizations could remain indifferent.

Even the Alchemists Association, which only has some old men, is holding meetings continuously, let alone those energetic wizard social groups.

Like the Death Eaters!

Perhaps no one would have thought that where had Voldemort and the group of Death Eater cronies he rescued gone?

They actually went to Norway!

It can be said that it is across the sea from Great Britain, but it is a bit far apart.

Speaking of which, it really feels a bit dark under the lamp.

Because for the core European countries such as Britain, France and Germany, Norway is a bit marginal after all.

Moreover, Voldemort was so stubborn before that he was unwilling to even go out to England. Who would have thought that he did not choose a more important country on the mainland, but instead went to Norway to develop!

Because of the fusion in Eastern Europe and the fall of the wooly bear, everything here is turbulent and not peaceful at all.

This provides a very good place for these Death Eaters.

These guys can even withdraw money from other places through the local Gringotts and directly develop their power.

In just one month, they even developed thirty or forty peripheral members.

After all, there is a bit of turmoil here due to the huge changes, and many wizards will stick together to keep warm. As a result, it fell directly on the Death Eaters - they didn't know the truth, and Voldemort gave it the name "Revival Society".

Nowadays, the phenomenon of stars converging is happening everywhere in the world, which makes the situation even more chaotic.

Under Voldemort's instruction, some of his subordinates even pretended to be pure-blood noble wizards from Europe, and directly used their power and wealth to infiltrate the official local wizarding institutions!

If this were a few months later, wouldn't he be seeking the election of Norway's Minister of Magic? !

Voldemort has really grown up, and the man who made him grow up is Ryan~

Sure enough, everyone must have an unforgettable experience in order to grow up~

Now, he is even harder to deal with!

In addition to the Death Eaters, other wizarding organizations have also taken action. Organizations that usually disappear and you never expected have jumped out.

For example, this "astrologer" is said to be a mysterious group of stargazers and prophets. They announced through Greek newspapers that a great era is coming, and every human being cannot avoid it.

And in the United States, in addition to the Magic Congress, there are also private organizations, the more famous one being the Witches' Coven.

These witches are all born with "supernatural powers" and are very capable of fighting once they awaken.

The witch among them has the power of prophecy, claiming that the end is coming!

The entire world will be reduced to ruins amidst the huge monsters and nuclear explosions that cover the sky.

There was even movement from the Chinese side. Ted had been paying close attention to it, and finally got the message from there.

It turned out to be a message from a group of lamasery in the Himalayas called Shangri-La - they said they were looking for a savior boy!

Alas~ In short, all kinds of news are flying all over the world at the end of June.

Even in Diagon Alley, you can feel that the wizards' mentality is a bit tense, their steps are hurried, and they are no longer as calm as before.

And on the Utopia Forum, let alone that.

Fortunately, there is Utopia, otherwise these people could drive a group of people crazy just by searching for specious information and making random guesses and conjectures.

Now, Ted has to control the information on the Internet. Those who are fake, arrogant, and promote doomsday theories must be blocked as soon as possible and given a warning.

He himself has to write articles on forums, edit news posts, and provide psychological massage to these panicked people.

Then, one morning, a strange large black owl came and handed Ted a mirror in its talons.

"Are you here to deliver a message?" Ted asked.

The owl nodded impatiently and stretched its legs, signaling Ted to sign for it quickly.

Ted put on his dragon leather gloves and took the mirror. The owl couldn't wait to fly away.

It still has more than ten parcels to deliver. If it is late, money will be deducted, and negative reviews will also be deducted. Life is hopeless. When the stars meet, destroy it. Hurry, I'm tired.

Ted looked at the mirror in his hand. It was a two-way mirror, the kind that could "video communicate".

So, who exactly wants to talk to me?

"Hello Ted, how are you?"

Our beloved Professor Geller's face appeared in the mirror.

Oh, that's right. Other organizations are taking action, so Grindelwald’s Saints are not doing nothing, right?

Although the youngest among them is already in his 70s or 80s, as a wizard, as long as he is alive, being old is not a weakness, it can even be said to be an advantage. Strength, financial resources, status, influence, etc.

Now, Grindelwald obviously wants to have a chat with Ted.

Ted couldn't help but think of Dumbledore's words: "Don't be bewitched by Gellert!"

Grindelwald smiled and said: "It seems that you are not surprised. Did Albus tell you to be careful of my temptation?"

Ted nodded, there was nothing to hide, they all knew it~ If not for this, he would have had to raise some eyebrows.

"I know that you are wary of me. I am not surprised, you should be. But I have already seen the future..."

Grindelwald is a "prophet", like Professor Trelawney, an uncontrolled means of foreknowledge - he can occasionally see visions of the future.

Unlike Trelawney, she made the prophecy completely unconsciously and didn't even know what it was about.

Grindelwald can "see" the future. Although it may not necessarily happen, the future is full of variables. What he saw might just be a possibility.

And Grindelwald said that he saw the future, a future where all wizards would pick up their wands and fight...

In fact, Ted can understand Grindelwald's thoughts, which is probably:

Paying and being rewarded is one of the basic elements of building an orderly society - fairness!

fair! fair! Still damn fair!

Many times when we work hard, we only get something sad and pitiful.

You get rich through hard work. Hard work is about you, getting rich is not about who you are.

Heavy rules are used to control chaos, and strong medicines are used to remove maladies.

Damn it, do you want to continue to rot like this, or do you want to fight with me! Ula~

He used his personality charm and ambitious goals to attract countless "believers".

However, that's not enough.

Grindelwald's dreams are too big and he doesn't understand the principles of building high walls, hoarding food, and slowly becoming king. Too impatient.

Moreover, he wanted to enslave the elephant and enslave the Muggles to complete the liberation of the wizarding community. Isn't this nonsense?

Isn't it just a dream to rule over six billion Muggles with more than one million wizards in the world?

He does have a plan to burn down Paris. His strength is probably the same as that of Dumbledore and Voldemort, and he has stepped on the threshold of a legendary mage.

The problem is that even the Red-robed Wizards' Guild in Faerûn, with its eight chief eight legendary-level mages, only occupies one country.

Of course, the energy level of that world was too high, and there were a lot of gods and the like.

But the Muggles in this world are not given free gifts, nuclear bombs! Satellite! Computer!

Moreover, when the Red Robed Wizards Association founded the country, they exploited the lower classes to provide for themselves and relied on the governor to manage the country's government affairs. How could I have time to do that?

Even so, the red-robed wizard can use magic to adjust the climate and use undead creatures for production. The productivity is far higher than that of the neighboring countries. The products are rich!

Before the civil war, they were even the main exporter of food and magic items across the entire continent!

You still have to develop productivity~

Therefore, instead of ruling Muggles, Grindelwald would rather infiltrate the top leaders of Muggle countries.

Once the Imperius Curse is cast, no one can escape. Let’s do it again when the term changes~

After more than ten years, he has been secretly ruling the world.

Just like the legendary Illuminati.

And it is difficult to be seen through and sniped.

Ted's thoughts were a little divergent and his thoughts were a little messy, but in short, he said one sentence: The old path you taught is a dead end, and I will never follow you~

However, when Grindelwald returned to the world, he naturally did not follow the same old path. He also had some insights.

Contacting Ted this time was just to get some air. There was still a long time to come, so he was in no hurry.

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